Monday, December 27, 2010

Fruit Trifle

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Salam, Kia Ora.....

It's a tradition for kiwis to serve trifle on Xmas day as one of their desserts ;) We don't celebrate Xmas but hb has requested me to make some trifles for him bcos its the only time that he gets to eat trifle again (I'm not a big fan of trifles, too much cream, not my kinda dessert :D) I've already bought the fresh cream and custard last Wednesday when I went for my groceries shopping. The reason why I bought them that early is bcos they run out of the supermarket shelves before Xmas eve. Not only Singaporean are 'kiasu' and luvs to hoard festive ingredients, the kiwis do that too.....hehehehez ;)

I did my baking dash on Xmas day when I baked the cute little puffins, so hb was quite disappointed when he opened the fridge and saw no trifle :( He was sort of nagging that the cream and custard will go rotten if I were to keep them any longer :D. I made them yesterday, as I've promised him. This time with extra custard and cream bcos I remembered his feedback, the last time I made them....saying that it was dry. This time he said its almost there, just need some lemon juice nxt time. Yes sir!! Hahahahaz.....

I've never eaten a kiwi trifle or any trifle in my life, so I don't know what trifle is all abt until I googled them. When I asked him how trifle is made...he said that he only knows how to eat them. Yikessss great answer hb....thank you very much yah!! :ppp So this is my version of trifle. I got the method from some food forum that I joined years ago....couldn't exactly remember where.

Wonders why the sponge has a lot of bubbles on the surface. My slivered almonds were over toasted...hahahaz :D

Fruit Trifle Ingredients :
Home made or store bought plain sponge cake
Strawberry or raspberry jam
1 can of sliced peaches (cut into halves)
1 can fruit salad or fruit cocktails in clear fruit juice
500ml fresh cream
1 litre carton prepared vanilla custard

Garnish :
Grated Chocolate
Toasted slivered almonds

I made my own sponge cake by using the recipe below. Skip this step if you are using store bought sponge cake.

Source : Bro Rozzan. Tks Bro Rozzan for sharing this recipe ;)

Sponge Cake Ingredients :

6 grade A eggs (I used 6 sized 7 eggs)
4 oz caster sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 tablespoon ovalet
3 oz plain flour
1 tablespoon milk powder
4 oz butter (melted)

Method :

1. Beat eggs, sugar, ovalet, baking powder, vanilla essence, flour and milk powder on high speed until thick and fluffy (5-7mins).
2. Add melted butter and mix / stir.
3. Pour batter into the pan and then just smooth the surface.
4. Bake for about 20 minutes with a temperature of 170 degrees Celsius.

Note : I baked the batter in a 32 x 24 cm swiss roll pan and got 2 pieces of cakes from the mixture above and I only used 1 piece of sponge cake for the trifle.

Fruit Trifle Method :
1. Cut the sponge into half and spread with jam and place in the base of a large serving bowl.
2. Pour over the fruit juice until the sponge cake is wet.
3. Spread the half of the peaches and fruit salad on top.
4. Whip the cream until soft peaks form and blend 2/3 the whipped cream with the custard. Spread half of the custard evenly over the fruit and sponge.
5. Spread jam on the remaining half of the sponge and place it on top of the custard.
6. Repeat step 2-5 for 2nd layer.. Spread the remaining whipped cream over the top of the custard and refrigerate one hour before serving.
8. Decorate with grated chocolate and toasted almonds before serving.

Its a long recipe but its indeed an easy, peasy dessert to be made especially if you just buy the sponge cake like how people here do it. I will share with you what I did to the other half of the sponge cake batter in my next entry.

4 more days till New Year.....

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. woooww..sungguh creamy..mee too..kdg2 tak berpa boleh masuk this kind of dessert..tpi klu perut lapo belasah je..hihi... sangt terpesona tengok triffle ni.. biasaaa..hubby adalah juri masakan..huhu..masakn kita improve pun sebab citarasa si dia..betul tak?hihi

  2. slrrpppp.. meleleh air liurku! nasib baik dok sorang2 dalam bilik nih.. kalau open concept.. aiya.. malu! hehe.. i mmg sgt suka trifle!
    btw, do you know how to make the vanilla custard? tak pernah jmpa yg pre-made one kat sini..

  3. Izah,

    Mmg betul very creamy dessert ni, tapi u boleh kurangkan sukatan cream dia kalau u suka. My hb mmg hantu cream sbb tu I letak ajer byk2 hehehez. Tapi mmg tak muak dan tak manis. I mkn lah sikit2 jer, suka pat buah2an dgn kek...hehehez cream mkn sikit, lain tolak tepi ;)

    Itu lah kan...kalau hb kata tak sedap, makanya kena masyuk cik tong ajer lah, nak tak nak kena lah ikut citarasa dia :D hehehez

  4. Plain-june,

    Alamak, nah amik tissue ni cepat buat lap air liur u yg meleleh2 ni...hehehez.

    Ooohh u pun suka trifle jugak :D hehehez. I suka byk custard then byk cream, tapi tak kuasa lah nk buat separately.

    Custard yg ready made yg bli brand swiss maid, maybe takde dijual dkt KL. Kalau nak buat sendiri pun boleh, ni link nya or
    Rasanya ingredients dgn kaedahnya sama cuma beza quantity jer lah ;)

  5. Babe

    berselera arr tgk this trifle of yours..sekarang baru ai leh jenjalan, tadi sibuk rabaks kat opis arr..besok nak kena gi jb, next week pon, dan akan datang gamaknya..mentang2 boss lama dah nak expire, mika yg baru tala ai cukup2 ngan projek baru yg membingaikan tahap gabanzz..abeh orang2 yg ai nak kena deal with tu sumer tak makan saman...aduhhhh!!!

    coming back to this trifle, with all the cakes I've been sonsuming lately and those rich santan-y kuih muih, ku sudah naik 3 kilo arr...huwaaaaaaa...leh pengsan!!!! cam na ai nak makan trifle nih? kalo ai jamah jer, pasti tak akan berlaku, many2 times, ai said jamah jer, but ai end up balun tu cake sumer..

  6. Babe.

    I bet this is sedap. Truly, i tak suka bab2 creamy ni.. sebab i senang menembun.. jadinya kalau lazat superb bagaimana sekalipun, i akan belasah dengan bersungguh2 yang sikit sahaja sambil menutup mata supaya tak terasa nak tambah lagi. Once dah naik berat, susah gilllla nak turun.

    I agree dengan your hb, kalau ada rasa juicy sikit tu, boleh cut off rasa creamy tu, I memang suka..

    Tapi kan, kalau ikut tekak kite je tak pe lah. kalau nak setel hak sebelah lagi tu.. payah la.. heheh.. sabaq babe!

  7. thank you anie for the links! alamak.. manyaknye egg yolks! kena tggu slim skett br leh execute nih :p

  8. Yat,

    Kesian arh u babe, nak kena lari sana sini. I dgr2 JB jam giler arh. Nak masuk dgn kluar jer jam nak dkt 1-2 hrs each way. Kalau gitu buang masa seh dlm kereta stuck for almost 4 hrs...huhuhu. U buatkan org yg tak dgr kata u some cakes, baca sikit serapah, lepas tu kasi dorang mkn biar they listen to u....hahahaz :D

    Tu arh I bertahun2 berazam nk kuruskan badan, mkn naik adalah. Heran mcm mana kwn2 I yg sebaya boleh lari 5kms per day...I lari 500cm pun tak larat...hahahaz. Trifle ni boleh mkn arh, tapi buat mcm aii, don't eat the cream lagi sedapppppp ;)

  9. Hann,

    Mmg sedap trifle biler kena pat almond yg crunchy, chocolate yg bertabur2 dgn buahan2 dan kek. Pat cream tu...I tolak2 jer lah, hahahaz.

    Mmg lah babe, nak setelkan tekak hb ni mmg leceh sikit especially dia tak kasi input...huhuhu :( Biler kita tanya mcm mana rasanya atau buatnya main hentam jwb tak tau jer. Kalau kita buat tak kena dgn tekak dia...saper nak mkn kan? Kasi jer kambing2 dpn umah mkn...hahahaz :D Mmg kena byk bersabar...haiiizzzz

  10. Plain-june,

    No problem...sbb tu lah trifle ni cuma boleh buat setahun skali. Actually, bahan2nya biler kira2 balik pun mmg mahal jugak....hehehez. Tapikan biler I rasa custard yg dlm kotak ni, dia tak very creamy atau eggy. Maybe u boleh substitute egg yolks to more low fat milk ;)

  11. Anie
    I pun tak sedor diwi. Anything creamy yummy yummy I mmg skerr tapi part kena muhasabah diwi tu yg I tak skerr, arghhh...

    Lagi dahsyat bila baca or dengar word dessert aje I can run amok, muahahahaa...

  12. Somuffins,

    Jgn ckp u ajer...I pun sama. Mungkin I tak minat sgt cream2. But ice cream, hmmmzzz kalau i dah mkn mmg tak hengat dunia...hehehez.

    Org ckp boleh mkn tapi in moderation. Mcm mana nak di'moderate'kan, kalau dah sedap aper lagi I makan lah many2...hehehz

  13. I suka trifle...cuba buat trifles ice cream passion fruit...yummmm

  14. Kak nim, hmmzzz idea yg best tu...insyaAllah I try one day :D
