Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our Secret Garden ~ Chillies

Weather for Te Awamutu today
Season :
Forecast :
Chance of Rain
Temp : 35°C | 15°C
Current :
Temp : 20°C

Salam, Kia Ora,

Today's breaking news :

- A major earthquake in Christchurch at 12.51pm has caused widespread damage and injury, with phone lines down throughout the city.
- Prime Minister John Key has confirmed at least 65 deaths in the Christchurch earthquake.  Around 200 people are still trapped in collapsed buildings.
- Police say multiple fatalities have been reported at several locations in the central city, including two buses crushed by falling buildings.

Alhamdullilah, we are not affected by the quake at all as we live in the north island.  We all down with flu instead :( hb must have caught the flu bug at work.  He was on medical leave for 2 days and he is feeling much better today.  Jannah must have caught the bug from him yesterday. 

She spewed twice last night and woke up a few times crying.  Luckily, she didn't do it  in bed....phew! ;).  She's a little feverish today but still her normal self.  One minute, she was lying down on the couch saying she wants to relax.  Another minute, you can see her dancing and singing copying the kid's programme on telly.  She seldom fall sick, alhamdullilah.  If I remember correctly, the last time she was sick was during winter last year, which was last June.

I'm only suffering runny nose and am coughing.  I am taking the opportunity to bed rest at the same time ahakkkss :D.

November last year, we planted chillies, tomatoes, lemon grass and a few other plants.  We planted 26 chilli plants but only 20 survived. Today, I'm gonna share some photos of the progress of our chilli plants.  The rest, some other time ok ;) enjoyyzzzz.........

Chilli Seedlings

Flowers and baby chillies growing.

Chillies are getting bigger and....

Bigger here.....

Patiently waiting for them to turn red before I pick them ;)

Big, bigger, biggest......

Our chilli jungle.....100% organic!  No wax, pesticide and insecticide.

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. wahhh...cantik dan subur la cili tu...
    jeless mas tengok tau....
    rasa macam nak gigit2 jer cili2 yang sangat segar tu..

  2. waaaaaaaa..mewahnya chilies diaa..
    bestnya kalau bleh berkebun..

  3. Tu arh Mas, subur lah tanah dkt sini. Tak guna baja pun subur aja dorang tumbuh.

  4. mesti dah plan nak buat cili jeruk ni... banyaknya... n 100%organic lak tu... jelez, jelez!

  5. Izah, yg ada ni kita tanam dlm planters box. U pun boleh buat mcm gitu. Tanam dlm pasu ke tempayan ke....hehehehez

  6. Kak Rose,

    I dah plan nak buat chilli jeruk, sweet thai chilli sauce dgn freeze whole chilli dkt dlm freezer sbb time winter chilli mahal ;)

  7. Nasib baik tempat anie tak kena quake tu kan...Nauzubillah.
    Semoga Jannah cepat sembuh juga..

    Panjangnya cili tu...bestnyaa...

  8. waahhh best panjang2nya cili dia bak sikit nak buat cili jeruk

  9. Anie
    Oh me oh my... masyaallah. Yat mesti suka kesana sbb the green chillies are in abundance over there.., hehe.


  10. Kak Kasih,

    Mmg ngeri tgk org2 yg injured dkt news, esp si Mat Salleh ni. Darah tu nampak lagi terserlah sbb warna kulit dorang...alhamdullilah kita selamat dkt sini.

    Tenkiu for the doa kak, Jannah dah ok sikit....besok, lusa ok lah dia. InsyaAllah ;)

  11. Chik Mi, sikit cukup ker buat cili jeruk...hehehez ;) Meh dtg sini kutip mana yg u berkenan.

  12. Somuffins,

    Tenkiu ;) I dah jemput Yat dtg collect cili. U tak nak ke? Meh lah dtg sini amik sikit. Boleh buat sambal ijo yg sodappp tu ahakkksss.....

  13. OMG!!!!! green cillis!!!! kasik ai seguni..cik som kasi 5 dah for that sambal..ahaksss...ishh babe...geram betul tgk cillis tu..mau rasanya ai capai to petik2..this kinda fresh cilli punya lah sedap kalo ratah gitu jer ngan that indian jemput2..masalodeh izit right? so pi petik seguni kasik ai tawww... :)

  14. Anie, teruk ke gempa tu...ramai juga yg mati tu..takut juga yer..alhamdulillah kalau family u selamat....btw suka nengok cili yg panjang gitu...patutlah u senyap jer rupanya bz menanam cili...ahaks!..nanti kalau kehabisan stok cili kat sini i gi singgah petik cili kat kebun u la...ngehx3

  15. Yat,

    Babe, u r a certified hoarder lah hehehez. Sampai seguni u nak cili ni and kasi CS cuma 5 batang aja :D sampai hati u....LOL!!!

    I tgh tunggu dorang turn red sbb red chillies dkt sini susah cari and mahal giler. Kadang2 sekilo sampai $90 tak giler tu....kalau dkt kedai veggie 4 batang $3.50. Cili hijau senang sikit nak cari tapi takde yg panjang2 mcm kat garden kita. Talk abt masalodeh...adeehhh sodapppp tu :pppp

  16. Nieza,

    Setahu I gegaran earth quake ni tak sekuat on 4th September last yr. Tapi sbb quake nya shallow, sbb tu byk building yg tumbang. It was on w/day jadi ramai org yg tgh kerja trapped dkt those buildings.

    Yikesss I baru senyap 2 hari jer...hahahaz lyn budak sakit ni. Jom singgah sini petik cili anytime, jgn lupa bwk kek belang2 yg sodappp tu eh :D

  17. Anie

    Since Yat dah jadi my partner in crime maka I mengalahlah. 5 batang pun 5 lah :-)

    Psst.. dalam kotak supposedly ada cili for Yat, you bubuh jer 5 packet benih cili. Bior dia tanam sendiwi, hehehezzz.. <- gelak your style

  18. alhamdulillah u tk affected w the earthquake. read in my fren's fb, dia pun tk kena jugak but her nephew yg 5 hrs frm crishtchurh tu pun bergegar gegar rumah dia.
    btw, besar gedabak chillies u tu ye! i baru tanam 2,3,4,5 pokok cili tp dlm pasu je...hopefully survive la dia n berbuah mcm you punya tuh...jelesnyaaa

  19. penat i type td tetiba tkleh post comment sbb my internet line was down ..urgggh
    btw, what i wanted to tell was, alhamdulillah u n family tk affected
    and i jeles ngan your chilie's tu..besar gedabak betul

  20. Somuffins,

    Waaahhh baik hati u, sanggup mengalah dgn 5 batang cili compared to Yat yg nak hoards seguni...ishh tak adil kan dia ;) hehehez.

    Takut pulak nanti I dah kirim benih cili, dia tak tanam. Dia simpan dlm pantry cupboard dia sampai lupa......*jgn marah arh yat* :pppppp

  21. Zarin,

    Tu arh, alhamdullilah kita dkt sini tak affected. Tgk dkt news, ishhh sedih dan horiffic betol :( kesian dgn mangsa2 dan yg sedang mengalami kesusasahan dkt sana.

    InsyaAllah u punya pun mesti tumbuh cili hebat2. Tapi dlm pasu selalunya pokoknya tak sebesar tanam dlm ground. Yg penting puas hati lah tanam sendiri...hehehez

  22. wow...kak, saya nak sekilo cili organic..hahahhahaa...saya sgt jeles ok

  23. Hope Janna is feeling better now.. glad u guys not affected..

    I tengok ur chilli teringat akan garden ku yg lalu.. now i no longer can do any gardening.. nak tanam kat pasu can but tak shiok lah.. so now i hv to go out and buy em tu pun not as garing as the ones u plant sendiri..

  24. Hani,

    Meh lah dtg sini, boleh petik sendiri yg mana suka hehehez :D

  25. Rima,

    Jannah dah ok hari ni, dah start lompat2, jerit2, nangis2....haizz. She's a little blocked up. Better blocked than hingus meleleh2 lah...tak rela I melihatnya ahaksss :D :D

    A few yrs back, I tanam dlm pasu...hasilnya tak sebanyak mcm this yr. This yr is the best yr for my chillies ;) Mmg betul garing and walaupun panjang2....pedas whoaaaa

  26. wah Anie berkebun ye...malu lah kami di sini 'malas'. angkat tabik kat u rajin menanam.

  27. Anie dear,
    nice looking chilies..
    glad tat everything is ok with you & family.
    my friend kat christchurch pun nasib baik ok.
    pssstt, wats the next bake?? :-P

  28. Waa best nye. Boleh makan cili fresh from garden.

  29. Salam Sis Anie,

    Found your blog thru sis Rima's and I must say your food looks yummy and menawan.Esp brownies yg pakai reben..cute!

    Wow,gemuk dan besar cili tu!panjang betul ya?susah nak dapat size macam tu kat Malaysia.Rasanya kalau pakai sebatang dah cukup buat nasi goreng..

    I've already link your blog to mine..and i wish you all the best.
    Comel sungguh anak akak..
    Sis Anie dari which part of Singapore?My mom pun asal dari sana..
