Saturday, December 31, 2011

Triple-Threat Rocky Road Cookies

Salam to all....

It's the last day of the year 2011 today.  How time really flies.  Looking back at what I have done for this year, its seems that I have done nothing.  Even till the last day of the year, I still haven't finish doing nothing.  I will continue doing nothing for the year ahead.....ahakkkssss.  Oh well, like everyone else, I go through ups and downs for the year 2011.  I am just thankful to Allah and also thankful to hb for allowing me and Jannah to go home to Singapore this year.  Jannah celebrated her birthday with our family, relatives and friends in Singapore.  I'm sure the best moment for Jannah was when she got to spend a lot of time with my mum, sister, brother, acu & mosi ;)  She really enjoyed herself at Universal Studios Singapore and keep on saying that she wants to go there right now yikessss!!!

Ever wondered how Rocky Road got its name?
William Dreyer, the founder of Dreyer’s Ice Cream, had created a new ice cream flavor – one with chocolate, nuts and marshmallows – just before the stock market crash of 1929. He named it “Rocky Road” in the hope that it would make people smile during the “rocky road” ahead ~~ Rebecca Crump @ Ezra Pound Cake.

Hb asked me to make these cookies.  I love the nuts & chocolates most in this cookies but it's a little too sweet for me.  More for Jannah and hb, I reckon....hehehez.  If u r looking for a chewy, soft, melt in your mouth cookies.  I recommend that you make these beautiful gems ;)  The only thing I suggest is, don't mix the marshmallows in the cookie ingredients.  Just use the marshmallows for decorations.  Place the marshmallow on top of the cookie while it's still hot and the marshmallow will melt on top of the cookie and stick on it.  It's just a suggestion from me bcos what I noticed is when the marshmallows melt in the cookies,  the cookie shape become lopsided and some of the cookie tops have craters on them.

Source : Rebecca @ Ezra Pound Cake

2 cups chopped pecans, walnuts or a mix of both (I mixed peanuts too)
6 tablespoons unsalted butter
8 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate chips (I did not add)
3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped (I used 11oz  of 64% Callebaut Couverture)
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs
1 cup sugar (I only added 3/4 cup)
1 tablespoon vanilla extract (I used vanilla essence)
1 1/2 cups milk chocolate chips
1 cup mini marshmallows, halved (Totally optional. These will basically melt into the cookies.)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

To Toast the Nuts: Place the pecans on a baking sheet, and toast for 7 minutes. Let them cool completely.
Line baking sheets with parchment paper or Silpat®, AND grease generously with cooking spray. (Seriously, do both.)
Place the butter, bittersweet chocolate and unsweetened chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat the butter and chocolate in the microwave for 30 seconds, stir, and repeat until chocolate is melted. Set aside.
Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a small bowl. Set aside.
Using a mixer, beat the eggs and sugar on medium speed for about 3 minutes.
Add vanilla and melted chocolate, and beat for another 2 minutes, scraping down the bowl as needed.
Add flour mixture, mixing just until incorporated.
Stir in the pecans, chocolate chips and marshmallows (if using).
Use a 1 3/4-inch-diameter ice cream scoop to drop spoonfuls of the dough onto the baking sheets, spacing them at least 1 1/2 inches apart.
Wet your fingertips lightly with water, and gently flatten the cookie dough mounds.
Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, until the tops crack and look shiny. Cool for 10 minutes before removing them from the baking sheets.

STORAGE: The cookies will keep in an airtight container for about three days at room temperature. When frozen (wrapped in plastic wrap and aluminum foil), they’ll keep for about three weeks.

One minute its raining heavily until Jannah said "Dah hujan kuat2 lah sheep dah basah lah."  Next minute it's sunshine.  Another minute later its drizzling and another minute later it starts to rain heavily again.  The cycle goes on and on and on and on.....

Have a blessed year ahead everyone.  Happy New Year ;) Welcome 2012...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mango Delight

Salam everyone ;)

Just a few days before Xmas, I did my groceries shopping.  Stocked up the pantry, fridge and freezer as if there'll be a war and I made sure that I have enough food supply when the supermarkets were closed for 1 day on Xmas day....ahakkksss :D  Yes for just 1 day!!!  Ok, ok I was just kidding.  That's the normal sight here, people will be stocking up their supermarket trolleys on Xmas Eve's shopping and will be queuing at the supermarket door, even before its open, the next day on Boxing Day.  Ohhh talk about Boxing Day....I finally went for the Boxing Day Sale this year.  Nothing to brag about....haizzz.  Just the traffic going into the biggest shopping area in Hamilton was CRAZY!!!!  Will I do it again next year??  Ehhhh no thanks......

Anyway, hb saw this bottle of 500ml fresh cream in the fridge and asked what I was gonna make for pudding.  I told him I was gonna make a panna cota.  He looked dissapointed and said....huh!!  No sponge, no custard??  Oh well, I know what he wants....a trifle of course.  I told him I will make it for him on New Year's Day....hehehez.  For now, he did enjoy this yummy mango delight and even asked me the origin of this yummy dessert.  Ehhh I don't know lah hb I got the recipe from Rima's blog hehehez :pppp

Source : Rima @ Bisousatoi

Ingredients:Bottom layer - Panna Cotta:
200g whipping cream  (I used fresh cream)
30g caster sugar
1 tsp gelatine powder
2 tbsp cold water
1 tsp vanilla essence

The middle layer of fresh mango pieces:
100g mango puree
25g caster sugar
1 tsp gelatine powder
2 tbsp cold water
1 mango, peeled, take the meat, cut into small squares

Mango puree:
1 mango, peeled, take the meat, blend until smooth  (I used 2 cans of mangoes)

Upper layer-Mango Mousse:
150g mango puree
1-2 tablespoons orange-flavored NutriSari (I used Raro ~ Sweet Navel Orange flavour)
1 tsp gelatine powder
2 tbsp cold water
120g whipping cream, whipped stiff (I used fresh cream and whipped it stiff)

My layers are really sloppy bcos I wasn't patient enough to let the layers set properly :(

1. Bottom layer -Panna Cotta: Warm the whipping cream and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. Meanwhile, combine gelatin powder and cold water in a container, stir well, then microwave on high for 1min.. stir.. pour gelatine mixture into whipping cream and stir well.. let it cool a little and add in vanilla essence and stir well. Pour into molds, place it into the refrigerator until set.

2. The middle layer of fresh mango-Pieces: Warm the mango puree and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. Meanwhile, combine gelatin powder and cold water in a container, stir well, then microwave on high for 1 min.. stir.. pour gelatine mixture into mango puree, stir until well blended. Lastly add mango pieces and stir well. Pour one tablespoon of each into cups containing PANNA cotta. Place it in the refrigerator until set again.

3. Upper layer-Mango Mousse: Warm 2 tablespoons mango puree and NutriSari in a saucepan over medium heat .. (warm mango puree and sugar over medium heat). Meanwhile, combine gelatin powder and cold water in a container, stir well, then microwave on high for 1 min.. stir till well blended. Add gelatine mixture into mango puree, stirring until well blended. Pour 1/3 part of whipped cream into mango puree and stir through gently. Pour back the mixture into the remaining whipped cream, stirring slowly. Pour mango mousse into a pipping bag and pipe into the cup containing PANNA cotta and pieces of fresh mango. Place it in the refrigerator until set again.

4. Served cold!

This year I asked hb to move the potted vietnamese mint plant also known as laksa leaves or daun kesum from the pot to the garden.  They are taking off very well.  Look at how big the leaves have grown.  I planned to cook fish assam today.  Went to the supermarket to get fish but only salmon is available.  Uggghhh salmon in asam pedas doesn't suit my taste buds.  Haiizz fishermen are still celebrating Xmas I reckon hehehez.  Tomorrow perhaps......drooolllzzzzz :pppp

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pudding Kasih @ Love Pudding

Salam everyone ;)

How was the weekend?  The town area and the roads are crazy and busy here.  Everyone must be rushing around with their last minute Xmas shopping.  I hope that there won't be many cars tomorrow as I am going to Hamilton to do my fornightly groceries shopping there.  The shops close early on Xmas eve, are closed on Xmas and only opens after 1pm on Boxing Day.  Boxing day is a shoppers paradise here, the sales are to die for ahhaakkss.  I've been in NZ for almost 6 yrs now and haven't managed to get myself into the Boxing Day sales yet.  I just couldn't be bothered finding a car park and pushing and tugging with the other shoppers I supposed :D.

Anyway, this is another dessert that I brought to Aunty Eton last Saturday.  A big hit amongst other fellow Malays at the kenduri.  Aunty Eton asked me to make more for her next time.  InsyaAllah next time if I am not lazy ok, aunty hehehez ;)  Jannah luvs it but hb didnt like it at all.  I had extra coloured agar-agar and I made extra ingredients B.  The 2nd one was finished by myself & Jannah ~~ Jannah had more than me thou hehehez.  The 1st one that I made, I used a bundt pan, the coloured agar2 floated.  The 2nd one I just used a square bowl and the agar2 didn't float and the pudding looks better.

Source : Yat @ Easybakes

Ingredients A :
1/2 packet agar-agar powder @ 2 tsp from a 10 gm pack
300 ml water
200 ml coconut milk
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
2 tsp rose syrup (I used strawberry essence)
2 tsp pandan essence + green food colouring

Method :
Put water, agar-agar powder, sugar in a pot and boil until sugar and agar-agak powder dissolved. Turn heat to low.
Crack egg into coconut milk and lightly beat it with a fork
Pour into the agar-agar mixture and cook furher with LOW HEAT until mixture boiled.
Divide mixture into 2 equal parts and add rose syrup into one part & pandan essence into the other. (I divided mine into 3 and added yellow food colouring)
Pour mixture into desired moulds and let it set.

Ingredients B :
1/2 packet agar-agar powder
500 ml water
1/4 cup sugar
50 gm gula Melaka / coconut sugar / palm sugar
1 daun pandan / screw pine leaf (tie into a knot)

Method :
Place daun pandan, agar-agar powder, gula Melaka, sugar and water into a pot.
Cook all the ingredients until boiled and dissolved.
Turn off heat.

How to Assemble :
Place ingredients A into a bigger mould and pour ingredients B while its still hot into the mould and let them set. to go, plumber will be here soon to fix the shower head ;)  Take care everyone........

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Easy Peasy Fruit Cake

Salam everyone,

The weather here has been gloomy for almost a week now.  The current season is summer but it feels like autumn right now.  It's been raining and the temperature been very cool.  I am not complaining cos I am not an outdoor person.  In fact I really enjoy this kinda weather, just that its a nuinsance when I want my washing dry hehehez :D complain....complain....

Anyway, we got invited to Auntie Eton's (one of the expat Singaporean that I am really closed with) house for a kenduri.  Her mom passed away at the age of 87yrs old (if I am not wrong).....40 days ago.  I made 3 different kind of desserts to be brought over to her house later. 

The first one that I made was this yummy fruit cake.  Its so easy to make, I call it a 1 pot wonder cake hehehez.  I've made it like almost 10 times before, this is the 1st time that I am putting it up in this blog.  As usual, hb whom is not a fan of dried fruits luvs this cake long time ahaakkkzzzz :p

Ingredients :
150gm butter
175gm caster sugar
1/3 cup water
175ml fresh milk
250gm mixed dry fruit
2 tsp orange peel - I did not add
1/4 tsp nutmeg powder - I did not add
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder - I did not add
1/4 tsp cloves powder - I did not add
2 eggs
1/2 tsp sodium bicarbonate
250gm all purpose flour

Method :
Boil water with sugar until dissolved.
Add butter, fresh milk & mixed fruit and boil further until butter melts.
Remove from heat and let mixture cool down.
Add egg into mixture.
Sift flour, baking soda & spices and add into the mixture and mix well.
Pour into a greased 7x7 inch pan and bake in a preheated oven for an hr.

Note : Junjs11 did not indicate the oven temperature.  I baked the cake in a 160 deg C oven for an hr. Adjust the temperature of your oven accordingly.

Have a good weekend everyone ;) Take care....

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sultana Butter Cake

Salam to all, was the weekend everybody??  It really flies too quickly aye.  Too quickly that we will be saying goodbye to 2011 soon, yeah very soon.  Just gonna post this quick entry before I start cooking for dinner.  It will be roast chicken with roast potatoes and kumaras (maori sweet potatoes) tonight.  Jannah must have enough of curry...she requested for chicken soup today hehehez.

Saw this sultana butter cake at Yat's the other day and I so couldnt resist it.  Made it today and it was oh so yummy.  Hb is not a big fan of dried fruits and he ate 2 slices and said that he's gonna have more after dinner.  I am gonna keep a few slices in the fridge and enjoy them with a cuppa tomorrow.  I am sure that is gonna taste yummier after being kept a day....reminds me of the Sara Lee pound cake yummmzz.

Hey babe, I tried to leave a comment at ur blog to ask what size baking pan did u use but I don't know why I can't leave a comment.  I must have played around with my google settings.  Will try to figure out what's wrong with the settings if I am not lazy later.......hehehez.

Sultana Butter Cake
Source :  Yat @ Easybakes Tks babe for sharing this recipe ;)


5 Eggs
180 Sugar
200g Self Raising Flour, sifted (I used all purpose flour and added 2 tsp of double action baking powder)
250g Butter, soften
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
80g Raisin, soaked to soften and dried (I added 100g of raisins and soaked in orange juice & later coat them with some flour)

How to do it: 
Preheat oven at 170C
Grease baking tin.
Beat butter and sugar till creamy and light.
Add egg one at a time and mix until well combined.
Add flour and fold in slowly.
Mix in vanilla essence and mix evenly.
Lastly add sultanas & fold just so.
Pour mixture into baking tin.
Bake in reheated oven for 45 - 50 minutes.
Remove and cool on rack.

Read more:

Take care everyone and enjoy the rest of the week ;)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Roti Kirai (Lacy Pancake), Curry & Rice - An everyday request

Salam to all,

Hello weekend ;)  Heard that it has been raining heaps in Malaysia & Singapore.  It was raining quite heavily here yesterday also.  Hb was off yesterday but we didn't go anywhere due to the rain.  I simply luv the rain.  Rain equals to NO hay fever for me....yeay!!!!  Since I came back to NZ, I have been suffering from hay fever every single day....*sigh*  I am on medication right now, other than hay fever I am perfectly fit, alhamdullilah.

We have been back to NZ for almost 4 weeks now.  When we were in Singapore, Jannah lost almost 11kg :(  She doesn't want to eat much during the last 2 weeks of our stay there.  She sometimes vomit at the smell of food and even refused haagen daz ice cream ~ bizarre!!.  Alls well now, she was given antibiotics for her throat when I took her to the doctor after we came back.  Was told that she was suffering from a throat infection.  She's back to her healthy self now, alhamdullilah.  Her daily request for breakfast, lunch and dinner now is......roti kirai & curry & rice E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y.  Of course I don't make roti kirai everyday bcos I really couldn't be bothered to....hehehehez.  Otherwise, I have cooked curry at least 6 times & roti kirai twice for the last 3.5 weeks....yikesss.

Photos taken during the last lacy pattern session.  We had the same exact menu for last night's dinner.  Couldnt be bothered to take new photos...hehehez ;)

Here's sharing the roti kirai recipe.  Warning, I used estimation method when I made the batter but this is how much ingredients that I used.

Ingredients :
  • 2 Cups Flour
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Cup Milk
  • 2 Tblsp Oil
  • Salt
  • Enough Water
  • Yellow Food Colouring
Method :
  • Combine all the ingredients into a bowl and whisk till batter is smooth and not lumpy.
  • Note : Enough water must be added so batter can flow through the roti kirai mould freely.
  • Sift batter into another bowl.
  • Using the roti kirai mould, let batter flow onto a hot non stick pan creating a lacy pattern.
  • Best served with curry ;) 
Guess what Jannah wants to have for lunch & dinner today hmmmzzzz.  As above.......and I am seeing stars already!!!! Jeeezzzzz!!!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Greeting everyone with Banana Crumble Muffins......

Salam to all.....

I have been away for too long :(  I knooowww.  First it was the camera then by the time I got the camera replaced...I was busy preparing for Hari Raya's cookies order.  After that I went back to Singapore for a long retreat for almost 3 months with Jannah.  And then I was still  in holiday mood bcos my BFF came back to NZ with me for a short holiday.  Excuses.....excuses *gulps*

I have never forgotten abt this blog, blogger friends and blog walking and been checking out yummilicious recipes all the time.  Thank you to all that still pops into my blog, leaving foot prints and comments.  Right now, I am still getting the hang of re-blogging again hehehez.  The first thing that I wanted to do is renovate this ugly blog :pppp 

Saw this banana crumble muffins at Rima's blog yesterday and couldnt resist it.  Baked them and they turned out so perfect and delicious.....

Source : Rima @ Bisousatoi

1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3 bananas mashed
1 egg lightly beaten
1/3 cup melted butter
3/4 cup sugar

1/3 cup packed brown sugar
2 tbsp flour
1 tbsp butter - cubed
1/8 tsp cinnamon


1. Preheat oven to 180C. Lightly grease 12 muffin cups, or line with muffin papers.
2. In a large bowl, mix together 1 1/2 c flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. In another bowl, beat together bananas, sugar, egg, and melted butter. Stir the banana mixture into the flour mixture just until moistened. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups.
3. In a small bowl, mix together brown sugar, 2 tbsp flour and cinnamon. Cut in 1 tbsp butter until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Sprinkle topping over muffins.
4. Bake in preheated oven for 18 - 20 min. until a toothpick inserted into center of a muffin comes out clean.

Take care all, till we meet again ;)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A series of unfortunate events.....

Weather for Te Awamutu today
Season :
Forecast :
Chance of Rain
Temp : 30°C | 13°C
Current :
Calm & Clear
Temp : 17°C

Salam, Kia Ora to all my beloved blogger friends ;)

Sorry I've been away again....this time for a very long time and even worse I don't even have a chance to reply to all the comments and shout out...haizzzz.  Thank you all for the care and concern, I haven't forgotten anyone *smiles*.  Really miss u guys loads and miss putting up entries in this blog too.

What happened to me?  Why haven't I been blogging and or blog walked all this while?  Just like the title said I've met with a few series of unfortunate events :(  Nothing big like what is happening in Japan right now.  Haiizzz I really sympathise with all in Japan who are facing 4 different disasters in a mere 3 days.  May Allah bless us always....amin.

My last entry was dated 22nd February, the 3 of us were sick for almost 1.5 weeks.  I had to take Jannah to the doctor bcos she had very high fever.  I really hate the medical centre in Te Awamutu bcos its always full and we cant just walk in as there's always no doctors available haiizzz.  I've made up my decision to re register with our old GP.  The trip is abt 45 mins from where we are but at least we get attended by him.  Due to there wasn't any doctor available in Te Awamutu, I had to take Jannah to see a doctor in Hamilton's medical centre.  I wasn't feeling too good myself on that day.  Was coughing as if I was a TB sufferer.  I got everything prepared in the car in case Jannah was to throw up.  In the end it was me who threw up while driving....ish ish.  I had to pull over and clean up as there's vomit on my lap....yuckksss.  Jannah was even commenting "Mama berak eh??  Busuk lah"  duh mulut tersangatlah laser.  How can I berak in a car....hahahahaz :D :D

Then, there was cable upgrading by our broadband provider.  That's what happened when u live in a mountainous region.  For almost a week, we can only surf the internet with dial up speed.  It was the slowest dial up speed that I've ever encountered.  Imagine me trying to load the blog page while we were on 'turtle' speed....unbelievable!!!  I gave up!!!  Arggghhh!!!  Boy am I glad to be surfing on broadband speed again. 

Lastly my beloved camera is out of action......I cant put up photos anymore :(  I tried to go on the camerarepair.blogspot to fix my camera but it was to no avail.  I simply cant repair it at all.  I am really at hb's mercy to buy me a new one.  I hope he's gonna pocket out some money soon for me.....hehehez.  Not asking for a dslr, just something cheap that can snap quality photos and I'll be a happy freak.  He even said that my camera was my life....wahahahaz.  Whatca waiting for then hb?  Shall we shop for one tomorrow??  Weeeiiiiiiiiii!!!!

Ohhh before I go, there's one gd news to be shared.  Finally, we upgraded our car....yeay!!  No more driving a manual for me.  Before we bought our old car, I was the one who told hb I wanted a manual, he totally agreed with me :p  I got sick of driving manual cos it really can get tiring u see.  Thank God hb agreed to buy an auto.  He hates driving auto though.....hehehez.  He said that the mechanical cost will be higher to repair an auto.  Btw we bought a 7 seater MPV.  I know that there's only 3 of us and buying a 7 seater is selfish towards the environment but....It's just more comfy I reckon.  Its also good for when my family comes and visits us again.  They will definitely be more comfy in an MPV rather than a sedan.  *hint* *hint*  When are u guys coming again??  Hehehehez.....

Buying the new car leaves us with nothing to splurge on a new camera...Boooo.   Maybe I should create a donation box...hahahaz.  Otherwise, I supposed I have to wait for awhile.  Haizzz, for now only us can feast our eyes on my bakes and cooking.  I'll probably will be back once in awhile to share my ramblings with u guys.

Once again thank you for taking ur time to pop by my humble blog.  Really appreciate the care and concern.  Toodddllleeessss and take care everyone ;)

PS : 1st of March was officially autumn in NZ.  2 more months to go and we will be experiencing freezing winter.....BBBbbbrrrrrr.

It could be bcos of a 'sticky' shutter.  The pictures are over exposed when I take photos during day time.

But appears fine when I take photos in a dark room :( sob sob

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our Secret Garden ~ Chillies

Weather for Te Awamutu today
Season :
Forecast :
Chance of Rain
Temp : 35°C | 15°C
Current :
Temp : 20°C

Salam, Kia Ora,

Today's breaking news :

- A major earthquake in Christchurch at 12.51pm has caused widespread damage and injury, with phone lines down throughout the city.
- Prime Minister John Key has confirmed at least 65 deaths in the Christchurch earthquake.  Around 200 people are still trapped in collapsed buildings.
- Police say multiple fatalities have been reported at several locations in the central city, including two buses crushed by falling buildings.

Alhamdullilah, we are not affected by the quake at all as we live in the north island.  We all down with flu instead :( hb must have caught the flu bug at work.  He was on medical leave for 2 days and he is feeling much better today.  Jannah must have caught the bug from him yesterday. 

She spewed twice last night and woke up a few times crying.  Luckily, she didn't do it  in bed....phew! ;).  She's a little feverish today but still her normal self.  One minute, she was lying down on the couch saying she wants to relax.  Another minute, you can see her dancing and singing copying the kid's programme on telly.  She seldom fall sick, alhamdullilah.  If I remember correctly, the last time she was sick was during winter last year, which was last June.

I'm only suffering runny nose and am coughing.  I am taking the opportunity to bed rest at the same time ahakkkss :D.

November last year, we planted chillies, tomatoes, lemon grass and a few other plants.  We planted 26 chilli plants but only 20 survived. Today, I'm gonna share some photos of the progress of our chilli plants.  The rest, some other time ok ;) enjoyyzzzz.........

Chilli Seedlings

Flowers and baby chillies growing.

Chillies are getting bigger and....

Bigger here.....

Patiently waiting for them to turn red before I pick them ;)

Big, bigger, biggest......

Our chilli jungle.....100% organic!  No wax, pesticide and insecticide.

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Banana Doughnut

Weather for Te Awamutu today
Season :
Forecast :
Temp : 35°C | 15°C
Current :
Chance Of Rain
Temp : 19°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

Tonight, the NZ sky is brightly lit by a full moon.  Whenever the moon is full, I can hear wolves howling....hahahaz. Like real huh :D (if I'm not wrong there are no wolves here, no snakes & scorpions either) too much watching Vampire Diaries!!  Just getting frustrated with VD actually :( next week, is season 2 finale.  Haiizzz they just took a break before Xmas, aired again towards the end of January for 5 or 6 episodes and now they are going on a break again.  Argggghhh!!!

Btw, I saw this yummilicious easy peasy doughnut recipe at Izah's blog while blog walking one day.  Originally the recipe calls for mashed pumpkins.  Not really a big fan of pumpkin, in fact I don't really like them...hehehez.  I've decided to magically change the mashed pumpkin to a cinderella's coach instead.  Oooppsie I mean to mashed bananas...hehehez.  I totally agree at how Izah described the doughnuts, being soft and how easy it was to make.  Don't have to proof the mixture.  Just dump everything in a bowl and fry away ;)

I made them this morning at abt 10am, there were still some leftover at 10pm.  I had a bite and guess was still ohhh so soft ;)  Definitely will be making these little beauties again.  This is what u call a NO FAIL doughnut recipe.  Thank you Izah for sharing the recipe.....

Source : Izah Muffin Lover /


1 1/2 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder (I used double action)
1/2 tsp salt
1/3 cup sugar
1 cup mashed banana
1/4 cup milk
2 tbsp oil
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1 egg

Oil for frying


- Sift flour, baking powder & salt together into a bowl.
- In a bowl add sugar, mashed banana, milk, oil, vanilla essence & egg and whisk with a fork until well combined.
- Add combined wet ingredients into the the dry ingredients until moistened. Then fry in hot oil, medium heat (dropped by tablespoon).

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone....*oooowwwwwww*

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Weather for Te Awamutu today
Season :
Forecast :
Temp : 31°C | 15°C
Current :
Light Breeze
Temp : 19°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

Before attempting to make this temperamental cookies, I did a read up on some blogs why some people had a hard time creating them.  I learnt that a perfect macaron shell's should be smooth and have a tiny dome on the top as well as 'feet'.  I've never eaten one in my life.  Seen them being sold at some stores around the Orchard Road area when I used to work at that area years ago.  Everytime I looked at them all I could say was that they were too dear for me to indulge....hehehez.

This was my first attempt making them.  I decided to make the simplest macaron shell with a simple chocolate ganache filling, just in case it was a failure for me too.  I am aware that the failure rate is higher than the success rate.  Hence, I only made half of the recipe ;)  They are not as beautiful, perfectly shaped and shiny as the macaron gurus' masterpieces.  Alhamdullilah mine turn out like how the should with a few mishaps, sloppiness and some out of shapes ones ahakkksss. 

I made them yesterday, chilled them overnight and they taste oh soooo much yummier today.  Yesterday they were crunchy on the outside and chewy in the inside.  Today, there's a tad of crunchiness and they are absolutely chewy, almost melt in the mouth.  (Is that how they are supposed to taste btw??)  Simply luv the yummy almond flavour, they make me wanna concuss!! I just love anything and everything with nuts.....hahahaz. 

While drying the shells.

Hot and fresh from the oven.

Some shells cracked :(  I have yet to master the temperature of my oven I reckon.

Source : ~~  A very detailed step by step on how to make a macaron ;)

Macarons: Basic Recipe (I made half of this recipe)

3 egg whites (from large eggs), separated at least 24 hours in advance and kept in the refrigerator
210 g powdered sugar
125 g almond meal
30 g regular granulated sugar
I added a little drop of Wilton Rose Pink food colouring gel.

Ganache (cream): (I made half of this too)

120 g 70 % dark chocolate
80 g butter
30 g heavy cream

To make the macarons:Finely grind the powdered sugar, almond meal and cocoa in a food processor. Sift mixture to make sure no lumps or bigger bits of almonds are left.
Whisk the egg whites on medium/high speed for a minute or two, add a tablespoon of the granulated sugar, continue beating and add the remaining sugar slowly. Beat until the egg whites are stiff, dense and creamy.
Fold in the brown food coloring with a spatula. If you don’t have brown, you can make it as I did with the basic colors with the following recipe: 1 drop green, 3 drops red, 3 drops yellow. I added three times this recipe to reach the right color. Your eggs will look a bit orange but everything will turn out fine when you incorporate the cocoa mixture.
Delicately fold in the cocoa mixture in 4 or 5 additions. Slide your spatula all the way to the bottom of the bowl and comes back up several times to make sure no pockets of dry ingredients remain and the color is evenly blended.
Prepare your baking sheet by lining them with parchment paper.
Transfer your batter in a pastry bag fitted with a ½ tp ¾ round tip. Pipe 1 ½-inch rounds of batter, evenly spaced but still close to one another as they will not expand much.
Let your macarons rest on their baking sheets for a minimum of 20 minutes (30 to 60 minutes is best).
Preheat your oven to 300°F (140°C). Bake the macarons for 13 to 16 minutes.
Let the macarons cool to room temperature before assembling them with the ganache. Put them in an airtight container and let them sleep for one night in the refrigerator before indulging.

To make the ganache:
In a double boiler or the microwave, melt the chocolate, butter and cream together. Mix well, take off the heat and let cool. You can put it in the refrigerator if you want the ganache to firm up faster.

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)

Peanut Brownies

Weather for Te Awamutu today
Season :
Forecast :
Temp : 20°C | 14°C
Current :
Light Breeze
Temp : 18°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

I finally got to do groceries shopping today without hb....yippiee dah doo.  Of course there are pros and cons with him around.  The pros are : we get to go home early and he's able to help handle Jannah.  The cons are : I can't browse the supermarket shelves or chiller section from one end to another and from top to bottom...hehehez.  I also have to drive him around to second hand bookshops bcos he likes to scout for old rugby books. 

I volunteered to drive whenever we are in town bcos I can't stand his constant whinging abt the other road users, the traffic lights as well as the parking spaces....hehehez.  I rather have an aching leg from constantly changing the clutch rather than an aching ear from his whinging and whining....ooopppssssiieee daisiiee :D  After running around to do some errands with Jannah today, and filling a car load of groceries for 2 weeks, I am knackered.  Getting old lah or maybe what hb said is true, I am UNFIT....hahahaz my left leg is sore. :D :D 

Anyway, hb requested me to make him these peanut brownies.  When I heard the word brownies I assumed that its the brownies that you and I know (u know that dense cake thingy...hehehez) but this peanut brownie is a kiwi thingy, its in cookie form.  He is crazy abt these cookies and warned me not to make them small and cute...he wants them as big as possible.  Ai ai captain!!  Since I've never make them before, I googled the recipe and stumbled on this one.  He ate the first cookie and said that it reminded him of his childhood......jeeezzzz so nostalgic aye :D

Source : Chelsea Sugar


125g Softened Butter
1 cup of Chelsea White Sugar (Chelsea is a brand of sugar here, just use any white sugar brand that you normally use)

1 1/2 cups of Flour
1 teaspoon of Baking Powder
Pinch of Salt
2 Tablespoons of Cocoa
1 cup of Peanuts, roasted and husked

Prehet oven to 180°C. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg and beat well. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and cocoa together. Mix into creamed mixture. Add cold peanuts and mix well. Roll tablespoonfuls of mixture into balls. Place on greased trays, flatten with a fork.
Bake at 180°C for 15 minutes, or until cooked. Makes 20 biscuits.


The cookies on the right, without the fork markings are mine.  I baked them 5 minutes longer and they are crunchier.

NitezzZZzz everyone.

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Roast Leg Of Lamb

Weather for Te Awamutu today
Season :
Forecast :
Chance Of Rain
Temp : 31°C | 19°C
Current :
Fair With Gentle Breeze and High UV(9) Warning
Temp : 29°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

Hello everyone I'm back and all I want to do is whinge abt the weather.  Oh my gossshhhh its so freaking hot here :(  Our house is facing north and soaking up all the heat from the sun during the day time.  Its good during winter though bcos this house is warmed by the sun and its insulated too.  Its the warmest house I've ever lived in.  Some cold winter nights we didn't even have to turn on the heater....its not all bad after all.  But for now, arrggghhhh I just wanna jump into a pool......

Ok enough of my whinging.  I made this roast leg of lamb last Saturday as hb has been craving for a good roast lamb for a while now.  Usually I will only buy lamb chops but this leg of lamb was a good change.  No....I didn't slaughter any of the sheeps from the paddock but yeah we feasted on their cuzzie bro ahakksss.  I bought it at the halal butcher, weighing almost 2.5kg and cost $30 and lasted for 2 nights dinner (2nd night dinner was roasted lamb and cheese sandwiches) and 1 lunch...hehehez a very gd deal aye??

This was my 1st time roasting a whole leg of lamb and I roasted some veggies which consists of kumaras, pumpkins, potatoes & corns to accompany it along with garlic & cheese pita breads and home made brown gravy.  Hb gave me 2 thumbs up and complimented the dish, saying it was the best he ever had.  Ehem, ehem....thank u hb *smiles*

If you are like me, lazy to scrub ur roasting pan.  Cover it up with aluminium foil then line it up with baking paper.  Waaalllaahhh easy peasy clean up ;)

Source : NZ Beef+Lamb Recipes


    • 1 whole leg of lamb, trimmed
    • 6-8 cloves garlic, peeled and cut into slithers
    • Fresh rosemary sprigs
    • 2-3 Tbsp olive oil
    • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    • Juice of 2 lemons
    • 2 red onions cut into halves.


Note the weight of the lamb and leave at room temperature, covered for 30 minutes. Pierce with a sharp knife and add slithers of garlic and rosemary sprigs.  Place red onions beside the lamb. Brush with oil, season and place on an oven rack in a roasting dish.  Squeeze the lemon juice over the lamb just before putting it into the oven.

Preheat the oven to 170ÂșC and roast the lamb for 15-20 minutes per 500g (fan-forced) or until cooked to your liking. Insert a skewer into the thickest part of the leg to the bone, and when the juices run clear the lamb is cooked.  Total cooking time for mine was 2hr and 30 mins.

30 minutes before I remove the lamb from the oven, I added the veggies into the roasting pan.  I added the potatoes first and let it cook for 15 minutes than add the rest of the veggies except corns which were roasted on its own.

Remove from the oven and rest 25 minutes in a warm place before carving.

After roasting the lamb for 2.5hrs and half an hour for the veggies.

These are NZ & gold ;)

Enjoy the week everyone....

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chocolate Cheese Layer Cake

Weather for Te Awamutu today
Season :
Forecast :
Chance Of Rain
Temp : 27°C | 17°C
Current :
Mostly Cloudy With High UV(7) Warning
Temp : 27°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

Last week I went to the supermarket to get some milk.  I like to browse the shelves whenever I am at the supermarket, sometimes an easy task of getting milk will take me 30 minutes in there...hehehez.  As I was browsing the chiller section, I saw the Kraft Philadelphia cream cheese reduced to clear for only $1.49 each.  The price was cheap bcos the expiry date was on 9th Feb that was in 6 days time.

I was hesitating whether I should buy the cheese.  In the end I grabbed 1 block...hehehez I just couldn't resist it.  Hesitating bcos I knew that I am still in my lazy mood, not knowing if I'll be able to use it before the expiry date.  Only yesterday that I finally gather some courage and energy to use the cream cheese ^_^.  I've been wanting to eat and bake a chocolate cake for 2 weeks now and decided to finally bake one yesterday.  I like being lazy bcos I don't succumbed to temptation easily I reckon....ahaakkkss.

This recipe has been bookmarked for awhile now.  I thought why not give it a try since I have all the ingredients at home yesterday.  I made the layers quite thick bcos I couldn't be bothered to slave in front of the oven for a long period of time.  I just want the cake to finish quickly and yummiliciously...LOL!!  We really love this cake, the cheese and chocolate flavour blends well together and it wasn't too sweet....yummmzz yummmzz :ppp love it.......

Source : Kek Warisan Bonda.  Thank you Neena for sharing this recipe ;)

Chocolate Cheese Layer Cake

Ingredients A :
12 egg yolks
6 egg whites
360 gm sugar (I only used 300gm)
300 gm flour Hong Kong (I used standard flour)
2 tablespoons ovalette

Ingredients B :
For Cheese

250 gm cream cheese
4 tablespoons condensed milk
1 teaspoon lemon paste

For Chocolate
250 gm butter
4 tablespoons condensed milk
150 gm cooking chocolate - melted
1 tablespoon chocolate paste

Method :

1. Whisk A until fluffy.
Note : 
- If using hand mixer mix beat all ingredients except flour until fluffy 1st than add flour.
- If using stand mixer like KitchenAid, u can dump all the ingredients together and whisk till fluffy.
2. Divide the batter into 2 equal amount.
3. Beat cream cheese ingredients until creamy and add it into half of mixture A.
4. Beat butter & sweetened condensed milk until creamy then add into the other half of mixture A.  Add the melted chocolate into the mixture and finally the chocolate paste.
5. Prepare a baking pan 9 "X9" x3 ". Grill the cake layer by layer, alternating the chocolate and cheese mixture until finished.
6. Chill in the refrigerator overnight before cutting.

I grilled the mixture layer by layer at 170 deg C for abt 7-8 mins.  For the last layer I baked the cake using the top and bottom heat for 15 minutes.

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)