Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sausage Rolls

Weather for Te Awamutu today
Season :
Forecast :
Chance of Rain
Temp : 29°C | 18°C
Current :
Partly Cloudy After Midnight
Temp : 23°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

Oh me, oh my its so freaking hot today, it was so hot also yesterday :(  We have 3 fans running, 1 fan each.  Hb whom is not a fan of fans (fans = electrical fan) hahahaz XD even turned the fan on.  As for little madame Jannah, she and her blanket cant be separated.  She just cant sleep without her blanket and she was so sweaty that her pillow was wet.  I had to remove her clothes as well as her blankie when she was fast asleep.

Jannah had a dip in her little pool yesterday and today to cool off.  Yesterday, she didn't want to leave the water even though her fingers and toes have turned into prunes & raisins and apart from being cold and shivering haizzz.  It was easier to lure her out of the pool today with the sausage rolls...hahahaz.  I supposed she had enough bcos she was in there for almost 2 and half hours.  This kinda weather isn't doing any justice to my face either.  I have pimples popping out, as if I'm going thru puberty again....but I don't feel like a teenager at all booo hooo @_@

Other than having pimples popping out like nobody, nobody but you.  Errmmm nobody's business I mean, we also lost our appetite.  Too much drinking water and juice I supposed, these sausage rolls were our dinner just now.  Jannah, being the cheeky one like she has always been, only ate the bun and left the sausage behind, as usual she asked for rice. Sorry bubbah no rice again today......

Source : CMG.  Thank CMG for sharing this recipe ;)

250 grams bread flour (high protein flour)
50 g caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
10 g milk powder

1/4 teaspoon bread improver
1/4 teaspoon bread softener
30 g egg (Break an egg, lightly beat it and only use 30g)
6 grams of instant yeast
20 g butter

125ml warm water (use room temperature tap water if using BreadMaker)
14 stick chicken sausage (I only had 10)

Sesame seeds
Egg Wash (Use the leftover egg and add 1 tblsp milk)


  1. Combine all ingredients for the dough in a container, except for the butter and mix well.  Add butter and continue to knead until dough becomes elastic.  Then shape it into a ball and let the dough rise for 45 minutes or until doubled in size.
  2. Bread Maker - Put all the ingredients into the bread maker, select the dough only setting and press "ON" and let the bread maker do the hard work for u :)
  3. Blanch the sausages in hot water, dry them with paper towels and let them cool down.
  4. Once the dough is ready, punch the excess air and roll it into a square shape and divide the dough into 14 equal pieces.  (I only divided them into 10)
  5. Use 1 piece of the dough to wrap the sausage.  You can click here for the step by step on how it is done.
  6. Arrange them on a baking tray that has been lightly buttered or lined with baking paper.
  7. Proof for a further 45 mins.
  8. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle with sesame seed.
  9. Bake for at least 10 mins in a 190 deg C oven.

It's almost midnight and its still hot.  I've yet to iron hb's uniform.  Perhaps I'll sleep first and iron them when its cooler in the morning before he goes off to work tomorrow ;)

Good night everyone....yawwnnzzZZzzz

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. waduh enak bangat!...hehe dah kena angin meroti dah kat sini pun...x leh jadi ni nk juga meroti tapi x ada sosej lak....kena gi cari sosej la dulu...hehe

  2. Nieza,

    Tu arh jeles tgk org menalam tapi kita tak boleh nak menalam. So, meroti jer lah...hehehez.

    Sosej takde, buat roti tuna ke roti kari kentang pun sodap. I kalau buat yg gitu2 haiizz tak laku lah pat sini....huhuhu

  3. musimm meroti sudah mari...lgi sorang dah berjangkit...
    cantik la roti anie.....mcm kat kedai tau....

  4. This is great babe...rajin u wat itew selalu play cheat used the frozen ones..not the same but similar la..for orang yg tersgt rajin cam ai kan..

    my kids waktu kecik (even now) pon sama, selagi tak berkedut tu jari2 tak kan naik dari pool..

    looking at the sausage, tringat ai dudan no 2 masa pri 1 so many2 years back, sebab terlalu sukakan itew sausage, masa balik sekolah, ada ke dia beli bebanyak & simpan 1..u taw kat mana??? dalam kocek seluar sekolah...haizzz itu budak, gerrrrram ai, dah lah berminyak2, dia takut ai berleter, tu yg simpan dalam pocket, tak ker bingai ai bila nak gantung seluar sekolah, tercampak tu sausage terkeluar & jatuh kelepuk kat kaki ai... habis belecin tu seluar...sekrg dah tak lah..hehe...

  5. sosej roll ni tak laku kat rumah i..i je yg makan tau! org lain suma tk i nak tumpang makan sikit kat rumah u boleh tak? ekeke

  6. Hi Anie,
    first time akak singgah disini. Salam perkenalan. Wah cantiknya your sosej roll tu. Mesti rasanya pun sedap kan.

  7. ayoyo..sungguh sedap ooo
    agak2 kalau berjiran anie hulur kat akak tak ye? hihi
    kalau tak nak hulur roti...kasi epal 2-3 bijik pun ok jugak

  8. Mas,

    Tu arh demam meroti dah sampai sini...hehehez

    Tenkiu Mas, u punya roti pun manyak cantik whoaa :D

  9. Babe,

    I guna breadmaker utk uli the dough. Kalau uli pakai tangan confirm tak jadi punya. Bukannya apa malas arh...hehehez Padahal boleh kira form of exercise tu :D

    U remind me of my mom seh biler u use that word belecin...hahahaz Dia slalu marah my youngest brother biler dia balik skolah. Pegi skolah kasut putih berseri, balik umah belecin...LOL!! Classic betol arh word tu....tak jumpa lagi dkt sini.

    Skarang dkt skolah dah tak boleh jual sausages, nuggets tu semua kan. Time I skolah dulu, semua ada best arh. So, ur son dah tak boleh hide sausage dlm sluar dia lagi (oops I mean dlm pocket :ppp). Nak kena tunggu mummy dia masak baru dia boleh mkn many2 hehehez

  10. Zarin,

    Ni I buat 1st time, nasib baik laku seh. I buat roti tuna atau roti kari tak laku, I sendiri yg mkn...huhuhu :D

    U nak mkn kat sini no problem, best arh ada org temankan I mkn. Tapi tak nak roti sosej arh kita masak mee soto ke mee rebus ke...lagi best :D :D

  11. Aidah,

    Tenkiu sbb sudi singgah my blog ;) and salam perkenalan buat Aidah jugak.

    Alhamdullilah, resepi dari Mat Gebu, sedap jer roti ni. Dah abis pun...hehehez

  12. Kak Kasih,

    Ohhh bestnya kalau ada jiran melayu yg tahu appreciate makanan kita. InsyaAllah sy share dgn akak arh...hehehez. Kalau time Ramadhan, wah boleh imagine kita bertukar2 lauk and kuih muih...yuummmzz :p

    Kak jgn ckp roti, apa akak nak pon boleh. Apple jer, nak pokok pun bole...hehehez ;) gurau2 eh kak lup u.....

  13. Anie
    Roti .. terkenang kat bai roti zaman silam. Dia park basikal dia just inches away from my parents' kitchen door. Setapak lagi dah boleh masuk dapur; gitulah intimnya kita dengan bai roti dulu kala, hehe.

    Rajinnya you menggentel dough tu. I dah malas wpun I enjoy buat roti. Tulah bila hubby offers BM, I buat2 mahal konon.

  14. Somuffins,

    Masa I small2 pun I pernah bli roti dari si bai roti yg naik basikal iteww. My feveret is the roti loaf yg dia slice lepas tu dia sapu dgn kaya. Mana lah peginya bai2 ni semua, asal dorang tak bukak bakery...hehehez.

    Smalam, itu jer dinner kita pasal tu I ter extra rajin ;)

  15. Anie,
    Happy New Year!
    lama tak singgah ur blog. sekali tengok, banyak entry u yg i tak khatam lagi.
    cha cha is the total opposite, she would eat the sausage instead of the bun. also, mummy cha cha nie guna short cut ajer - i used ready made pastry from Cold Storage...hehehe aci gitu?

  16. Anie i baca all the comments and still tak tahu what belecin is.. kok i tak pernah dengar seh that word yg u and Yat cakap kan.. adeehhhh how come my mom tak pernah pun pakai that word.. hmmmm

    Buat roti using BM is a must in my dictionary hahah

  17. Maya,

    Happy New Yr to u too babe ;)

    Tak kisah lah u short cut atau long cut asal aper yg u buat tu from the heart kan...hehehez I salute tau working mom yg busy tapi sempat nak baking dan masak2 susah utk family. I yg tak keje ni kekadang mcm malas jer nak masak2 :D :D

  18. Rima,

    U tak pernah dgr word belecin pronouced 'ber lleh chen' hahahaz. I guess our mom must be the 'rugged' type tak pasal tu dorang guna word mcm gini...hahahaz To my understanding and context bila dan ketika word ini digunakan ialah : for something that is the dirty to the max atau busuk to the max....LOL!! :D Betul tak Yat??

    Tu arh I sanggup beli BM for the sake of nak mkn roti, tapi I punya yg basic jer. Auntie Eton (one of the expat auntie here) ada BM yg boleh bake bagel...huhuhu jeles arhhh.

  19. anie dear..

    i ade dah segale bende.. tinggai lagi nak menggodek je roti nih.. iskk.. awat la i tak rajin macam u?

    btw, i ada buat salah apa2 ke kat u? kalau ada, i minta maaf babe.. sob sob sob..

  20. Hann,

    Oh me, oh my apasal tetiba nak mintak2 maaf?? U takde buat salah it bcos of facebook account tu ke?? I deactivate my account japs...ada org mengganggu ketenteraman I...hahahaz.

    Babe, u takde salah apa2...u buat I 'kancheong' kejaps...btw what's the real story?

  21. Daling anie..

    thanks for not deleting me..
    hehehhe.. btw, i buat akaun baru tuk menten those kengkawan yang bersidang kat dapur. Selesa sikit nak berjoli2 dan berkarya.. hahhahahah.. kalau akaun hak sedia ada and orang opis nengok, leceh. tak sesuai untuk mentaliti dan kejiwaan.. muahahhah

    thanks dear!

  22. Hann,

    I malas nak bukak account lagi satu...hahahaz nak start blog pun took me 2 yrs to decide @_@ jadi biar ajalah si luncai terjun dgn labu2nya hmmmm ada kena mengena ke dgn luncai LOL!!

    Maybe a week later lah baru I reactivate, insyaAllah ;) take care baybeh...

  23. Hello makcik.. mane awak dah menghilang uh? Adelah nak wish awak hapi burfday kat fb. abih name awak takde. OK lerr..

    Happy B'day!

  24. cantik kk je sosej roll neh..teringin lak nak buat..anak i pulak, makan sosej je, roti di biarkan..hehe..mcm mcm kerenah budak2 ni kan

  25. Tenkiu Izah ;) u punya roti pun tak kurang hebatnya...

    Tu arh budak2 mcm perangai kan. Nasib baik lah I satu jer. Kalau 3 ke 4 ke, boleh pengsan whoa....hehehez

  26. Babes

    Cik Rims, belecin tu ai telah jelaskan ngan terperinchi (cebahhh) kat my place Anie said, klassik u word pun amik dari my mom, ponn dia gunakan kat my youngest bro, ai guess belecin more for boys lah...girls tak ler belecin sgt, unless tomboy tahap gaban pi main bola pakai baju sekola macam my niece...arrr yg tu confirm belecin punya..muehehehe

  27. Babe,

    I totally agree with u...ROFL!!! XD

  28. salam anie..waduh gebussnye roti bun anie wat nih..terus rasa nk meroti la pulak..lagi pun BM akak tu dh lama x dikerjakan..haha..pasnih leh la stat operasi bila nk stat tu ek?? alaa..lg senang pi beli jek kt kedai tu haa..kihkihkihh!!

  29. Salam K Ina,

    Tenkiu kak ;) Aper lah kerahkan tenaga si BM tu kak sblum dia sakit sbb terlalu lama rehat..hehehez :D

    Mmg betul kalau dkt SG or M'sia sy rela beli jer sbb ada jual yg halal. My feveret yg ada chicken floss...yummmy
