Monday, February 14, 2011

Roast Leg Of Lamb

Weather for Te Awamutu today
Season :
Forecast :
Chance Of Rain
Temp : 31°C | 19°C
Current :
Fair With Gentle Breeze and High UV(9) Warning
Temp : 29°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

Hello everyone I'm back and all I want to do is whinge abt the weather.  Oh my gossshhhh its so freaking hot here :(  Our house is facing north and soaking up all the heat from the sun during the day time.  Its good during winter though bcos this house is warmed by the sun and its insulated too.  Its the warmest house I've ever lived in.  Some cold winter nights we didn't even have to turn on the heater....its not all bad after all.  But for now, arrggghhhh I just wanna jump into a pool......

Ok enough of my whinging.  I made this roast leg of lamb last Saturday as hb has been craving for a good roast lamb for a while now.  Usually I will only buy lamb chops but this leg of lamb was a good change.  No....I didn't slaughter any of the sheeps from the paddock but yeah we feasted on their cuzzie bro ahakksss.  I bought it at the halal butcher, weighing almost 2.5kg and cost $30 and lasted for 2 nights dinner (2nd night dinner was roasted lamb and cheese sandwiches) and 1 lunch...hehehez a very gd deal aye??

This was my 1st time roasting a whole leg of lamb and I roasted some veggies which consists of kumaras, pumpkins, potatoes & corns to accompany it along with garlic & cheese pita breads and home made brown gravy.  Hb gave me 2 thumbs up and complimented the dish, saying it was the best he ever had.  Ehem, ehem....thank u hb *smiles*

If you are like me, lazy to scrub ur roasting pan.  Cover it up with aluminium foil then line it up with baking paper.  Waaalllaahhh easy peasy clean up ;)

Source : NZ Beef+Lamb Recipes


    • 1 whole leg of lamb, trimmed
    • 6-8 cloves garlic, peeled and cut into slithers
    • Fresh rosemary sprigs
    • 2-3 Tbsp olive oil
    • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    • Juice of 2 lemons
    • 2 red onions cut into halves.


Note the weight of the lamb and leave at room temperature, covered for 30 minutes. Pierce with a sharp knife and add slithers of garlic and rosemary sprigs.  Place red onions beside the lamb. Brush with oil, season and place on an oven rack in a roasting dish.  Squeeze the lemon juice over the lamb just before putting it into the oven.

Preheat the oven to 170ºC and roast the lamb for 15-20 minutes per 500g (fan-forced) or until cooked to your liking. Insert a skewer into the thickest part of the leg to the bone, and when the juices run clear the lamb is cooked.  Total cooking time for mine was 2hr and 30 mins.

30 minutes before I remove the lamb from the oven, I added the veggies into the roasting pan.  I added the potatoes first and let it cook for 15 minutes than add the rest of the veggies except corns which were roasted on its own.

Remove from the oven and rest 25 minutes in a warm place before carving.

After roasting the lamb for 2.5hrs and half an hour for the veggies.

These are NZ & gold ;)

Enjoy the week everyone....

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. anie,
    bestnya lamb..
    mas suka makan tau...
    mana sedap lamb nz ngan lamb rasa nya lebih kurang sama...

  2. Salam Mas,

    Lamb NZ ni tak bau hanyir so rasanya lagi sedap hehehez ;) Tapi anie rasa lamb dkt M'sia pun importkan? Bukan dari NZ ke?

  3. salam anie..

    u sembelih kambing kat ladang u eek? bertuahnya kalau gitu.. kami ni kena setel kat hypermarket lah kalau nak spesis nih.. btw, hak u punya nampak fresh je.. gebu!

    hehe.. meh sini, nak rasa sikit. tak tahan tau tengok je..

  4. akak memang suka lamb..
    walaupun sesetengah org kata ada bau...tapi akak sukeee sgt..
    tapi sekarang dah mula kurangkan...menjaga level kolestrol konon2nya...maklum le usia pun ...ehm2...malas nak bahas hihi
    prevent sebelum kena.

  5. now, this is food! i bet the big man makin cinta lepas ni :}

  6. Hann,

    I tak sembelih lah kambing kat ladang tu. Bukan I punya kambing nanti I plak yg kena sembelih dgn tuannya babe...ahakks :D

    Ini beli dkt fresh halal butcher, hari tu beli hari tu jugak I kerjakan dia...hehehez. Nak kasi u sikit dah abis lah....

  7. Kak Kasih,

    I cuci dgn tepung lamb ni, jadi takde bau hanyir langsung. Maybe perahan lemon juice pun tolong eliminate the smell....sedap ajer kak juicy jer dagingnya.

    Lean beef and lamb memang digalakkan dlm diet utk kesihatan ;) Jgn mkn kambing (goat) itu tak berapa bagus byk lemak dagingnya. Mmg betul kak prevention is better than cure :)

  8. Noir,

    Big man alaaaa cinta wooohhooo ;) hehehez. Kasi mkn bake beans on toast pun ada cinta I rasa...uweeekkk nak muntah tak ahakkkss

  9. sangat sedapnyaaaa...i yg tengok je pon dah terasa kesedapannya..aisssh memang sedap la u :D

  10. Zarin,

    Babe, slalunya I masak lamb chops jer, biler masak roast lamb ni lembut arh dagingnya tak mcm lamb chops yg liat2...mmg sedap ;)

  11. waduh.. tangkap leleh dah nih.. lamanya tak makan kamben.. eh.. tipu! be smlm makan lamb haneeth kat saba resto :p
    bestnya cik abg puji gitu.. mesti senyum sampai dalam tidor ;)

  12. Plain-June,

    I seldom mkn lamb, its my hb's feveret meat. Lamb haneeth tak pernah dgr, jap lagi I ni pi tanya si google tu aper ke benda....

    Hahahaz....ya lah muka alaaaa sih nyum :D :D

  13. Anieee i tak makan lamb tp my hubby sukeeeee,jannah ooo jannah suke tak makan lamb ke kawan ngan aunty?psttt yer dear i baking dlm loyang then guna cutter tu utk posing je hehehehe

  14. babe

    bukan big man jer cinta, ai pun cinta u kalo u hidangkan ai menda bukan member2 depan rumah tu kan...

  15. perghhh tak tahan nengok lamb ni...sedapnya! maunya i tido mimpikan lamb ni mlm ni...hehehe

  16. Chik Mi,

    Jannah ni dia tak cerewet mkn, apa2 pun mkn hehehez. Cuma ada sikit susah nak mkn sayur...balik2 nak mkn carrot, kentang & kobis aja ;)

    Ohhh tenkiu sudi share tips...mmg cantik lah potong kuih tu guna cutter...I like :D

  17. Yat,

    Ahakksss u luv me long time also arh babe ;) ooohh sungguh terharu ai. Takde lah babe, ni I beli arh kambing2 dkt depan umah tu bukan I punya...nanti I yg kena sembelih dgn tuan kambing tu....hehehez :D

  18. Nieza,

    Aiiikksss tido mimpi lamb plak ;D mimpi main snow arh buat snowman ke kan best....hehehez

  19. Anie

    You makan my Shaun the Sheep ke? Alaaa... nak nangesh..

    I bought roti Arab yg leper2 tu hoping that I'd be rajin enough to make its filling. I think filling yg sesuai would be the leftover of your roasted lamb, kankankan?

  20. Somuffins,

    Lerrrr Cik Som, rupanya u sekaki eh dgn si dak Jannah ni tgk Shaun The Sheep hahahhaz :D

    Betolx3 roti arab tu sedap mkn dgn roast lamb, lepas tu u also sumbat some lettuce, grated carrots, grated cheese, bawang pas tu tarok bbq sauce....waaalllaaaaa yummy :ppp

  21. Assalamualaikum Anie,

    Salam MaulidurRasul buat u and family ya...

    haha...ketawa kak nur baca ur comment..hmm lady gaga...ok juga lah menghiburkan...kat Malaysia pun ada satu icon lady gaga..haha.

    Tu lamb if my hubby tengok pasti jatuh tergulek2...febret dier tu...nampak super yummy...kak nur pun suka lamb...take care dear.

  22. Waalaikumsalam Kak Nur ;)

    Salam Maulidur Rasul buat akak sekeluarga jugak...

    M'sia pun ada lady gagap oopss gaga...hahaz tak tau nak kena check it out arh :D

    Mmg my hb punya feveret lamb ni, I mkn tu mkn jugaklah cuma sikit2 jer....u take care too kak.

  23. Hi Anie,
    akak memang suka makan daging kambing panggang tapi tak boleh lah selalu nanti my cholestrol turun naik nanti.

  24. Kak Aidah,

    Mmg betol tu kita digalakkan mkn lean beef or lamb tapi mmg tak boleh selalu lagipun kalau slalu mkn roast lamb ni nanti jelak lah pulak...hehehez
