Saturday, February 19, 2011

Banana Doughnut

Weather for Te Awamutu today
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Forecast :
Temp : 35°C | 15°C
Current :
Chance Of Rain
Temp : 19°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

Tonight, the NZ sky is brightly lit by a full moon.  Whenever the moon is full, I can hear wolves howling....hahahaz. Like real huh :D (if I'm not wrong there are no wolves here, no snakes & scorpions either) too much watching Vampire Diaries!!  Just getting frustrated with VD actually :( next week, is season 2 finale.  Haiizzz they just took a break before Xmas, aired again towards the end of January for 5 or 6 episodes and now they are going on a break again.  Argggghhh!!!

Btw, I saw this yummilicious easy peasy doughnut recipe at Izah's blog while blog walking one day.  Originally the recipe calls for mashed pumpkins.  Not really a big fan of pumpkin, in fact I don't really like them...hehehez.  I've decided to magically change the mashed pumpkin to a cinderella's coach instead.  Oooppsie I mean to mashed bananas...hehehez.  I totally agree at how Izah described the doughnuts, being soft and how easy it was to make.  Don't have to proof the mixture.  Just dump everything in a bowl and fry away ;)

I made them this morning at abt 10am, there were still some leftover at 10pm.  I had a bite and guess was still ohhh so soft ;)  Definitely will be making these little beauties again.  This is what u call a NO FAIL doughnut recipe.  Thank you Izah for sharing the recipe.....

Source : Izah Muffin Lover /


1 1/2 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder (I used double action)
1/2 tsp salt
1/3 cup sugar
1 cup mashed banana
1/4 cup milk
2 tbsp oil
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1 egg

Oil for frying


- Sift flour, baking powder & salt together into a bowl.
- In a bowl add sugar, mashed banana, milk, oil, vanilla essence & egg and whisk with a fork until well combined.
- Add combined wet ingredients into the the dry ingredients until moistened. Then fry in hot oil, medium heat (dropped by tablespoon).

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone....*oooowwwwwww*

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. Hahaha..siap ada bunyik lagi tau auuuuuuwww..
    eh semalam pun kat sini bulan penuh.budak 2 org tu suka sangat lah bila full moon, duk tercongak ke langit..
    eh bijakkk bijakkk..
    nak try jugaklah dengan pisang.macam sedap je..agak2 dah mcm kuih bom kot..kann

  2. anie..mas dah pernah try resepi donut pisang ni..
    sedapp kan...

  3. Izah,

    Saja nak kasi sound effect...hahahaz mcm boleh dgr gitu eh :D
    Nak kata mcm kuih bom pun ada jugak lah tapi donut ni lembut sgt2 utk dibandingkan dgn kuih bom yg kadang2 biler beli btol2 keras mcm bom...wekekekez :D

  4. Mas,

    Sedap dan lembut arh donut ni eh Mas...I many2 like tapi hb don't like. Chet penat kita mkn dgn Jannah....

  5. Lain kali boleh cuba ni...pisang ada....kadang2 tak tau nak buat apa....gebusss nya donut tu.
    Mug kucing tu pun akak berkenan jugak hihi...

  6. Kak Kasih,

    Mmg highly recommended arh donut pisang ni kak. I lepas goreng donut ni, pegi gigit dia punya lah terpegun dgn kelembutannya...hehehez ;) Ingat akak collect teko aja, mug pun suka eh? :ppp

  7. salam Anie...gebuss lah the banana doughnut u buat..with bananas baking cooking can never go wrong, right?

  8. assalam anie,
    akak ni agak rabun,mula2 ingat cekodok pisang seb baik baca dulu sebelum komen kalo tak malu wey..hehe
    akak belum pernah cuba lagi buat donut pisang..dah dok lama dlm list..entah bila lah nak berkurang list tu..dah hari2 adik2 semua post resepi yg sedap2,akak pun jadi tirguda...hahaha

  9. I see new moon arising :) eh abbe, ni donut kira senang keje nak wat kira bule masuk my (sat), keluar ngan the 2 little girls..pi that warehouse sale, then makan, then gi Westcoast park..aduhhh cam nak tercabut kaki layankan budak2 kecik nih..sempot ai..

  10. i thot it's another version of cekodok hihi...macam kuih bom ye... kay, i'll try it once dah beli pisang.

  11. ma'chiks,

    Mmg betol totally agree with u ;) senang nak buat pulak tu...

  12. W'salam Kak Anim...

    Hehehez...takper lah kak slowly, pelan2 nanti insyaallah mesti sampai punya. Akak best arh tentera ramai, boleh masak mcm2 sbb ada yg tolong mkn...jeles aiii :D

  13. Well done on ur first mac! i didnt know who yat meant the other day when she said that our friend also buat mac.. duhhhh.. anyway congrats and am happy it turned out good... never mind if got oval ke.. got a little crack ke.. will be better with more practice.. ceeebahhhh

  14. Yat,

    Senang arh babe, donut ni lembut until the next day. Smalam I masukkan dalam fridge, tadi mkn lagi and masih lembut.

    Ohhh best arh dpt pegi jln2 KA punya warehose sale. Lama seh tak lepak dkt West Coast Park....asal u tak biarkan budak2 tu lari2 dkt playground sana, jadi u tak penat layan dorang....ahakksss ;)

  15. Zarin,

    Ada jugak rasa2 mcm cekodok and kuih bom tapi lembutttt...tak bohong arh babe hehehez :D

  16. Rima....

    Tenkiuuu Rima ;) bila I tgh bakar those mac I duduk depan oven sbb excited nak tgk kluar feet ke tak...hehehez. I dah addicted nak buat lagi ni...harap2 bukan sbb beginner's luck mac tu menjadi. Tenkiu for the encouragement. Weeeeiiii.......

  17. akak pun memula igt cekodok pisang...haaa....kena simpan resepi neh nnt bleh buat...

    salam kenal anie...

  18. Anie, wah sedapnya nengok donut u mlm2 ni...nk tido pun leh ingat mkn lagi ni ..hehe btw nice view la..tgk moon tu..:)

  19. Mak Qis,

    Salam kenal kak ;) tenkiu sudi singgah blog I...sedap dan lembut aja donut ni kak. Nak kata mcm cekodok pun ada...hehehez

  20. Nieza,

    Tenkiu Nieza ;) u should try buat donut ni lah....I highly recommend sbb bukan aja lembut, senang nak buat plak tu hehehez.

  21. Wow I love your recipes here, they are what I call food porn. Everything looks delicious! I love to Makan them all

  22. Thank u for dropping by my blog & thanks too for the compliments angsarap ;)

  23. adoaiiiii bolat2 gerammmmmm aku menengoknyerr! jannah mana jannahhhh... meh sini tulun suapkan auntie barang spoloh ketui! kekekekeke

  24. Hana,

    Yikesss dah jadi aunty plak hari ni :D wekekekez....hari tu kakak cantik apa. Lambat dah kamu dtg dah berapa hari yg lalu dah benda ni...dah yilek huhuhu
