Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mango Delight

Salam everyone ;)

Just a few days before Xmas, I did my groceries shopping.  Stocked up the pantry, fridge and freezer as if there'll be a war and I made sure that I have enough food supply when the supermarkets were closed for 1 day on Xmas day....ahakkksss :D  Yes for just 1 day!!!  Ok, ok I was just kidding.  That's the normal sight here, people will be stocking up their supermarket trolleys on Xmas Eve's shopping and will be queuing at the supermarket door, even before its open, the next day on Boxing Day.  Ohhh talk about Boxing Day....I finally went for the Boxing Day Sale this year.  Nothing to brag about....haizzz.  Just the traffic going into the biggest shopping area in Hamilton was CRAZY!!!!  Will I do it again next year??  Ehhhh no thanks......

Anyway, hb saw this bottle of 500ml fresh cream in the fridge and asked what I was gonna make for pudding.  I told him I was gonna make a panna cota.  He looked dissapointed and said....huh!!  No sponge, no custard??  Oh well, I know what he wants....a trifle of course.  I told him I will make it for him on New Year's Day....hehehez.  For now, he did enjoy this yummy mango delight and even asked me the origin of this yummy dessert.  Ehhh I don't know lah hb I got the recipe from Rima's blog hehehez :pppp

Source : Rima @ Bisousatoi

Ingredients:Bottom layer - Panna Cotta:
200g whipping cream  (I used fresh cream)
30g caster sugar
1 tsp gelatine powder
2 tbsp cold water
1 tsp vanilla essence

The middle layer of fresh mango pieces:
100g mango puree
25g caster sugar
1 tsp gelatine powder
2 tbsp cold water
1 mango, peeled, take the meat, cut into small squares

Mango puree:
1 mango, peeled, take the meat, blend until smooth  (I used 2 cans of mangoes)

Upper layer-Mango Mousse:
150g mango puree
1-2 tablespoons orange-flavored NutriSari (I used Raro ~ Sweet Navel Orange flavour)
1 tsp gelatine powder
2 tbsp cold water
120g whipping cream, whipped stiff (I used fresh cream and whipped it stiff)

My layers are really sloppy bcos I wasn't patient enough to let the layers set properly :(

1. Bottom layer -Panna Cotta: Warm the whipping cream and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. Meanwhile, combine gelatin powder and cold water in a container, stir well, then microwave on high for 1min.. stir.. pour gelatine mixture into whipping cream and stir well.. let it cool a little and add in vanilla essence and stir well. Pour into molds, place it into the refrigerator until set.

2. The middle layer of fresh mango-Pieces: Warm the mango puree and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. Meanwhile, combine gelatin powder and cold water in a container, stir well, then microwave on high for 1 min.. stir.. pour gelatine mixture into mango puree, stir until well blended. Lastly add mango pieces and stir well. Pour one tablespoon of each into cups containing PANNA cotta. Place it in the refrigerator until set again.

3. Upper layer-Mango Mousse: Warm 2 tablespoons mango puree and NutriSari in a saucepan over medium heat .. (warm mango puree and sugar over medium heat). Meanwhile, combine gelatin powder and cold water in a container, stir well, then microwave on high for 1 min.. stir till well blended. Add gelatine mixture into mango puree, stirring until well blended. Pour 1/3 part of whipped cream into mango puree and stir through gently. Pour back the mixture into the remaining whipped cream, stirring slowly. Pour mango mousse into a pipping bag and pipe into the cup containing PANNA cotta and pieces of fresh mango. Place it in the refrigerator until set again.

4. Served cold!

This year I asked hb to move the potted vietnamese mint plant also known as laksa leaves or daun kesum from the pot to the garden.  They are taking off very well.  Look at how big the leaves have grown.  I planned to cook fish assam today.  Went to the supermarket to get fish but only salmon is available.  Uggghhh salmon in asam pedas doesn't suit my taste buds.  Haiizz fishermen are still celebrating Xmas I reckon hehehez.  Tomorrow perhaps......drooolllzzzzz :pppp


  1. Anieeeeee
    Tmrw if u masak asam pedas.. kita serupaaaaaaaaa hehehe.. tadi dah beli ikan merah.. tmrw i cook asam pedas melaka.. slurppp heheh

    Ty for trying.. sedap banget.. i just bought passionfruits.. i think if sub mango dgn passionfruits also sedap :o)

  2. Rima....

    Tu arh I also plan2 nak beli snapper tadi. Tapi apa kan daya ikan tgh happy2 berenang sbb takde fisherman nak tangkap dorang hari ni....hehehez. Harap2 besok ada lah ikan....

    Tenkiu many2 to u also for sharing the recipe. I reckon passion fruits pun mesti nyaman dlm panna cota ni.....yumzzzzz

  3. besarnya daun kesum...kat sini pun tak sebesar tu. Best tu buat masak asam.

    Kat pics tu tak nampak biri2 lah...mana pergi biri2 dulu tu ye

  4. Tu arh kak Kasih sbb tu nak masak asam pedas smalam sekali takde ikan plak huhuhu.

    Masih ada 4 ekor biri2 tapi dorang ada dkt fence yg lagi satu...hehehz

  5. Anie
    Ada 3 steps nak buat pana cotta tu? Huhu..memanglah I takde kesabaran sebegitu.

    I love those tiny chocs. Kurang rasa guilty kalau makan sizable bite cenggitu (sedar2 dah ngap 3, haha).

  6. CS,

    Itu arh I actually pun takde kesabaran. Mula2 tarok dlm fridge...berkurun lama tunggu benda alah ni set. At last I masukkan jer dlm freezer nyehahahaz.

    Chocs kecik2 ni mmg kecik2 cili padi...my hb dgn gagahnya (gagah ke gelojoh eh hehehez) boleh habiskan the 300g box dlm sekelip mata.....
