Monday, January 3, 2011

Chocolate Bottom Banana Square

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Chance of Rain
Temp : 30°C | 18°C
Current :
Partly Cloudy After Midnight
Temp : 19°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

How quickly time flies??  We are already in the 3rd day of 2011.  Hope I'm not too late to wish everyone a very Happy New Year ;)  By the way did anyone miss me?? hahahaz....not shy aye?? >.<

Anyway, the reason I haven't been updating my blog the past few days is that I've been busy uh huh.  New Year's eve, hb invited some his work mates for a backyard party.  It was an easy entertainment for the kiwi blokes.  Kiwi style bbq, consisting of sausages which they had with bread and fried onions, salads and marinated chicken.  I didn't even bother to take out my food warmers or platters.  Just used plastic containers for the food and disposable plates and cutleries.  Easy clean up...heehaws :D

On New Year's day we had an invitation to a friend's house and yesterday we went to the beach.  Didn't bake anything speacial the past few days and was too tired to even post a simple entry to wish everyone a Happy New Year...hehehez. 

Oh well, I made this yummy banana squares today.  Had 4 bananas that have been left untouched in the fridge for almost a week.  I thought the squares were gonna be like brownie's texture but was surprised that it was really soft and moist.  It was in between a sponge and chiffon...even hb agrees with me.  He's not someone who likes this kinda cake but he was really enjoying these banana squares and said that they were so soft as if they just came out of the oven even after they've been sitting for a while on the kitchen's bench ;)  Luckily I didn't make half of the recipe, otherwise they will be gone in 60 secs....hehehez

Source :

Makes 24 squares

1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar ( I only added 3/4 cup)
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups mashed banana (about 3 medium bananas)
1 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup baking cocoa
1 cup chocolate chips
(I sprinkled some left over walnut pieces)

1. In mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar. Add egg, vanilla, and bananas, beating thoroughly.
2. In a separate bowl, combine flour, soda, baking powder, and salt. Add to creamed mixture and mix well.
3. Divide batter in half. Add the cocoa to one portion of the batter. Spread that portion in the bottom of a greased 9 x 13-inch baking dish. Spoon remaining batter on top, swirling gently with butter knife if desired, and sprinkle with chocolate chips.
4. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until batter tests done with a toothpick or fork. Cool and cut into 24 squares

Lots of ripen apples from the tree that's just in front of our house.  Jannah has been plucking them and munching them.  Apple pie or apple crumble anyone?  hehehez

Will try my best to visit everyone later ;)

Me Te Aroha, With Love...
Anie ;)


  1. jelessnya...pokok epal dekat rumah jer....
    anie, pos sikit epal tu..he..he..

  2. Salam Mas :)

    Kalau ada pokok durian dpn rumah kan best...hehehez :D

    Nak epal ni braper container? Nanti I kirim eh dkt Mas ;)

  3. Anie
    Kalau u tak appear hari nih kat blog, for sure I catch a flight to NZ, ahaks..

    Busy meh? Maklum new year kan?. Happy new year to u too. Baca your review abt d cake makes me want to try it but ....

  4. aaa..jeles nyeeeeeee... bbila agaknya dapat petik buah epal ye....asik verangan je laaaa.....huhu.makan epal ingat ingat saya ye kak

  5. Salam Anie,

    Beh tahan tgk ur choc square tu nyum nyum nyum nakkkkk apple pie yg mcm mcD plzzzzz heheheh bnyk cekadak ler pulak kan

  6. Babe

    u letak walnut eh..kat that yummeh bars????ishhhh ku suker, confirm sodap arrr..

    lagi ku nak verangan jenjalan depan umah u sambil petik si apple and i vote for apple crumble..bila nak wat??heheh

  7. nanti bilang sama jannah, pluck lebih lebih sikit apples tu...then ship to hasya's hse ye coz hasya loves apple pie..hari hari mau mkn apple pie tau!
    anyway happy new year babe! err baru nak tanya...u pi mkn angin ke? lama tk rindu tau ekeke :P

  8. Anie..

    Lama betul u menyepi.. :)

    btw, i suka combi. banana dengan coklat.. macam anggun je gitu.. rasa pon macam meletop je.

    iskk.. kalau i tau ada epal free, sure i tak beli untuk buat apple crumble tadi..

  9. Anie..
    akak pun mula berangan ni..
    kalau le kat rumah akak ada pokok epal camgini...besttt nyeee.
    Sebelum akak gi kerja, akak petik sebiji...hihi

    Akak suka sgt tengok pics blog anie ni...tak puas2 menatap.

  10. wah sedapnya...epal pun sedap gak...hehe dpn umah kita ni pokok epal dah ditenggelami snow dah...tunggu summer lak nk hidup blk..

  11. Somuffins,

    Wahhh tersangatlah terharunya sbb u sanggup nak terbang ke NZ semata2 nak cari I...woooohhooo :D hehehez.

    Cik Som, I recommend u buat arh banana square ni, lembut and very chocolatey. Tak payah tapi, tapi or but, but hehehez ;p its yummy....

  12. Izah,

    Epal ni nasib, ada manis ada masam...hehehez. Izah nak akak ingatkan Izah time I tgh makan yg manis atau masam...:D :D

    Kita plak jeles dgn org yg ada pokok durian and rambutan dkt dpn rumah dorang....hehehehez

  13. Chik Mimi,

    Cekadak itu binatang apa?? hahahaz tak pernah dgr lawak btol word tu :D :D *golek* *golek* ketawa

    Beh tahan meh the chocolate square, I recommend u buat lah Chik Mi. Sedap, senang dan berbaloi oi oi oi :D

  14. Yat,

    Babe, I letak walnut yg belen ciput. Sebelum dia bertukar menjadi mouldy baik I taburkan dkt banana square itewww....

    Tu arh hb dan mintak apple crumble, nanti I nak kena carik recipe dulu....nak kena blog walking. I tak pernah buat seh apple crumble. Dia nak yg lecak2 punya style....hahahaz :D

  15. Zarin,

    Alah cayang u babe, ada jugak org rindukan I....auuuwwwww :D happy hahahahz. I tak makan angin pun, cuma eksen2 busy....

    Jom ajak Hasya dtg sini, dia boleh duduk bawah pokok apple dgn Jannah, lepas tu petik si apple tu and suruh mamanya buatkan apple pie...hehehez. Ada lagi 4, 5 pokok apple tapi buahnya blum ranum, Hasya won't run out of apples sampai winter...hehehez :D

  16. Hann,

    I eksen2 busy lah pasal tu hilang menyepi japs...hehehez. Dah tak larat nak stay up sampai malam utk update blog. Pukul 10 malam jer I dah ngorok :D :D

    Ooohhh u tau buat apple crumble eh...nanti I pegi blog u tgk ada recipe ke tak...hehehez

  17. Kak Kasih,

    Tenkiu kak, gambar ni I rasa mcm gelap sikit arh pasal matahari dah sembunyi masa I amik gambar tadi...huhuhu. Nak amik siang sikit, bersinar2 sgt mentari...issshhh. InsyaAllah lain kali I wait for the right time ;)

    Berlambak kak, epal dari 1 pokok, ada dah jatuh tergolek2 dkt tanah. Meh singgah sini sblum gi keje, petik apple eh kak...hehehez

  18. Nieza,

    Bestnya ada snow, kita dkt sini takde snow. Time winter harap sejuk aja...huhuhu.

    Time winter I jarang mkn buah2an fresh sbb mahal :( Tomato kadang2 sampai $9 dkt sini....haiizz

  19. mak aii.. cemana nk reduce baking nih? tgk yr recipe je dah kecur air liur! huhuhu.. memang sgt menggoda choc bottom banana squares ni.. i simply cant resist the combination of choc & banana. i even used to have a nick coklatbanana :p

  20. Plain-June or should I call u coklatbanana instead...hahahaz.

    Mmmmzzz mmg sedap lah choc squares ni, even my hb yg tak minat spongy cake pun suka mkn benda alah ni ;) Alah besok2 aja lah kita diet....hari ni jom baking2 hahahaz :D

  21. mak aiihhhhh terduduk aku dbuatnyer! ngan rojak bawah tuh lagik! jannahhh.. p amikkan `akak`(perasan muda la gtu khannn..) brg sebalang dua... rojak skali satu besen! *gler kuat mkn! hahaaaa

  22. Hana,

    Nasib kamu terduduk, nak nya tergolek...ish ish camner lak agaknya....hehehez :D

    Mak ai kak hana (ni Jannah yg panggil) cukup ke sebalang dua choc squares dgn rojak sebesen? Winter time kena melantak lebih2 sikit...hahahaz. Tu bukan gagah, itu gelojoh :D

  23. I hv baked it!! yayyyy.. its delish and i like it alot! tks for sharing it babe.. :o)

  24. Rima,

    No problemo babe, and tenkiu sbb sudi try out this recipe ;)

  25. Anie....sorry flour pakai flour apa ek,nak try ni

    1. Hi Erin,

      Sorry for late reply. I da lama tak bukak blog hehe. I guna standard/all purpose flour for this recipe.
