Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Strawberry Batik Swiss Roll

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Salam, Kia Ora...

This is what I did to the leftover batter after making the sponge cake for the fruit trifle.  The trifle is gone in 2 days and 2/3 of it was eaten by dear hb....hahahaz.  He took it for his lunch for 2 days and ate most of it at home.  Hb will only see this trifle again next year, InsyaAllah...God Willing.  I wouldn't recommend eating too much of the trifle bcos its just too rich with cream and eggs.

Anyway, back to this swiss roll.  Just a word of caution when you bake this swiss roll.  If you undercooked it, the 'skin' will stick to the paper while you are rolling it and if you overcooked it, the cake will crack when you roll it.  My cake was a little undercooked hence it has no skin at all...huhuhu.  Anyway, looks doesn't matter because the cake is already gone...hehehez.  Both me and Jannah didn't eat much of the trifle but we chomped on the swiss roll instead ;) yummmy....

For you, my luvly blogger friend, Yat Maria, I have converted the measurements from ounce to gram.  Hope to see this cake in your blog soon....hehehez ;)

Source : Bro Rozzan. For full recipe and how to create the 'batik' on the cake you can peep at Bro Rozzan's blog.

Sponge Cake Ingredients : (32 x 24 cm swiss roll pan)

3 grade A eggs (I used sized 7 eggs)
2 oz caster sugar (56.7 grams)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/2 tablespoon ovalet
1.5 oz plain flour (42.5 grams)
1/2 tablespoon milk powder
2 oz butter (melted) (56.7 grams)
1/2 tsp strawberry essence
A few drops of red colouring
Enough strawberry jam

Method :

1. Beat eggs, sugar, ovalet, baking powder, vanilla essence, flour, milk powder and strawberry essence on high speed until thick and fluffy (5-7mins).
2. Add melted butter and mix / stir.
3. Take about 4 tblsp of the mixture and add a few drops of red colouring, mix thoroughly and pour the red batter into a piping bag.
4. Lightly butter pan and line it with baking paper.
5. Pour batter into the pan and then just smooth the surface.
6. Use the piping bag to decorate the batter.
7. Bake for about 20 minutes with a temperature of 170 degrees Celsius.
8. Once cake is baked, remove from oven and let the cake cool in the pan.
9. Remove cake from the pan and invert it on a piece of wax paper and spread the strawberry jam.  Roll the cake slowly.
10. Once rolled, cake can be wrapped witha cling wrap or wax paper.

3 more days till New Year...

Me Te Aroha, With Love...
Anie ;)


  1. Babe

    nice one! ai tak pernah buat, tak confident nak roll tu cake, takut pecah berderai..

    ku lagi di umah nih, jap lagi baru nak kluar, ni ari jumpa boss lambat sket coz tak yah masuk s'pore office, langsung ke jb jer..

    cam nak try ahh ni roll, looks easy enuff, but oz measurement malas nak convert...u rhajin tak, convert kan la..hehe..

  2. Morning babe,

    Wah sempat u berblog sebelum pegi keje, mmg pekerja contoh betol lah u ni...hehehez ;) I dulu bgn tido cukup2 time jer utk mandi, siap2 lepas tu kluar rumah. Seteguk air pun tak pernah minum sblm pegi keje...hehehez.

    Utk u babe, lautan api pun sanggup I renangi, ini kan pula convert ounce to gram...chicken jer...hahahaz (ada perasaan nak muntah tak) :D Mmg sedap arh kek ni...dah gone dah dlm perut seorang dewasa dan seorang dak kecik in record time.....hehehez

  3. rajinnya anie wat kek gulung...cantik lak tu.....nmpk gebu jer...nak sikitt bolehh..

  4. fullamakkkk... cun n gebuuu! lawauu gler gulungan tuh... tunggu oben beso sket la baru leh wat secantik ini... biler ntah! hihihi

  5. Mas,

    Ini pun adunan belen2 buat trifle...ada lebih digulungkan ajer lah...hehehez Kek dah abis arh Mas, lain kali boleh mintak...:D

  6. Hana,

    Tenkiu, tenkiu ni pun tak perfect sgt, kulit kek abis terkopak dah takde kulit kek itewww...hehehez.

    Tunggu balik m'sia jer lah mintak hasben blikan u oben size mcm master chef. Fuyoooo time tu kalau nak panggang sekor kambing pun muat....hehehez :D

  7. Nice blog...
    salam kenal..
    pics sgt cantik
    akak dah follow...nanti jemput ke rumah akak ye

  8. wah rajinnya anie, memang cantik corak dan gulugan kek ni kemas jer...teringin nk try tapi takut pula x menjadi.

  9. Kasihredha,

    Tenkiu kak sbb sudi singgah dkt my blog and salam kenal buat u jugak ;)

    I masih belajar cara2 nak amik gambar, tgh tunggu durian runtuh kot baru dpt bli dslr....hehehez :D

  10. Nieza,

    Tenkiu, tapi blum try blum tau...hehehez mana tau ada beginner's luck. First try terus menjadi.

    I punya tu actually tak menjadi, kulit kek dia melekat dkt kertas...huhuhu. Nasib baik ler boleh gulung ;)

  11. waduh2...tq arr babe u convert kan to grams, so harus ai cuba kan....ni baru baik dari jb arrr..cisss kena tipu ngan boss, kata kejap, ni singgah sana sini..penat gilers..besok nak masuk opis lagik...tadi peristiwa kelakar kat customs, kok dia beri salam ada my boss masa nak check barang2 dalam keta..kahkahkah...just because its just the 2 of us in the car, he assume boss tu my hubby...abeh boss dedegak tu leh jawab salam ngan pelat cina dia..abeh bila nampak singgam banyak ai beli for the kids, custom tu cakap..tell yr wife arr next time cannot bring many2 singgam wait can saman, but today ok arr...bule gitew...

  12. Dah berapa hari nak buat swiss roll.. infact angan angan nak buat log cake that day but tak kesampaian pulak..

    Yep swiss roll memang gitew one.. if overbake it crack if underbake dia togel pulak .. tak pe cuba lagi wokey.. lama lama sure cun melecun one heheh

  13. Yat,

    Alah senang jer nak convert2 ni, bukannya nak kena naik bas...hahahaz at my fingertips jer :D.

    Hehehez....klakar mmg si kastam ni, camner boleh teringatkan yg boss u tu ur hubby....I ingat lagi u ckp dia dah tua...huhuhu kesian u....hahahaz. Ohhh ur budak2 suka mkn singam eh, dkt sini berlambak i tak hingin pun mkn benda alah tu. Buat penat mulut jer....:D

    Aper lagi buat, jgn tak buat kek itew...ku menanti saat2 nak cuci mata dkt ur blog ;)

  14. Rima,

    Tu arh I dah roll cantik2, mula setengah melekat kat paper. Not so bad, lepas tu I simpan, wrap dgn cling wrap....besoknya kluarkan utk amik gambar, semuanya togel....uwaaaa sabar ajer lah.

    Mmg betul lah next time nak cuba lagi, resepi ni teramatlah senang & sedap. I like ;)

  15. Anie
    Dah membatik pulak dia yer?? I pernah buat swiss roll masa kat sekolah dulu. Punyalah sayang nak makan, mueheheh..

    Ekceli I ada kisah mencii pasal swiss roll perisa stoberi. Pernah gak cerita kat my blog (but dah tetua nih, nothing stops me from gobbling a nice looking swiss roll).

  16. Somuffins,

    I saja2 jer membatikkan swiss roll ni...hehehez mcm fun plak gitu :D

    Ooohhh ada kisah mencciiii di sebalik swiss roll...nanti I nak selongkar lah tong harta karun u dkt ur blog and baca apakah sbb nya...hehehez ;)

    Takde syg2 biler me and Jannah tgk swiss roll ni, kita ngap mcm there's no tomorrow.......wooo hooo!!

  17. Babe..

    cantik seyh.. belang-belang pink tuh.. dasat aa u nih.. kagum!
    gambaq u pon superb. meletop! :)

  18. Hann,

    Tenkiu baybeh ;) I masih anak2 lagi dlm amik2 gambar ni. Masih tgh belajar selok belok food styling & food photography, insyaAllah......
