Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Butter Cheese Cake

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Chance of Rain
Temp : 28°C | 13°C
Current :
Partly Cloudy
Temp : 17°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

This morning, my personal chef took over the kitchen to make us a yummilicious brekkie.  Me and Jannah were sitting on the kitchen stools while waiting for our french toast to be ready.  I was surfing the net when hb told me to open the door. He saw the postie approaching our front door so, I got up and opened the door.  The first thing I saw the postie holding on was a package with a 'Singapore Post' written on it.

Surprise, was a parcel from home yippppieee.  From my luvly mama, sista and brudder.  I read the consignment note and saw handbag written on it.  I was opening the package really slow and careful but hb being the impatient one, asked me to just rip the packaging open....hahahaz.  I didnt listen to him of course and took my time :D.  When I finally opened the package, I was so overjoyed to see a Coach wristlet in it ;)  Thank u guys....

I baked this butter cheese cake yesterday since I have cream cheese saved from the disastrous RVC.  Luv this cake, it sort of taste in between a butter cake and a pound cake.  I had 2 pieces for breakfast today.  It was yummier today as the cake turns very oily and moist...yummzz yummmzz.  The only complaint is....its not sweet enough.  I usually reduce the amount of sugar when I bake, luckily I didn't reduce the sugar for this recipe.  Was surprised that even hb likes this cake.  Usually, he prefers thickly iced cake compared to plain ones ;)

My cake with the pockmark skin......eeeiiiwww but delicious ^_^

Source : NCC-Fatmah Bahalwan.

Ingredients :
225 gr   standard flour

1 ½ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp    salt

200 gr    butter
175 gr    cream cheese
½ tsp     grated lemon rind
175 gr    caster sugar
5           egg yolks

5           egg whites
1 tsp      lemon juice

  1. Grease and flour 6 mini bundt cake pans.  (I just used a bundt pan)
  2. B: Whisk butter and cream cheese till pale and fluffy.  Add sugar and continue whisking.
  3. Add egg yolks and continue whisking.  Lastly add grated lemon rind and whisk until well combined.
  4. Fold in A into B with a spatula and put aside.
  5. In a clean bowl, whisk C until stiff peak and add into A and B in stages and mix until well combined. 
  6. Pour batter into pans and bake in a 180 deg C oven.

Okay nite nite everyone.....selamat malam, oyasuminasai, annyeonghi jumuseyo, wan an.  I haven't learn good night in any other languages....ahakkkss

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. babe

    sudah maw tidor ka??? ai lagi terkebil2 tak leh tido wlpn dah makan love this kinda cake, simple & easy to eat..kalo yg ada ganache or buttercream, ai tak faveret sgt unlike the kids..paham2 la dah muda2 ni kan, harus ai jaga my sugar in take..

    ok babe have a good nite..pleasant's one more fo ya..buenas noches


    p/s - dapat wristlet..harijadi ka??

  2. rasa nk terkentot aku tgk ke'lawa'an kek mu itewww!

  3. Anie

    I so wanna bake a simple cake but my kudrat nih terasa berat bebenor.. haizzz.. I also have more than 250gm of cream cheese nak dekat expire, hellppp..

  4. Yat,

    Sini dah nak masok kol 11pm...tido lah babe nak buat apa lagi hahahaz. Nak pegi Mustafa Ctr takde plak dkt sini. Actually tgh layan citer korea dulu. Lepas tu baru tido lah.

    I cuma suka cream cheese frosting ajer...yg paling menggemukan itu lah my feveret. Lain kinda frosting tarak suka sangat.

    Ci senora...tenkiu I learn a new greeting hari ni.

    P/S ah ah lah babe, wristlet utk bday yg dah belecin...hahahaz :D :D

  5. Hana,

    Maaakkkkk aiiii sampai terkentot....busuk punya olang!!

    Kalau nak kentot biar open air. Skarang tgh winter, jgn ko kentot dlm blanket sudah. Pengsan anak2 kamu dgn laki kamu skali...hahahaz @_@

  6. Somuffins,

    U nak pinjam kaki dgn tgn I eh...meh sini amik. Jgn lupa return ok. Tapi kalau u pinjam Yat atau Rima punya lagi best, dorang lagi dkt dgn u....hehehez

    Cik Som, buat lah kek ni...sedap dan senang jer. Kalau tak nak buat kek, pegi beli bagel. U toast bagel, lepas tu sapu cream cheese ngan stroberi jam. Oh me oh my sodappppppppp

  7. sungguh cantik..
    kek tu terlalu banyak unk dimakan bertiga...kan kan kan
    nak mintak pun jauh sgt..

  8. woittt... cantiknya kek, sayang nak potong...bila la kak rose rajin nak buat kek nih?

  9. Anie
    Ekceli I nak buat simple kek but hubby dah tertanya2 pasal kek oren. I am torn ..... cewah.

    Bagel? I pernah buat sekali dulu kala. The result was quite mendukacitakan.

    "oh me oh my" ... Lagu Lulu tu, kan?

  10. wah happy ye tengok kek lawa..cantiknyaaa kek perasmian ni...huhu...cantik..nk tenung lagi..dah naik juling mata tengok kek..hihi

  11. Salam tuan dapur..saya dtng nk mkn itew cun punya kek la...haha memang mabeles..nk ambik sepotong bw blk..kihkihkih

  12. Sedap eh Anie? actually kan dari raya nak try sampai lah sekarang tak ter try try recipe ni.. nanti if senang i will try lah..

    Happy belated bday to u dear!

  13. Kak Kasih,

    Tenkiuuu kak....mmg byk utk kita bertiga. Dah share dgn ngan kwn hb smalam. Tu arh akak jauh lah....huhuhu

  14. Kak Rose,

    hehehez...dah potong dan dah abis pun kak. Alhamdullilah ingat tak laku, abis gak...hehehez. Kak try lah recipe, bahan2 pun senang jer ;)

  15. Somuffins,

    I pernah nampak u dan pernah kek oren yg fofular itew...jadi ur hb suka lah kek itew ;) hehehez. Tu lah mmg torn kan especially ada cream cheese yg akan expire, sayangnya nanti.

    Bagel, beli jer lah Cik Som. I tak pernah buat...hehehez. Buat mkn time breakfast, dinner & lunch....uhhhhh my feveret :pppp

    Oh me oh my tu lagu si Jannah dari rancangan kanak2 'The Wiggles' hahahaz I dah tersampuk lagu tu :D

  16. Izah,

    Alamak cian u sampai terjuling2 bijik mata. Meh sini akak betolkan....ahakkkzzz

  17. Nieza,

    Sepotong jer cukup ke? Amik dua lah kesian kan cik hb tgk u mkn sorang2...hahahaz

  18. Rima,

    We really like it. Definitely taste better than the yucky RVC...bayangkan my hb yg tak heran mkn kek yg bogel, takde frosting ni mkn dgn lajunya hehehez. I ingatkan tak laku.

    Tenkiu for the birthday wish ;) weeeeiiiiii

  19. Rima,

    Ooppss lupa lah...kena add sugar, kek ni kurang manis lah :D

  20. eh i pun sama mcm u, slalu lesskan sugar every time bake a cake..ths one no need eh?
    eh when is your birtday babe? anyway happy birthday eh :D

  21. Wah Anie, ni betul2 buat akak geram. Geram nengok hasil kerja tangan U yang cantik2 ni. Nape lah kalau akak buat kek tak secantik ni, huhuhu

  22. Anie
    Hampunnn.. Happy belated birthday to you, to youuuuu ... dgn ucapan tayang2kanlah WAJAH mu disini, clap3..

    My word verif. is malamm (nak suh I zzzz lagi kot?)

  23. cantik la kek tu anie......nampak pun gebu....

  24. Zarin,

    Tu arh yg ni kurang manis arh. Kalau I buat lagi, nak add maybe dlm 30gm sugar gitu lah...:D

    Tenkiu for the bday bday dah lepas dah. Last wk 6th Jan ;)

  25. Kak Aidah,

    Tenkiuuuuu kak ;) Kadang2 I pun tak lucky arh kak...kek merekah lah, tak masak betul lah. Kuciwa jugak. I byk mintak tips dari sifu2 yg terror dkt blog dorang, alhamdullilah skarang dah ok sikit...hehehez

    Cuba lagi kak, jgn putus asa. Fighting!!! (Ni penangan byk tgk citer korea...ahakkks)

  26. Somuffins,

    Hammpuunnn I yg tak bilang my bday. Ada org ittteewww bertanya sbb itu I terjawab maka begitu lah bday I diberitahu secara tak sengaja....hehehez Tenkiu for the bday wish. ;)

    U nak tgk wajah I? Ok bayangkan Angelina Jolie. Dah bayang ke blom? Huh...begitulah wajah I takde kena mengena langsung dgn si Angelina Jolie....wkekekeke :D Nanti lah satu hari I appear ok, skarang masih maaallllluuuuuu arh.

    Jom kita tido lagi :) I cam ngantuks seh di petang yg panas melocot ni.....

  27. Mas......tenkkiiuuuu ;) mmg tersangatlah geeebbbuuuu

  28. kakak Anie,

    betapa chantekkkkkkkkkkkkkk kek itu...nakk sebelah

  29. Lerrrr Hani, kamu dtg 2 hari lewat hehehez. Kek dah abis pun :(

  30. salam Anie, cantikknya kek butter cheese tu, apa lagi baking tin tu cantik betul!..jenuh nak cari baking tin serupa cam u punya di tempat I ni kot.
