Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chocolate Cheese Layer Cake

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Salam, Kia Ora...

Last week I went to the supermarket to get some milk.  I like to browse the shelves whenever I am at the supermarket, sometimes an easy task of getting milk will take me 30 minutes in there...hehehez.  As I was browsing the chiller section, I saw the Kraft Philadelphia cream cheese reduced to clear for only $1.49 each.  The price was cheap bcos the expiry date was on 9th Feb that was in 6 days time.

I was hesitating whether I should buy the cheese.  In the end I grabbed 1 block...hehehez I just couldn't resist it.  Hesitating bcos I knew that I am still in my lazy mood, not knowing if I'll be able to use it before the expiry date.  Only yesterday that I finally gather some courage and energy to use the cream cheese ^_^.  I've been wanting to eat and bake a chocolate cake for 2 weeks now and decided to finally bake one yesterday.  I like being lazy bcos I don't succumbed to temptation easily I reckon....ahaakkkss.

This recipe has been bookmarked for awhile now.  I thought why not give it a try since I have all the ingredients at home yesterday.  I made the layers quite thick bcos I couldn't be bothered to slave in front of the oven for a long period of time.  I just want the cake to finish quickly and yummiliciously...LOL!!  We really love this cake, the cheese and chocolate flavour blends well together and it wasn't too sweet....yummmzz yummmzz :ppp love it.......

Source : Kek Warisan Bonda.  Thank you Neena for sharing this recipe ;)

Chocolate Cheese Layer Cake

Ingredients A :
12 egg yolks
6 egg whites
360 gm sugar (I only used 300gm)
300 gm flour Hong Kong (I used standard flour)
2 tablespoons ovalette

Ingredients B :
For Cheese

250 gm cream cheese
4 tablespoons condensed milk
1 teaspoon lemon paste

For Chocolate
250 gm butter
4 tablespoons condensed milk
150 gm cooking chocolate - melted
1 tablespoon chocolate paste

Method :

1. Whisk A until fluffy.
Note : 
- If using hand mixer mix beat all ingredients except flour until fluffy 1st than add flour.
- If using stand mixer like KitchenAid, u can dump all the ingredients together and whisk till fluffy.
2. Divide the batter into 2 equal amount.
3. Beat cream cheese ingredients until creamy and add it into half of mixture A.
4. Beat butter & sweetened condensed milk until creamy then add into the other half of mixture A.  Add the melted chocolate into the mixture and finally the chocolate paste.
5. Prepare a baking pan 9 "X9" x3 ". Grill the cake layer by layer, alternating the chocolate and cheese mixture until finished.
6. Chill in the refrigerator overnight before cutting.

I grilled the mixture layer by layer at 170 deg C for abt 7-8 mins.  For the last layer I baked the cake using the top and bottom heat for 15 minutes.

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. cantiknya kek layer ni..sangat memikat hati..ada cheese lak kan..memang la makan tak berenti ni..hehe

    i kan kalau zaman tak de anak dulu, memang suka la duk melanguk lama lama tengok barang..sekarang ni..semuanya kena sepantas kilat..haha

  2. Tenkiu Izah, ni pun I main hentam ajer sbb mood tgh tak berapa nak rajin...hehehez. Tapi nak jugak perabiskan cream cheese tu.

    My hb dah tau dah perangai I yg suka merayau2 dkt supermarket...hehehez. So, kalau I pegi, slalu tinggalkan aja Jannah dgn ;)

  3. Salam Anie, cun betul kek ni! Nak sikit boleh?

  4. i have a weakness for cheese cakes, especially neatly presented like this.

  5. nak kek yg bentuk love tu...hehe
    kalau makan...misti penuh dgn rasa cinta kan anie...

  6. eh, i pun dah bookmarked cake ni but then tak buat buat lagi..sedap eh?
    anie, my family pulak, the 3 of us memang suka merayau tengok itu ini kat supermarket tu tau! that's why we always go there early in the morning hihi senang nak layan perasaan :D

  7. Anie/Izah n friends

    Samalah kita suka berjimba kat supermarket esp kat chiller sec. n section bahan2 kueh. I baru jumpa 1 supermarket yg boleh melayan citarasa mata aka window shopping.

    Anie, dah tak reti nak komen pasal kek tu. Pls bak sket (4 pcs will do).

  8. T&T,

    Tenkiu...meh sini dtg amik masih ada lagi 1/2 block ni...hehehz ;)

  9. Noir,

    Me too...esp the original New York cheesecake. MMMmmmmm sedapnya hehehz ;)

  10. Kak Kasih,

    Boleh2 kak, ni ada 3 keping. Akak 1 keping, I 2 keping...hehehez. Lepas tu mmg boleh berkasih2an mcm nama akak....ahakkkssss :D

  11. Zarin,

    Kalau dah cheese kena dgn cokelat...cfm tak boleh stop munching. Sedap babe...hehehez puji diri sendiri plak :D

    My hb tak suka pusing2 dkt supermarket :( Si Jannah plak tak bole duduk diam dlm trolley :( So....yg merayau2 kat dlm tu cuma I sowang2 ajer....huhuhu

  12. Somuffins,

    Waaahhh kita dua sehati sejiwa suka window shopping dkt supermarket hehehez. Tapi I mmg gitu arh suka stand at that particular section and compare prices...hehehez. My hb plak pantang tgk I buat gitu...dia asik nak cepat ajer. So, tak tenteram lah shopping dgn dia.

    Cik Som, 4 keping cukup ke...kita kat sini mkn tak henti2 ni...hehehez. Kalau u dkt, I kasi arh 1/2 block...;)

  13. Anie, dah tido ke? ahaks! i dtng nk selongkar dapur u...ada lagi tak kek lapis cun ni..hehe btw memang tabik tul la kalau u lapis cun abis....semlm baru u ckp ada angin M tetiba hari ni keluar dh angin R dan kek lapis yang mabeles ni..hebat tul. ehh..apasal murah sgt cream cheese kat sana tu?..kat sini 1 ketul 200gm dlm euro 2 tau..dan sama lah kalau i keluar suka juga belek brng kat supermarket lama2..hehe

  14. Tenkiu Nieza, I masih diserang virus M...tapi tak tahap gaban lah. Tahap cipan aja...hahahaz. Tu sbb buat lapisan kek ni tebal2 sikit sbb nak cepat abis. Masih ada lagi 1/2 block kek ni kalau u nak :ppp

    Cream cheese tgh reduce to clear sbb dah nak hampir expire tu pasal I cuma beli seketol jer. Harga biasa $3-$3.50 for a 250gm block, so sikit lebih kurang halal lah dgn harga dkt sana ;)

    Samalah kita suka belek2 brg...bestkan ahakksss

  15. Anie

    ai oso have lots of cheese blocks..dah ai penamak beli bebanyak masa my kazen dpt once a year nyer cheap sale for cream cheese..nasib baik expiry dia harus ai wat somethin cheesy kan..hehe..nanti ai seru semangat nak guna 12 tulur ok..

  16. Yat,

    Tu arh babe, dah nampak benda murah tak kan lah kita nak walk away ajakan. Tak dpt hoards byk2 mcm u, bli satu pun jadilah...hahahaz.

    Try ah babe, sodap arh kek ni berbaloi-baloi and not too sweet. I cant stop eating seh...addoooiiii makin gemokksss lah boohooo. U cuma kena separate 6 eggs jer, tak yah seru semangat org malas cam I pun sanggup buat arh...hehehez Yg lain semua dump aja dlm bowl sonang bai tuuuu...:D :D

  17. Babe..

    Kagum u rajin melapis ni.. I berangan dah lama.. Ginggal tunggu seru je.. Tapi i punya kalau jadi pon akan look like yours.. Tebai sikit sebab sesungguhnya tak rajin nak mengadap dan tunggu oven lelama.. Hehe..

  18. Hann,

    Babe, I terpaksa merajinkan diri sbb dah lama nk mkn chocolate cake dah gitu ada cream cheese yg nak expire...maka jadilah kek ini hehehez.

    Yg penting sodap babe, tebal2 cepat abis...alasan org malas cam I ahakkss :D

  19. Hi Anie,
    wah cantiknya kek lapis tu. kalau akak yg buat agaknya mungkin tiga lapis je kot, sebab memang tak rajin nak mengadapnya. Cuma rajin makan je, hehehe

  20. Babe, ni ai dtg lagik...6 eggs separate, mana dtg lagi 6 yolks to get 12?ke ai yg kompius taham gaban..sowee arr mamai di pagi hari...u still need 12 yolks kan for this recipe?

  21. Kak Aidah,

    Tenkiu kak ;) hehehez muka I ada sengih ni :D :D Kak kalau u buat, buat empat layer arh jgn 3 jadi boleh alternate cheese, cokelat, cheese, cokelat...hehehz Jadi cantik sakit ;)

  22. Yat,

    Hehehez...cian u pening dgn explanation I babe...Meh sini I explain lagi hehehez.

    Guna 12 eggs, tapi cuma need to separate 6 aja. Maknanya 6 whole eggs and 6 egg yolks. Kan cuma seperate 6 ajer...hehehez masih konfius tak :D

  23. You know Anie.. sometimes i wish my hb ni bukan jenis suka window shopping kat supermarket.. selalunye i will try to persuade him to stay in the car with sonia.. tak pun i can go sorang sorang but usually thats not the case.. dia sibuk nak pi recce benda murah kat chiller section.. kot kot ade mascorpone cheese on sale ke.. cream cheese on sale ke.. dah tu dak sonia ni suka panjat kat freezer section.. haizz tak tenteram hati ku .. my excitement nak do groceries shopping habis habisan i pulak kena jaga si sonia .. (of cos i will nag lah and told my hb off if i tak leh angs hahaha.. harusssssss)

  24. Anie,
    omg! wat a combo...Choc & Cheese...
    aiyo! soo many eggs to use? hhmm..its wokay, berkorban apa saja..

  25. Rima,

    Hehehez...kesian u. My hb plak kadang2 nak ikut tapi nak tunggu jer dlm kereta. Abis kalau dia tunggu lama jer dlm kereta dia mula berapi....dah suruh duduk dkt rumah ajer tak nak. Tunggu lama sikit jer jadi impatient...susahkan mcm gini issshhh. Tapi most of the time, my groceries shopping is with Jannah. Arrgghhh dia pun sama mmg tak tau diam duduk dlm trolley tu. Kadang2 semua benda dia nak suruh I beli...ahakkss

    A few time I saw mascarpone reduced to clear, tapi I walked away. Lain kali mesti grab and buat the tiramisu yg telah lama menjadi pojaan hati I.....hehehez

  26. Maya,

    Tak apa lah sesekali menambahkan lemak tepu di badan...hahahaz :D yg penting happy kan kan kan....

  27. ayoyoyoyoooooo cung gler peahhhhhh! raya taun depan aku order wokehhhhh' sila anta ker pintu rumah di malaysia... di ulangi malaysia yer bukan jepun! kekekeke

  28. Hana utk kamu kepala gajah pun aku sanggup hantar dkt dpn pintu rumah ok :) Tapi kan kan kan...kalau ko ler yg buat mustilah lebih cung melecung...ko lagi kreatip drpd aku dah babe....huhuhu
