Thursday, January 13, 2011

Steamed Glutinous Rice With Chicken (Lor Mai Kai)

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Temp : 17°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

I remembered when I was still in SG, I used to stock up the freezer with frozen lor mai kai bought from NTUC.  The portion were small and I will usually heat up 2 pieces at a time in the microwave.  Add heaps of white pepper and enjoy them while they were still pipping hot...yummmy ;)

For fresh dumplings and baos, I usually just head to the 7/11 stores to buy them.  A few times when I went there the food warmers were empty but when they were filled I will definitely buy the bbq chicken baos, prawn siew mais & LMK made by HongKong DimSums as I simply luv them.  Its been awhile now that I last indulged in those yummy dumplings....booo hooo 

Anyway, I'm so used to the frozen LMK whereby the glutinous rice is white and not black.  Yesterday, I googled for the recipe and was disappointed when all the recipes I stumbled upon features the black glutinous rice.  Nonetheless, I decided to give this recipe a try.  I followed the recipe for the chicken marinade and omitted mushrooms bcos I simply hate them and adjusted the glutinous rice seasoning ingredients so that the glutinous rice remains white.  I'm glad this recipe produces yummy LMK.....really satisfy my cravings of LMK!! yummmmmzzz ;pppppp 

Recipe adapted from Seasaltwithfood. Recipe below has been amended by me.  This recipe produces 8 bowls for me.  I had 2, Jannah had 1 and I froze the rest ;)

Steamed Glutinous Rice With Chicken

Ingredients For Glutinous Rice :

2 Cups Glutinous Rice, soaked overnight and drained
1 1/2 Tbsp Peanut Oil
8 Small Ramekins or 4 stainless steel bowls (5” diameter)
2 tsp Salt

½ tsp Sesame Oil
2 tsp Sugar
A few dashes of White Pepper

Marinate For Chicken :

1 Tbsp Oyster Sauce
2 tsp Soy Sauce
2 tsp Dark Soy Sauce
½ tsp Minced Ginger
2 tsp Sugar
½ tsp Sesame Oil
1 tsp Corn Flour
A few dashes of White Pepper

300 g Chicken Thigh, boneless and skinless
150 g Chicken Breast, boneless and skinless


Cut the chicken into small bite-size pieces and marinate for at least 30 minutes.

Place the soaked glutinous rice in a large tray and steam for 20 minutes. Remove the rice from the steamer and mix well with the seasoning. Set aside.

In a medium saucepan, add 1 ½ tbsp oil and cook the chicken on medium heat. Stir the chicken pieces for about 5 minutes and remove from the heat.

Lightly oil the ramekins or bowls and divide the chicken evenly. Then top with glutinous rice and press firmly. Cover the bowls with aluminum foil and steam on high heat for about 30 to 35 minutes. Remove from the heat and serve immediately.

Back to watching Korean dramas now, bye bye everyone...

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. ting tong! saya dtng lagi..hehe ni kalau mkn sure tido lena dibuat mimpi ni...adoi terliur.. tapi pantang x mau mkn nasi...tapi mkn roti pun gemuk juga...hehehe

  2. Anie
    Nyum2 ..

    I tried this dish once before; lama dah. You tak suka mushroom hitam tu ke?

    I suka the black version where the glu. rice is mixed with soya sauce. The recipe has gone with the wind now due to bad filing system, thehee...

  3. dapat tengok gambar saja pun ok...
    sebab gambar sungguh cantik dan pastinya sungguh sedap kan.

  4. babe

    dah tidor ka??? ai kalo wat nih, dude pasti tak makan, cerewet arr itew orang..tapi ai ngan dudans rembat jer... memalam baru ai leh jenjalan, tadi buzy kat opis babe!!!

  5. perghhhhhh...enak bangat seyyy...knape la ko jauh kak..?? kalau ko ni jiran aku, dah lama ketok pintu tumpang makan....ngeeee

  6. Nieza,

    Arhhh meh jemput masok. Ada org mkn nasi ke makan roti ke makan aper pun tak gemok2....jeles aiii :D

  7. Somuffins,

    Ah ah I tak suka mushrooms...ada mcm gitu2 punya bau and rasa arh hehehez.

    Dkt sg, slalu jumpa yg putih punya glu rice. Biler googled recipe cuma ada si hitam, kuciwa jugak. U boleh try this recipe lah Cik Som, sodap ;)

  8. Kak Kasih,

    Ehehehez ;) tenkiu kak. Mungkin pasal dah lama tak mkn LMK ni, jadi pasal tu sedap lah kak hehehez.

  9. Yat,

    Smalam I layan drama korea. At last drama tu yg tgk I ahakkkz :D

    My hb pun tak mkn benda2 cam gini. Apa2 lauk ke chinese delicasies atau sup2 semua dia tak suka mkn. Mcm sup fishball ke chinese fried rice ke mee sup, he wont touch.

    Tu arh leceh kan nak jaga tekak org. Baik kita layan tekak kita jer lah....gemok sorang2 hahahahaz

  10. Hani,

    Kat 7/11 M'sia tak jual ke dimsum halal? Kat M'sia nak mkn apa pun senang kan....tak yah susah2 berpeloh ketiak :D

  11. yuhuuuuuuu apa itewww..... nampak sodap weiihhhh... aku duk tenung2 kot2 kat bawah pokok tuh ader kamben nak kene habuan pulut! muekekekeke... kamben klu mkn pulut depa mabuk kot! lalok lalok nak tdo..... tak pong terus sakit urat! kekekeke... kamben oh kamben... hihi

  12. eh, sedap ni babe! kalau i plak, sure i cari itu mushrooms bebanyak..hihi i like..u tk suka mushroom eh?

    pssst...korean drama? full house ke ? ehehe

  13. Hana,

    Ahaaakkkzz ada nampak tak kamben2 kat bawah pokok itew?? Kalau tak nampak alamatnya nak M..... ehehehez :D

    Alaaaa benda sodap mcm gini tak hingin aku nak share dgn kamben2 itew semua. Nak jugak mkn sendiri and gemoks sendri :D

  14. Zarin,

    Ieeewwwww ai tak suka itew mushrooms lah. Ada bau yg gitu2 I no like :( ahakkkzz

    I tgh tgk citer Kim Tak Goo...Bread, Love & Dream. Drpd last yr nak tgk tapi tak sempat. Baru dpt layan a few days ago. Baru tgk 10 episodes, still 20 more to go...^_^

    Full house, I dah tgk bertahun yg lalu. U pun geng tgk drama korea ke babe? I recommend u 'Playful Kiss/Mischievious Kiss' or 'Personal Preference' heroes very the handsome.....droooolllzz :pppp

  15. Teringat nampak?! heheh.. i dont know how to eat this ah.. nanti pi kedai minyak nak cari ade jual tak .. maklum now kedai minyak ibarat mustafa center hahahha

  16. Rima,

    Tu arh *sobs, sobs* gatal nak kawin dgn mat saleh. Kalau kawin dgn mohd saleh cfm tak jadi mcm gini hahahaz.

    U kalau tak boleh accept the taste try having it with chilli sauce. Lama2 akan terasa kesedapannya. Bestkan kedai minyak pun dah ada jual dimsum....

  17. Hi Anie, ini lah yg dikatakan 'Evil food is delicious food'. Tak pernah lagi akak makan pulut macam ni, wah boleh masuk dalam senarai menunggu untuk dicuba ni.

  18. Kak Aidah...

    Betul betul betul kak ;)

    I mmg feveret dimsum kak. Lagi2 kalau dpt mkn fried wontons....nyaman. :pppp

  19. ladies

    nama ajer ku tinggal SG, namun ku tak taw kedai minyak ada jual ini sumer, ku pegi kedai minyak setakat pump minyak..pakai tag takyah masuk itew kedai, tu pasal arr ai tak taw!!!!mueheheh..bukan itew sajer, kalo dude or dudans takder, jgn harap ai nak pump sendiri, aku seram sejuk pat menda2 yg mudah terbakor ini..sanggup ku lambai2 apek ke mamat ke pakcik pump attendant mintak tulung..hehe..jgn mara arr..

    cik anie, dimana dikau..senyap sepi..ada buzy ka??

  20. babe..

    mis u lah.. lama tak melilau kat alam maya nih. ni baru ada kesempatan.

    jeles nih.. tengok pulut2 ni.. tak tahan tau jiwa.. ni ala2 bandar sikit and siam2 sikit.. kalau spesis kampng kat sini adalah rupanya pulut, ikan masin ngan nyoq.. adeehh... kenyang sampai esok tau.. hahha.. tembun tu sure dah.. tak da[at nak ngelak..

  21. Anie,
    wah, yg nie, confirm i tak reti/pernah buat...hhehe..cos my dad sorang ajer yg suka makan. kesian dier. nobody to sharea his interest.
    anyway, the pic look so yummy.
    p/s: which korean drama laaa...

  22. Yat,

    Babe, Rima ckp kedai minyak dah mcm MC cfm ada jual luggage bag semua...hahahz :D Last time I tau ada Delifrance dgn Polar cakes aja...but now mcm2 dah ada. Bestnyaa.....

    Dkt sini, kalau pegi pump petrol after 6pm kena buat sendiri pasal tak ada apek or pakcik lagi yg keje...nak tak nak terpaksa lah DIY...huhuhuh

    Ku tengah recuperate from watching the korean drama marathon...hahahaz i'll be back!! hopefully soon.....:D :D

  23. Hann,

    Babe tu arh lama seh u menghilang :)budak2 nak balik sekolah, mak budak pun jadi bz...kesiannya. It's good to hear frm u again....ahakkkzz

    Tu arh I 1st time tau abt pulut dgn ikan masin biler JJCM dkt rumah kak Kasih. Tak pernah lagi I mkn cam gitu...Kalau kita slalunya mkn dgn rendang ke kari ke sambal tumis....nyum nyum :D

  24. Maya,

    Kita terbalik pulak. Masa dkt SG, semua org in family suka makan pulut ni except my mom....hehehez

    I baru abis tgk Kim Tak Goo, Baking KIng.....penat arh tgk secara marathon :D :D

  25. LOL Anie.. bukan gatal cuma ape kah daya.. dah suratan takdir kamu tak boleh beli benda ni kat kedai minyak kamu hahah

    Yat.. i also use tag, dont even know harga petrol now cos semua ditanggung halal by his co but tetap ku singgah menyinggah kat kedai yg berhawa dingin tu hahah

  26. Rima,

    Top up minyak guna tag...wah tak pernah dgr lagi aper ke benda tag tu hahahaz. Utk pengetahuan anda....I baru jer top up tadi $1.99 harga petrol tadi. Boleh pengsan kan? Untunglah u petrol ditanggung halal dgn company cik abg u....jeles aiiii.

    I heard gold price pun dah melambung naik sampai $63!!! Issshhh baru ingat nk beli rantai kapal...dah tak mampu dah skarang O.o
