Monday, April 23, 2012

Pandan Raisin Buns

Salam to all,

It was 9.30pm when I composed this entry.  Current temperature abt 10 deg celcius.  Its getting a little cold at night and in the early morning.  Really love the day part these past few days, blue skies with bright sunshine.  I have to turn on the fan in the afternoon though as it does get scorching hot in this house.

Lights were off a little early today....abt 8.15pm as hb starts work at 7am tomorrow.  As for Jannah, she must be tired today.  She fell asleep quite easily and must have dozed off at abt 8.30pm just now, I can hear her snores hehehez.  She had  a fall on the pebble foot path and bruised her knee earlier, trying to chase me bcos she thought that I was gonna leave her behind when I wanted to go to the supermarket haiiizzz.

Anyway, made this buns today.  Second attempt at using the water roux method.  I know how to make the water roux now without over cooking it hehehez.  I added raisins to the original recipe of these buns.  Have to agree with Yat that the buns turned out so soft & fluffy and the pandan aroma makes me want to eat these buns non stop ahakkkss.  They are only for me and Jannah as hb wont even touch anything that comes out of the oven green @_@

Source : Yat @ Easybakes
Adapted From : CMG @ Dapur Tanpa Sempadan

BAHAN-BAHANNYA (Ingredients)
190 gram tepung roti ( 190 gm high protein flour)
70 gram gula halus (70gm fine sugar)
1/4 camca teh garam (1/4 tsp salt)
6 gram instat yeast (6gm instant yeast)
1/2 camca teh bread improver (1/2 tsp bread improver - I omit)
1 kuning telur ( 1 egg yolk)
50 gram santan kelapa (boleh letak susu segar) (50gm coconut milk - I used fresh milk)
1/2 camca teh pes pandan (1/2 tsp pandan paste)
80 gram water roux (80gm water roux - recipe below)
30 gram mentega (30gm butter - room temp)
Kelapa kering secukupnya (desiccated coconut for topping)
50g kismis (50g raisins) - I added.

Satukan semua bahan di atas kecuali kelapa kering, dalam breadmaker. Pilih setting untuk DOH dan tekan ON, tunggu hingga siap. (Mix all ingredients in a bread maker except dessicated coconut & choose the dough setting. Wait 1.5 hours for the dough to be ready) - I added the raisins when the breadmaker beeps, indicating to add the dry ingredients.

Keluarkan doh, tumbuk untuk membuang udara. Bahagikan kepada 9 bahagian sama besar, kurang lebih 50 gram setiap satu. (When dough is readsy, remove it from the BM & punch out air. Divide dough into 9 equal portion abt 50gm each)

Bulat2kan dan susun dalam tin yang telah disapu mentega (mat guna tin 8 inci x 8 inci x 2 inci).(Round each dough &place into a greased square pan)

Biar naik sekali ganda, kurang lebih 50 minit. Sapu permukaan doh dengan putih telur dan tabur dengan kelapa kering rata. Bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan pada suhu 180c selama 25 minit atau hingga kuning keemasan.Sejukkan sebelum dihidangkan. (Let the dough rise for abt 50 minutes, glaze the top with egg white & sprinkle dessicated coconut on top. Bake for abt 25 minutes in a 185C preheated oven. Cool & serve.

Water roux
50 gram tepung gandum(50gm multi purpose flour)
250 ml air (250ml water)

Satukan air dan tepung gandum, kacau rata dan masak dengan api kecil sambil dikacau hingga pekat, matikan api, sejukkan. Boleh digunakan, simpan baki dalam peti sejuk, boleh tahan selama 3 hari.

(Mix water & flour in a saucepan, stir well & cook over small flame until it thickens and then let cool before using) (Leftover can be kept in a fridge for abt 3 days)

 Nothing much going on here today......same old same old.  Gonna continue sitting at my dark,dinghy corner and surf the net until I get tired and goes to sleep I reckon.....hehehez.  Have a great week ahead ;)  TTFN.........


  1. My dear Anie

    guna water rous memang buat roti lembut..but then I ever try jugak without WR tu..for some resepi, masih lembut gak though not as fluffy..I ada wat 1 experiment..wr yg terover cooked tu, pd pendapat ai akan kave 1 kind of smell & taste if you add to the dough..and if you simpan for a day, lagi ketara dia punya 'bau'..but then if u cook it right, and eat fresh memang lah gebus gebas..selalu roti kat rumah ai tak bertahan there's 4 antoo roti..kejap jer need tunggu petang or malam..dah liao!

    u know sometin kelakar seram? i termimpi tu feijoa..hahahah..tapi dlm mimpi ai the fruit is soooo humongous cam watermelon..dalam mimpi i tu ai bertekak dgn somebodi tapi i tak kenal saper..I bertekak yg fruit maha besar tu feijoa..tegang urat leher cakap fruit tu feijoa..but that somebodi keep on insisting bukan..muahhahaha...ntah2 you tak babe? hahahaha..amacam eh ai leh mimpi buah tu plak arr..ishhhh...

  2. Hubby doesn't like anything green ya???Must make him the green telur dadar yang kak Ros pernah buat.Boleh pengsan dia kot.Roti ni memang nampak sedap.

  3. salam anie....cantiknya hijau bun ni.

  4. Yat,

    Totally agree with u with this water roux....I still use thermometer sbb masih blom pandai nak masak the WR sampai tahap mana hehehez. First time I masak sampai jadi keras arh benda tu bila dah sejuk. Nasib baik I refer balik the texture. Kalau dah termasuk dlm adunan roti....huhuhu cfm tak jadi punya kan :O

    Kesian u sampai termimpi2 kan si feijoa hahahz. Dkt sg mmg tak pernah nampak kan this fruit. I tanya my hb kenapa tak di export. Dia cakap pasal this fruit tak bole tahan lama. Adakan rot kan dlm container ship. Hairan jugak u debate dgn saper buah yg sebesar watermelon tu eh. Maybe u right....its me kot. Tapi smalam lepas this entry I tertido....ingat boleh bertahan lama sikit. Tak termimpi pasal u lah pulak babe hehehez.

  5. Kak Ros,

    Tu arh kak Ros, selain drpd yg warna hijau, yg kek kaler2ful pun dia tak suka sgt nak makan. Kuih Melayu kaler hijau jgn ckp....tgk pun tak mau hehehez. Telur kaler hijau?? Menariks tu...nanti I pi tgk ;)

    Tks for the kind compliments kak....

  6. rostina76,

    W'salam rostina ;) tenkiu dear....

  7. Eh hilang pulak comment ku.. kena disconnected! grrr

    Green buns also my hubs tak pandang.. if putri salad dia kebas sampai setengah loyang.. gagah kah? pilih kasih kah?? hehe

  8. salam perkenalan...nice bun,sdap klu dpt cicah gan tea 0 it

  9. salam perkenalan...nice bun,,sedap klu dpt cicah gan tea it...

  10. Rima,

    Woohhooo tgh bercanda di pasiran pantai pun sempat BW hehehez. Seronoknya am so jealous of u rite now...skarang dah sejuk dkt sini brrrrr. Some Bali warmth will be nice kan ;)

    U r lucky sbb ur hb makan putri hb tak pandang pun kuih2 melayu. He will only eat karipap and spring roll.....hmmzzz. Must train Jannah to eat with me hehehez.

  11. Wanie,

    Salam perkenalan to u too dear. Tenkiu sudi singgah sini and tks for the kind words also auuuwww ;)
