Thursday, February 17, 2011


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Salam, Kia Ora...

Before attempting to make this temperamental cookies, I did a read up on some blogs why some people had a hard time creating them.  I learnt that a perfect macaron shell's should be smooth and have a tiny dome on the top as well as 'feet'.  I've never eaten one in my life.  Seen them being sold at some stores around the Orchard Road area when I used to work at that area years ago.  Everytime I looked at them all I could say was that they were too dear for me to indulge....hehehez.

This was my first attempt making them.  I decided to make the simplest macaron shell with a simple chocolate ganache filling, just in case it was a failure for me too.  I am aware that the failure rate is higher than the success rate.  Hence, I only made half of the recipe ;)  They are not as beautiful, perfectly shaped and shiny as the macaron gurus' masterpieces.  Alhamdullilah mine turn out like how the should with a few mishaps, sloppiness and some out of shapes ones ahakkksss. 

I made them yesterday, chilled them overnight and they taste oh soooo much yummier today.  Yesterday they were crunchy on the outside and chewy in the inside.  Today, there's a tad of crunchiness and they are absolutely chewy, almost melt in the mouth.  (Is that how they are supposed to taste btw??)  Simply luv the yummy almond flavour, they make me wanna concuss!! I just love anything and everything with nuts.....hahahaz. 

While drying the shells.

Hot and fresh from the oven.

Some shells cracked :(  I have yet to master the temperature of my oven I reckon.

Source : ~~  A very detailed step by step on how to make a macaron ;)

Macarons: Basic Recipe (I made half of this recipe)

3 egg whites (from large eggs), separated at least 24 hours in advance and kept in the refrigerator
210 g powdered sugar
125 g almond meal
30 g regular granulated sugar
I added a little drop of Wilton Rose Pink food colouring gel.

Ganache (cream): (I made half of this too)

120 g 70 % dark chocolate
80 g butter
30 g heavy cream

To make the macarons:Finely grind the powdered sugar, almond meal and cocoa in a food processor. Sift mixture to make sure no lumps or bigger bits of almonds are left.
Whisk the egg whites on medium/high speed for a minute or two, add a tablespoon of the granulated sugar, continue beating and add the remaining sugar slowly. Beat until the egg whites are stiff, dense and creamy.
Fold in the brown food coloring with a spatula. If you don’t have brown, you can make it as I did with the basic colors with the following recipe: 1 drop green, 3 drops red, 3 drops yellow. I added three times this recipe to reach the right color. Your eggs will look a bit orange but everything will turn out fine when you incorporate the cocoa mixture.
Delicately fold in the cocoa mixture in 4 or 5 additions. Slide your spatula all the way to the bottom of the bowl and comes back up several times to make sure no pockets of dry ingredients remain and the color is evenly blended.
Prepare your baking sheet by lining them with parchment paper.
Transfer your batter in a pastry bag fitted with a ½ tp ¾ round tip. Pipe 1 ½-inch rounds of batter, evenly spaced but still close to one another as they will not expand much.
Let your macarons rest on their baking sheets for a minimum of 20 minutes (30 to 60 minutes is best).
Preheat your oven to 300°F (140°C). Bake the macarons for 13 to 16 minutes.
Let the macarons cool to room temperature before assembling them with the ganache. Put them in an airtight container and let them sleep for one night in the refrigerator before indulging.

To make the ganache:
In a double boiler or the microwave, melt the chocolate, butter and cream together. Mix well, take off the heat and let cool. You can put it in the refrigerator if you want the ganache to firm up faster.

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. wah!!! Anie dah buat dah... ita baru berangan... nak buat... so nice the colour.... lembut aje... n cute tooooo... comel2 sukanyer....

  2. Babe..

    I pon tengah dok study camne nak buat menda alah tu. Tengok berdesup2 orang juai. Mahai pulak tu. Kat sini tajuk tu adalah spesis yang tak dijumpai lagi buat masa la ni. I pon agak2 my failure rate is higher than success one kalau buat. Nanti lepas habis exam i akan buat gak. Envy u sebab dah buat dulu.

    Now tengah wonder rasa dia cemane eek?

  3. Tenkiu Ita ;) tapi I rasa bila Ita buat conform lagi cantik and cute. Tangan I ni keras sikit arh...instead of bulat jadi oval pulak...hehehez

  4. Hann,

    Babe, I lagi envy u lah. Sibuk bekerja menguruskan suami dgn 4 org tgh dok study lagi utk exam. Fuyohhhhh tabik arhhhh...hehehez Buat separuh adunan aja lah babe kalau u nak try, mcm I jadi tak lah rugi kalau tak jadi.

    Hmmmm mcm mana rasa dia eh...dia manis2, ada rasa chocolate ganache lepas tu lembut aja dan melekit2 bila digigit. Lepas tu bila dah kunyah telan sampai abis...rasa almond yg last2 tu...addoooiii enak banget arh babe...:D :D

  5. anie..
    sungguh kagummm...
    suka dengan colournya...dan suka juga kalau dapt rasa ...mmm nyam nyam

  6. Anie..yg ni sama tak yang orang panggil dorayaki...?

  7. Kak Kasih,

    Tenkiu kak ;) kalau akak dkt boleh share dgn u. My hb tgk benda ni mcm pelik aja dia kata....hahahaz :D Boleh gitu....

  8. Mabeles!!!absolutely mabeles!!! for a first timer, syabas babe, antara 2 menda yg ai lom wat..first that caramel puding cake (sebab ai takut dia meletopsss) and this sebab ai takut macaron dia pincang no kaki at ygk u buat jer lah...**clap3x** sambil lompat2 ngan pompom2...

  9. Cikgu Nurin,

    Dorayaki tu pancake feveret si Doraemon tu...hehehez. Yg ini french cookies yg teramat lembut ;)

  10. Yat,

    Tenkiu, tenkiu, tenkiu babe ;) ahakkss sambil terdengar sorakan u di khalayak ramai...hehehz :D

    Babe, itu kek karamel tak akan meletop kalau u buat cara water bath, insyaAllah. Yg kek meletop tu pasal dia tak buat mcm gitu, so u jgn takut. Mmg highly recommended arh kek karamel tu...lembut giler arh babe :D

    Tadi masa I bakar si mehkerron ni I duduk dpn oven arh sbb nak tau dia kluar kaki ke tidak...wahahahz tapi utk yg 1st batch ajer. Yg 2nd terus dah tak kuasa @_@ boleh gitu.

  11. wahhh..rajinya buat maracon..

  12. Mas,

    Tenkiu Mas, rajin sgt tu tidak lah...hehehez. Cuma teringin lah nak mencuba ;)

  13. woot! woot! walauweh!!! very the terrer lah u anie! skali buat suda jadik! camni i ode dgn u je lah ek? tataula bila bleh ada keberanian nk cuba benda alah fofular nih.. belum cuba tp saspen je lebih!

  14. Plain-june,

    Tenkiu for the compliments ;) mungkin ni cuma beginner's luck aja kot...hehehez Skali nak buat lagi tak jadi...huhuhu OMG hope I didnt jinx it...:D

    U shud try it out just for the fun of it lah. Tak payah takut :)

  15. Tringin jugak nak cube tapi sangat tqk berani.. Hehehe.. Congrats dear.. Cantikk sangat dah even 1st trial...
    Suka sangati tengok dengan sweet colour.
    Like it very much

  16. Tenkiu Izah ;) ni mungkin nasib jer...hehehez. U should try lah Izah, jgn takut...mana tau jadi jugak ^_^

  17. anie, pandainya u buat macaron ni..cantikla...hmm..bila lak nk sampai kat dapur i ni...tapau u punya dulula..hehe byk dh tertinggal n3 u ni lately tak sempat nk online.

  18. Anie

    Bakat terfendam now dah mengemvang. Caner? Sayap kiri n sayap kanan suka tak macarons tu?

    P/S: Pinjam word 'sayap' dari QoJ = Queen of Jello.

  19. Nieza,

    Sajer je teringin nak cuba buat benda ni. Nasib baik lah menjadi ;) U tunggu musim panas arh baru try buat, mana tau jadi jugak hehehez.

  20. Somuffins,

    Maybe cuma beginner's luck aja kot...hehehez. Sayap I patah sebelah arh sbb cuma si dak kecik ni aja yg suka. My hb plak tgk benda ni mcm aneh jer dia kata...hahahaz Dia suruh I buat macaroon instead...chet!! Potong stim...huhuhu

  21. clap clap clap bravo bravo!!
    i masih tk berani nk wat coz i know chances of failure memang tinggi betuiii tau! ish kalu u dok dekat, boleh gak hulur sikit kan..teringin gak nak merasanya :D
    i pun tk pernah merasa lg macaron ni :D

  22. Tenkiu Zarin, I main try aja lah sbb teringin nak buat hehehez. Tak semua yg I buat tu cantik, ada yg tersenget, terbengot, cracked, oval shape. Tak kisah lah sbb utk mkn sendiri...hehehez ;)

    U shud try lah, mana tau menjadi...kalau dkt boleh kita try buat sama2 eh ;) cfm seronok.....

  23. fuiyoooooooooo.... menjadik bebbb! tahniah tahniah! comey kiut miut mcm aku! kekekeke... aku masih gagal nak wat feet dier tuh la beb... sirim kata baik bg anak ayam makan jer.. hahahahaha.. henta biler nak buat lagik! :(

  24. Hana,

    Tenkiuuu ;) mmg ada yg kiut mcm ko dan miut mcm aku. Yg cantik aku taruk kat depan, yg kat belakang tu semua senget bengot....wahahahaz.

    Takper lah Hana, tunggu balik M'sia boleh try lagi. Cuaca dkt sana panas jadi cepat shell nya kering, insyaAllah mesti mejadi.

  25. Hi.
    Salam kenal. Follow ur blog ya. Saya ni baru nak belajar masak so suka le tengok blog2 org yang pandai masak. Tak kisah kan kalau cnp resipi yang ada kat sini.

  26. Salam Kenal buat Kak Sam jugak ;) tenkiu sudi singgah and follow my blog ahakksss. I pun masih belajar2 memasak, jom kita belajar sama2. Resepi dkt sini mmg utk di share, silakan cnp eh kak......

  27. salam Anie...oh u dah buat! ur macaroon looks great la. saya baru berkira2 nk study the recipe and try seems hangat di pasaran. I had this last week at the airport with my daughter, nampak je kat cafe terus beli, kira first time la selama hidup ni makan cookies ni..sebelum ni duk tengok dlm magazine, dlm paper..

  28. yeay! dah kena penangan macarons...nanti termimpi mimpi!

  29. Ma'chiks ;)

    Try buat, just for the fun of it...hehehez. I buat separuh adunan aja sbb takut tak menjadi. alhamdullilah jadi, tapi ada gak yg crack :( huhuhu. Kalau beli dkt luar mmg mahal.

  30. KG,

    I dah separate my egg whites to age it for my 2nd trial...ahahahahz dah kemarok buat macaron ni. Camner arh :D

  31. salam,nak tnya,nak bakar pakai api atas dan bawah ke? ke pkai atas je?

  32. Salam Sin,

    Sorry lambat jawab...tgh cuti pajang hehez. Sy bakar guna api atas & bawah. Selamat mencuba ;)
