Saturday, December 17, 2011

Easy Peasy Fruit Cake

Salam everyone,

The weather here has been gloomy for almost a week now.  The current season is summer but it feels like autumn right now.  It's been raining and the temperature been very cool.  I am not complaining cos I am not an outdoor person.  In fact I really enjoy this kinda weather, just that its a nuinsance when I want my washing dry hehehez :D complain....complain....

Anyway, we got invited to Auntie Eton's (one of the expat Singaporean that I am really closed with) house for a kenduri.  Her mom passed away at the age of 87yrs old (if I am not wrong).....40 days ago.  I made 3 different kind of desserts to be brought over to her house later. 

The first one that I made was this yummy fruit cake.  Its so easy to make, I call it a 1 pot wonder cake hehehez.  I've made it like almost 10 times before, this is the 1st time that I am putting it up in this blog.  As usual, hb whom is not a fan of dried fruits luvs this cake long time ahaakkkzzzz :p

Ingredients :
150gm butter
175gm caster sugar
1/3 cup water
175ml fresh milk
250gm mixed dry fruit
2 tsp orange peel - I did not add
1/4 tsp nutmeg powder - I did not add
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder - I did not add
1/4 tsp cloves powder - I did not add
2 eggs
1/2 tsp sodium bicarbonate
250gm all purpose flour

Method :
Boil water with sugar until dissolved.
Add butter, fresh milk & mixed fruit and boil further until butter melts.
Remove from heat and let mixture cool down.
Add egg into mixture.
Sift flour, baking soda & spices and add into the mixture and mix well.
Pour into a greased 7x7 inch pan and bake in a preheated oven for an hr.

Note : Junjs11 did not indicate the oven temperature.  I baked the cake in a 160 deg C oven for an hr. Adjust the temperature of your oven accordingly.

Have a good weekend everyone ;) Take care....


  1. akak mmang suka yg mudah2 ni..:-))
    comel je kek tu diikat dgn reben pink.

  2. Mmg betul kak Kasih....senang and lepas tu tak payah cuci segala mcm utensils ;)

  3. Anie

    This fruit cake and that of sultanas cake, which one is more yummier??

    Kalau senang nak buat, maybe I bake one for hubby (dia suka kek yg ada karekter, bila digigit ada tindak balas, keh3..).

    my word verif. is CIUMS .. lol..

  4. CS,
    Hoiiiii.... ;)

    Antara 2 fruit kek yg telah I buat, dua2 pun sodap.

    Sultana cake rasa mcm butter cake yg ada sultana of course while this fruit cake rasanya mcm fruit mcm mana eh nak explain hahahaz. Fruit cake yg ni padat dgn buah2an n cakenya agak berat dan basah. Mcm fruit cake yg jual kat kedai gitu....hehehez. Pokoknya dua2 sedap....kalau u asked me to choose, I choose to make this 1 sbb tersangatlah senang ;)

    CIUMS to u tooooooo hehehez

  5. Cake ni sedap makan terus or simpan dulu for few days

  6. Anonymous,

    Cake ni I dah buat byk kali. Setiap kali buat, on the same day tinggal setengah. Tak payah simpan2 hehehez....mmg sedap ;) But of course, kalau disimpan lagi 2-3hari mmg lagi sedap.
