Friday, January 7, 2011

Grilled Honey Lemon Chicken Wings

Weather for Te Awamutu today
Season :
Forecast :
Chance of Rain
Temp : 32°C | 16°C
Current :
Light Breeze With Late Fog
Temp : 23°C

Salam, Kia Ora..

I know its been too quiet from my end, while I can see other bloggers are actively updating their blogs like 2 to 3 times a day.  WoowwwWeee!!  I really salute those bloggers who have the opportunities to blog abt their yummy bakes and dishes regularly.  Hmmmzzzz, actually I envy them hahahaz. 

Today, I told hb that I needed to post an entry as its been ages since I last posted one.  His reply was "I thought you've blogged abt the sausage rolls a few days back, how can that be ages?"  When I told him abt how frequent some bloggers update their blogs, all he could reply was 'holy molly'.  Holly molly alright...ahakkss :D

The temperature here has been hot and muggy and its screwing Jannah's bedtime I reckoned.  She only fell asleep at 10.30pm compared to her normal bedtime that is between 8.30pm to 9pm.  She was tossing around, playing, rolling in her blankie and kicking the bedroom wall.  I accompanied her in her bedroom, but was getting bored and irritated bcos she didn't want to go to sleep....haiizz.  I had to bribe her!!  Told her that I will take her shopping tomorrow if she goes to sleep now.  Oh, what do ya know??  10 minutes later, she's in lala land.  She said she wanted blue's clues...hopes that she doesn't remember the bribery tomorrow morning *crosses fingers and toes* smirksssssss >.<

Just sharing a simple grilled chicken recipe that we had for dinner just now ;)

My all time favourite part of the chicken is the wing tips...yummmy ;pppp

Ingredients :
  • Abt 1 - 1.5 kgs chicken wings
  • 2 cloves garlic - chopped finely
  • 1 cm ginger - chopped finely
  • 1 1/2 tsp cumin powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp coriander powder
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1/4 tsp chilli powder
  • 4 - 6 tblsp honey (add less or more, adjust accordingly to your taste bud)
  • salt & pepper to taste.
  • 2 lemons
Method :
  • Clean chicken and drain excess water.
  • Marinade chicken with all the above ingredients except the lemons for at least half an hour.  The longer its left marinated, the better.
  • Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon over the chicken wings before grilling them.
  • Grill the chickens in a 180 to 200 degrees C oven till cook. (Fan grill is the best)
  • Once cooked, squeeze the juice of the other lemon over the chicken wings and serve.
Happy weekend everyone.

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. sedappnya ayam bakar....
    haaaa..tu tangan sape tu...aaiippp..tu aunty mas punyaa..he..he...

  2. Aunty Mas, meh sini rebut ayam dgn Jannah selagi stock masih ada....hehehez

  3. coop!... jangan ambil chicken wings tu.... unty punyaaa....

  4. eh eh this is my all time feveret jugak...yummy yummy :D
    eh, baru td nk tinggal comment at ur shout box..nak tanya mana u hilang tp tetiba couldn't find ur shoutbox. ingat u dah buang dah...ehehe..rupanya dia pi tangkap ayam, pasai tu lama dia menghilang ye ;-)

  5. Aunty Ita, meh rebut dgn Aunty Mas dgn Jannah skali....fight!! hehehez ;)

  6. Zarin,

    I baru terperasan tadi yg my shout box dah hilang ghaib entah ke mana. Aper ke benda entah yg I dah godeh2 dkt settings tu...hehehez

    Alah I masak yg simple2 jer the past few days, tak meroti tak mengekek (ada ke word mcm gitu...hahahaz) Goreng telur, makan nasi dgn kicap jer, tak kan lah nak post dkt blog ahakksss :D Nasib baik I dpt tangkap ayam hari ni, kalau tidak....sunyi seeeppiiiii lagi lah ari ni :D

  7. Jannah..jgn habiskannnn...

  8. Kak Kasih,

    Jannah yg gagah itew mkn 2 ketol kepak ni tadi. Hmmmzz gagah ke gelojoh eh??...hahahaz ;D

  9. wah sama lak kita....tu la bz tadi dok tangkap ayam..nyorok bawah snow lak ayam tu..hehe sorry lmbt singgah sini..btw sedap nengok dok berebut ayam tu kalau x cukup ambik kat dapur nieza lak yer...kihkihkih

  10. Nieza,

    Tu arh sehati sejiwa kita hari ni ;) Takde lambat, I baru jugak post entry ni beberapa jam yg lalu. Ayam pun masih ada belen2 lagi, tapi dah pack utk hb punya lunch box esok....hehehez.

    Nak jugak rasa yg Nieza punya ;)

  11. Anie tinggalkan utk i tak nyum nyum nyum nak,heheheh,comei je tgn jannah

  12. Hi Anie,
    wah the chicken wing looks so yummy. My kids sure gonna like it.

  13. Chik Mi,

    I nak tinggalkan u 2 ketol, tapi Jannah ckp ayam tu semua dia yg punya, camner ni...hehehez :D

  14. Hi Kak Aidah,

    Kalau namanya ayam confirm the kids gonna luv it ;) hehehez. Jgn ckp kids, mak & bapak kids pun luv it.....

  15. Anie
    I mmg tak reti nak grill ayam kot? Minda I kata grill, tapi resultnya as if I baked them. Caner?? Haishh...

  16. Babe

    ai suker grilled chicken, kalo pegi east coast lagoon, berderet arr tu ayam grill on that super long skewer, budak2 will head straight & order without anyone asking..abeh tu 1 pc 1 dollar u!!!

    ai kalo nak grill chic in the oven, ai pikiak 10 kali sebab ai malas tol nak do the clean up thereafter, kalo ai tak clean up cepat maunye cake aku baw ala2 chicken gitew..hehe..

    semalam malam ku gi rounding umah MIL thats why baru terkedek2 nak dtg umah u nih... ai rasa, dah tinggal tulang2 jer la kalo ai nak mintak sedekah chicken bawak tupperware sendiri kan..

  17. Somuffins,

    Kalau nak achieve grilled result biler grilling chicken, u guna baking tray yg ada rack. Tenggekkan ayam tu atas rack jadi segala fats dari ayam akan drip ke baking tray. Kalau u letak ajer ayam dlm baking tray, makanya akan jadilah bake chicken ;)

  18. Babe,

    I dgr dari my BFF yg harga grilled chicken dkt East Coast dah naik to $1.20. My feveret hang out place tu, even my hb kalau pegi sg, will go there w/out fail. Tapi quality pangangan ayam kat sana very dissapointing pasal kadang2 tak masak :(

    Tu arh 1 thing abt masak dlm oven, kena terus bersihkan kalau tak nanti kek cfm bau mcm lauk kita...hahaz. Tapi sama jugak lah dgn cara memasak atas stove pun lepas tu kena bersihkan jugak. Saper yg bersihkan? Kita jugak...huhuhu.

    Wah cfm mkn besar dkt rumah MIL, tak payah lah I nak sedekahkan u tulang2 ayam dkt sini....hahahaz :D :D

  19. Anie..

    hehe...pandai u mengexplain the diff btw grilling & tu lah exactly how I explain kalo orang tanya..tapi takder orang tanya pong!!! :)

    lepas ni, tgk umah Cik Som, mana taw ada belen grill chicken sebab dia dah loaded ada 64 inggit extra duit jual sok kabar..

  20. Babe,

    Ada2 jer u nie ;) hahahaz

    Tu arh jual sok kabar bole dpt RM64 fuyoh kaya kaya kaya kan. I tgh pikir2 nak jual aper eh so I boleh kaya cam CS....hahahaz sok kabar tak boleh pasal kita ada recyling day every weekly, truck dtg dpn rumah angkut semua for free. Hmmmzz no good :D

  21. Anie/Yat
    Dengan penjelasan cik Anie kita barulah I sedar diri kenapa my chicken jadi baked n not grill. Jawapannya ialah ... I play safe not to have it grilled the correct way KARNA gua malas nak basuh n lap the oven after each grilling session and also by baking method, it would have saved me from berpeluh tiak to make extra gravy (can cicah with bread).

    Ladies, RM64 tu belum disentuh lagi taw. I maintain sopan kan?? Maklum dapat duit tu coincides with duit bulan TB beri. Kiranya I tak berapa pandang 64K itew, har3.. *64K okay?* siapa nak sket? :-)

    FYI, I tak jual sokabar aje. I jual flyers, surat ntah hapah2, catalogues, old bills/receipt, magazines n last but not least my doter's buku latihan sekolah.

    Sekian lapuran seadanya .. heheh.

  22. Anie
    Pls confirm. Coriander powder tu in tsp juga ke? Thanks

  23. Somuffins,

    Yup yup in tsp...hehez lupa lah pulak nak indicate betul2 ;)

    Just another tip biler u tgh grill ayam Cik Som, yg lebihan marinade tu jgn dibuang. U boleh siram dkt those ayam2 for flavour as well as to keep them moist while grilling them.

    Kalau u rasa the oven temperature is a bit high, u boleh turunkan temp. Ayam ni ada honey, takut akan cepat hangus kalau temp terlalu kuat ;)

    Betul lah kata Yat, dgn adanya the RM64k (wow!! kaya kaya kaya....hehehez) u akan mengrill ayam. Anyway, selamat mencuba...I mkn ayam ni dgn cili sos aja. So, u tak payah ler berpeloh ketiak nak buat gravy.....:)

  24. Ohhhh lagi satu tip....

    Alaskan baking tray dgn aluminium foil. Jadi, segala yg drip drpd ayam tu akan drip on the alumunium foil instead of ur baking tray. Sbb honey akan melekat dkt baking tray, susah nanti nak kena scrub. Biler guna foil, dah abis masak terus buang aja the foil lepas tu tinggal rinse aja baking tray...

    Easy peasy....hehehez ;) singer menawan keluarga bahagiiiaaaa

  25. Anie
    Kita nih nak memasak atau menjahit? ahaks... Jom nyanyi sesama "singer menawan keluarga bahagiiaaa..".

    Thanks for tips. Hari tu beriya2 I salin resipi tapi dek masa dan minda tak sehaluan, terpaksa dibatalkan niat yg suci murni itew.

  26. Somuffins,

    Kita berdua kan ada verangan angan nak menjahit...sbb tu kita nyanyi lagu singer yg nostalgia itew...hahahaz. Btw, I dgr2 singer dah ada product electrical lain mcm tv, esbok, washing machine...dan lain2 lagi ;)

    No problemo Cik Som, my pleasure to share the knowledge. Tak per lah besok2 boleh u cuba buat grill chix ni ;) sedap menjilat jari, insyaA...hehehez

  27. Anie
    Betul tu.. dah lama Singer jual w.machine, fridge n other elec. goods. Boleh bayar instalment lagi. Tu dulu, now tak taulah camana.
