Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shepherd's Pie

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Partly Cloudy With Extreme UV(11) Warning
Temp : 26°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

Its another beautiful sunny day today.  Not too hot, just nice.  I'm sure its gonna be scorching hot from 2pm onwards.  Don't really like it bcos I usually cook dinner at abt 4.30pm, can imagine how hot and sweaty it will be slaving in front of the stove.  Not complaining in fact,  alhamdullilah, thank God, with this beautiful sunshine weather, my washing gets dry in no time.  Only thing is that I still have that laundry basket filled with clean clothes from my previous washing which are still pending, to be folded and ironed....huhuhu.

Yesterday, I defrosted some minced meat planning to make shepherd's pie.  I've never make SP before.  So, I went blog walking to look for SP's recipe.  I know its easy to make but I just want a rough idea on what the ingredients will be.  Went to a few famous blogger's blog and it was unbelievable for me to know that none of them has this recipe in their collection...hehehez :D

So, I googled the recipe and decided to use Rachel Ray's recipe.  I did make a few amendments to the ingredients and used a 2 litre baking dish to bake the SP.  At the end of the day, we really enjoyed the SP and before we knew it half of the SP was gone.  Packed half of the leftover for hb's lunch and the other half for mine and Jannah's lunch today ;) 

The 1st picture is hb's hand, not mine...hahahaz.  He was enjoying, playing around with the potato ricer....aiyayayayay

Adapted from Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Meals with a few amendments by me towards the original recipe.


For Mashed Potato:
  • 1-1.5 kg potatoes, peeled and cubed
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
For Minced Meat Base:
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, 1 turn of the pan
  • 1/2 kg minced beef or lamb (I used beef) 
  • 3 handfuls of frozen mixed veggies
  • 1 clove garlic finely chopped 
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup beef stock or broth  (I used half a cube of beef stock and add 1 cup water)
  • 2 teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 cup grated cheese (I used Colby)

- Boil potatoes in salted water until tender, about 12 minutes. Drain potatoes and pour them into a bowl.  Add butter and milk into potatoes and mash until potatoes are almost smooth.
- While potatoes boil, preheat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add oil to hot pan with beef or lamb. Season meat with salt and pepper.
- Brown and crumble meat for 3 or 4 minutes. If you are using lamb and the pan is fatty, spoon away some of the drippings.
- Add mixed veggies, garlic and onion to the meat. Cook veggies with meat 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
- In a second small skillet over medium heat cook butter and flour together 2 minutes.
- Whisk in broth and add Worcestershire Sauce. Thicken gravy 1 minute. Add gravy to meat and vegetables.
- Preheat broiler to high. Fill a small rectangular casserole with meat and vegetable mixture.
- Spoon potatoes over meat evenly. Top potatoes with paprika and broil 6 to 8 inches from the heat until potatoes are evenly browned. Top casserole dish with chopped parsley and serve .

How I assembled the Shepherd's Pie :
  1. Fill the baking dish with the cooked minced meat. I used a 2 litre baking dish.
  2. Spoon half of the mashed potatoes on top of the meat.
  3. Sprinkle the grated cheese.
  4. Piped the rest of the mashed potato on top of the cheese or you can just spoon the rest of the mashed potato on top of the cheese.
  5. Bake in a 190-200 degrees fan forced oven for 15 minutes or until cheese melts.

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. Masyaallah cantiknya potato tu macam awan putih berkefol2 Anie oii!!

    I ada dalam simpanan potato ricer tu tapi dia duk megun dlm cabinet tu aje..

    Issshhhh.... menci taw :-)

  2. eh! cantiknyer.... creative... sungguh! suka3x aii!!... bila dapat rasa ni...
    terliur sudah!... malam ni mesti terngigau2....

  3. cantik2...suka sgt SP ni
    tapi tak pernah buat...hihi

  4. Somuffins,

    Aduuhhh semakin berkembang I biler baca ur compliments...weeeiiiii tenkiu hehehez.

    I baru beli potato ricer to 2 wks ago dah ghairah nak guna, si hb plak sibuk nak main2 dgn benda tu, kacau daun betul hahahaz. Aper yg u dok simpan u punya dlm gerobok plak. Meh buat SP ni, boleh guna u punya potato rice....ahakkkss :D

  5. cantik arrr potato swirl tu, tiap kali buat tk pernah jadi or i dont hv the patience kot :D
    btw, i pun baru ingat nk wat SP gak tonite..nanti can try ths recipe arrr....both hb n me HEART SP ni...hasya tk jamah pun...i kena jugak buatkan fishball soup for her

  6. wah! santeknye SP you!! meleleh-leleh tengok.. i loike the way you assemble.. potato-cheese-potato. nnti nak terai buat cenggitu ;)

  7. anie...memang cantik kentang tu beralun2.....
    terliur mas tengok tau...tengok jer dah compomm sedappp

  8. Ita,

    Ishhh dahsyat tu sampai terngigau2...hehehez. Boleh buat utk malam ni punya dinner, jadi u boleh rasa jadi tak mengigau. ;)

  9. Kak Kasih,

    Tenkiu kak...boleh cuba buat SP ni kak, senang jer. Bahan2 pun tak rumit ;)

  10. Zarin,

    Babe, selamat mencuba resipi ni insyaAllah menjadi dan confirm sodap menjilat jari...hehehez.

    Jannah at first tak suka arh SP ni, I main suap2 ajer dlm mulut dia. At last dia makan sendiri and mintak tambah lagi....

  11. Plain-June,

    Tenkiu plain-june. Hehehez...sampai meleleh2 kesian u :D I experiement buat potato-cheese-potato nak tgk cheese terkluar dari baking dish biler melted atau tidak. Alhamdullilah tak meleleh pun, selamat mencuba ;)

  12. Mas,

    Tenkiu Mas, mmg sedap....hehehez ;) cubalah confirm tak mengecewakan....

  13. sangat cantik... suke sangat tengok berombak ombak....makan ni sah sah la sedap nyer..sambil2 makan sambil jamu mata tengok bumi Allah yg cantik kat situ..auuwww sungguh bertuah..eh jauh sangat dah imagine ni..hehe

  14. cantik sangat sayang nak makan... n rasa pasti sedap with all the pelakun tambahan tuh!

  15. Anie dear,
    amboi rajin nyer u pipe the mashed potato cik adik oiii :P.
    u know me lar, as usual, i guna short cut ajer hehhee. i'd just spread the mashed potato onto the minced meat.
    also, my version of the minced meat is a bit diff. i would add:
    2-3 tbs of cili kering (tekak melayu kannn)
    2 plum tomatoes (coarsely chopped)
    1 can of button mushroom (sliced thinly)
    happy trying ya babe...

  16. Aduimakkkkk babe, sesungguhnya aku terkempunan.. u taw dah lamaaaaaa ai tak dapat sheperd's pie yg yummy..ai try kat royals. tak sedap arrr...the last time my SIl buat, sedap gilerss...everytime ai tanya dia resepi...nanti...nanti dia bilang in the end dia cakap tak taw letak mana & so dah tak buat lagi...babe...u watkan ai lahhhhhh...skrg lagi nursing this darn cold....tak keje yipeee..tapi asyik teringatkan opis sebab byk keje tak settle...ai wan to be a tai-tai soonnn

  17. Izah,

    heeezzz tenkiu ;) mmg bertuah dpt tinggal dkt sini. M'sia pun bumi Allah yg tersangatlah cantik. Akak suka Langkawi & Tioman best kalau dpt cuti2 dkt sana....

    Lagipun M'sia, high tech, almost setnading dgn S'pore. Dkt sini ada sikit lembab pat2 technology...huhuhu :(

  18. Kak Rose,

    Kita semua dah ngap sampai habis takde sayang2 pun....hahahaz :D

    Alhamdullilah kak sedap, burrrppss opppsss ex squeeze me :D

  19. Maya,

    Tenkiu babe, sbb sudi share recipe ;) next time I nak try u punya style pulak.

    My hb ada ckp smalam, next time buat SP with a Malay twist and put some curry powder. I ckp dgn dia smalam baru mkn curry dgn lempeng, sbb tu I buat western style. Nak pedas, I suruh dia mkn dgn tabasco sauce...hehehz :D

  20. Yat,

    Alah babe cian u sakit, dah mkn obat ke tidak ni? Mcm mana u ni boleh terkempunan? Sakit2 pun masih ada selera nak makan...hehehez.

    Babe, kalau I tinggal dkt SG, skarang jugak I suruh u punya dude dtg rumah I and collect the SP :D tapi apa kan daya. Nak balik sg flight jer 10 jam tak termasuk perjalan ke ehpot dan check in time segala....uwaaaaaa

    Anyway babe, I think eh SP punya rasa mostly terletak dkt mashed potatoes nya. Kalau u punya mash sedap, maka akan sedaplah SP u. Guna the best boiling potatoes like russet atau red skinned potatoes. I highly recommend u this recipe bcos really2 rasa westernised. Lepas tu u fusioned kan dgn cili jerok....fuyoohhh bayangkan cepat :D hahahahz

  21. Babe, 1 more thing lupa. Semoga termakbul doa u utk menjadi seorang tai2 soon.....amin ;) Boleh duduk kat rumah pegang kipas paper, hisap rokok and main mah jong.....hahahahz. Cant imagine u doing that but tak ke gitu activity tai tais...:D :D

  22. ting tong!..saya datang nk mkn pie ni...dah terbekenan lak nengok potato cun tu...nk mkn lak sayang..hehe

  23. Nieza,

    Welcome, Welcome :) Dah abis pun kita 3 org melantak pie ni. Takde kisah cun melecun ke, cantik ke, sayang nak mkn ke...hahahaz :D

  24. Anie
    Melihat SP teringat si Tiramisu yg i nampak kat rumah one of the indon blogger.. dia pipe macam gitu lah.. dah tu dia tabur atas cream dgn cocoa powder... tadi i thought u did that .. rupenye u buat SP ehehehe.. i hv been using the same SP recipe for over the years.. maybe will gv this one a try this weekend... tu pun if tak merayap ah hehe

    Anie.. dah berapa lama u tak balik Sg?

  25. Hi Anie,
    hari tu akak ada jugak buat SP ni tapi tak lah secantik yg Anie buat, sebab masa buat anak2 dah duduk mengadap dan bertanya bila nak siap. Anyway jealous tengok your potato yg macam awan tu, cantiknya.....

  26. Rima,

    Waaahhh gd idea gak eh buat tiramisu style mcm SP ni. Dah lama dlm my list nk buat tiramisu tapi asik kena put off ajer daaahh...aiiiissshhh must make one dlm masa terdekat nanti...:D

    Try lah this recipe, mmg sedap ;) highly recommended, kalau u nak ikut original recipe but ok gak. Mmg kena betul dgn tekak kita dkt sini.

    I tak balik sg dah 2 yrs. 2009, my BFF dtg for a holiday and my family also dtg sini berhari raya dkt sini. Last yr tak balik pasal kita sibuk pindah rumah dgn ada hal lain. Cross fingers lah this yr I boleh balik...weeeeiiiii

  27. Kak Aidah,

    Hi kak, hari tu I buat SP ni si Jannah pun actually dah tak sabar...hahahaz. Dia colet2 kentang yg sy dah piped....haiizzz ini anak.

    Lepas tu bila dah masak dia pun tak sabar nak mkn. Tu lah lecehnya nak buat SP cantik2 ni. Lain kali buat dah tak payah masuk blog, so I boleh buat biasa2 aja lah :D

  28. masyaAllahhh td br terliur tgk kat tv sherperd pie nih! pk esok nk buat... lg bertambah2 terliur aku peahhhhhh! huh!

  29. Hana, aper lagi pi ler buat. Kamu kalau buat mesti akan terserlah keayuaan SP ni. Lagi ramai yg conform terliur...muahahahaz :D Issshhh sodap tau SP ni, lazat lemak berkrim, disukai ramai...sajer jer nak motivate ngko hana oiiiii :D

  30. never attemped this pie before, pandai makan jer...nak trylah, tqs for this recipe :p

  31. hehehez ;) we really enjoyed this SP, harap2 u pun suka gak lah biler dah buat nanti ahaakkzzz.

    Tenkiu sbb sudi singgah my blog KG...
