Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Apam Snow White

Salam to all,

Ever since I bought the little $4 steamer I've been wanting to make more Malay kuihs that requires to be steamed.  I cant fit a baking tin into the steamer but it fits 8 pieces of the tiny red cups ;)  I've always wanted to make these apam snow white and purposely leave some cooked rice that is required for this recipe.  Jannah was so excited when I told her that I was gonna make apams today but when she saw these apams instead she asked how come they dont look like the ladybug apams.  Cheett!!

As I was asked repeatedly how come these apams doesnt look like the ladybug apam, I explained to Jannah its bcos they are called apam snow white.  She replied "Huh??  Snow white??  Mana atok2 -referring to the dwarfs dia arh?"  She kept on saying that she doesnt want this apam cos they dont look anything like snow white.  Adeehhh *scratch head*  I asked her if she wanted to try one and she said she wanted the pink one.......after 1 bite, she said she wanted the purple one and she said they were yucky and she wanted to try the white one next.  She gave me 1 million reasons not to finish them like.........(although there wasnt really a millon cos I've forgotten what else she said hehehez.)

- Jannah tak nak apam ni.....nak yang ladybug aja, yang dalam ada coklat.
- Bau apa ni?  Asal apam ni ada bau arh mama?
- Apasal bau macam nasi busuk aja....
- Apasal dalam takde apa2.
- Apasal apam ni tak best aja.
- Apasal mama tak buat apam ladybug aja.
- Jannah tak nak lah apam yang ni, tak cantik aja.
- Apasal apasal apasal apasal.

Haizzz she likes to ends her sentences with aja.  Bodoh aja, pandai aja, cantik aja, memang banyak cakap lah ini budak.  Anyway, she did have 2 whole pieces of apam after I forced her to eat them hehehez.  She then asked for more, I asked how many she said 2.  Ok and so, I gave them to her.  She went into her room and was very quiet.  The next moment, she went into the kitchen....took 2 cups and 2 plates.  I thought she ate the 2 apams but instead she held a tea party for her 2 care bears.  Haiiizzzz she said the care bears wanted the apams and they like them hmmmmmzz.  Anyway, I luv them and luckily I only made half of the recipe, otherwise confirmed arhhhh I will be bloated like an apam wahahahaz

Source :  Rima @ Bisousatoi
3 cups rice flour
1 cup flour
2 cups granulated sugar
1 package baker's yeast mauripan @ (11gm)
2 cups cooked rice
3 cups water
1/2 grated coconut steamed and a pinch of salt

- Put all above ingredients except the cooked rice and water into the container. Mix well and set aside briefly
- Grind cooked rice with water until smooth.
- Pour rice and water mixture into flour mixture and stir till combined.
- Let it set for an hour. (use clingwrap to cover the top of ur container)
- Meanwhile.. heat ur steamer. Lightly oil the molds.
- Pipe in batter into each mold.. steamed it for abt 15 mins over medium heat.

First pic : The different sizes.  One was filled slightly more than the other.
Second pic : This is what happened when u fill mixture to the brim.
Third pic : When u leave steamer unattended with slightly high heat.

Photos of the one and only skinny persimmon tree along our driveway.  Looks like they gonna be ready soon.  Have to pick them before the birds eat them.  TTFN folks ;)


  1. akak pernah buat apam ni dan akak suka :))

    persimmon tu...kalau dah masak pos kat akak sebakul ye..hihi...akak sukeee

  2. as-salam
    cantiknye apam snow white tu.. suka yang warna biru...

  3. Kak Kasih,

    I pun suka apam nak try buat apam mekar plak ;)

    Kalau ler boleh post persimmons cfm akak lah dlm my no. 1 list hehehez.

  4. W'salam Ady,

    Tenkiu many2 Ady....tapi kan kan kan itew warna purple. Nampak mcm biru eh dkt screen ;)

  5. Hahahha Anie..Jannah is soooo adorable..suka bab budak2 umur cam ni..they can be so cute & innocent!many many moons (err years actually) ago, dudan no. 2 loves to end his sentences with okay..even bila tanya ai "u okay, okay?" hahahha..dulu laaa..sekarang tak..hehe..

    and then masa kecik his fav munchy is the sausage..ada ker 1 hari masa pri terjumpa sausage (without plastic dalam pocket seluar sekolah dia..mana ai tak naik angin..actually dia letak kat situ sebab terperanjat nampak I datang without telling him masa dia balik sekolah dulu..muahahahah..budak2 ada jer kan..

    nyways, apam 'bau nasi busuk' ni lah tak leh angsss!!hahaha ada jer Jannah ni!

  6. Anie
    Macam2 komen dari Jannah ... kelakar 'aje', hehe..

    I suka apam tapi takat nih buat apam gula melaka aje..nostalgia gitu.

    You tak pernah gayut2 kat pokok persimmon tu ke?

  7. Yat,

    Mmg kekadang boleh ketawa golek2 dgr si Jannah ni cakap. Dah lah ckp melayu cuma harapkan dgr drpd I. Some words I boleh ketawa bila dgr dia ckp salah. Until today dia masih ckp jeelet=jilat and ketek=katak. Byk lagi yg kelakar2....some I tak betulkan pun...biar jer lah :ppp. Cakap english lagi jgn cakap...bertabur2, bersepah2. I ni pun actually takut jugak dia tak nak converse in malay bila dia dah start skolah nanti haiizzz.

    Anyway, ur son pun cute jugak. I probably will do the same kalau my mom surprise visit me. Lagi2 mak yg akan menyinga auuummm!! But...I very particular abt baju2/seluar2 yg I dah gosok. Dorang2 dua kat rumah ni mesti respect baju yg I dah gosok....kalau dorang golek2 with the baju I will also cfm jad singa lol!!

  8. Somuffins...

    U kalau dgr dia cakap, u mesti ketawa aja hehehez. She pronounced aja as uhh jer.

    I luv apam gula melaka also...tapi tak pernah buat. Must attempt that 1 day lah.

    I nak kena transform jadi sloth dulu arh baru best gayut2 kat pokok persimmon ni hehehez. My size skarang ni pokok tu tak dpt menampung. Dah lah pokok tu kurus kering lol!!

  9. Hahaha.. So cute, both apam and Jannah. :D

    I gelak guling part nasi busuk tu haha. Kids really say the darndest things huh?

  10. RC,

    Tu arh dia...I makan sedap aja. Takde bau nasi busuk pun hehehez.

    Byk cerewet lah ini anak. Asik nak suruh I buat apam ladybug pasal tu lah she rejected this apam :pp

  11. Anie
    lol at nasi busuk.. this is sonia's fav apam.. in fact if i buat this apam.. my niece and nephew merebut nasib tak de orang cakap bau nasi busuk if not mau I frust hehe

  12. Rima,

    Tu arh kan, kuciwa I hahahaz. I mkn takde apa2 pun....rasa sedap jer. Jannah ni saja kasi alasan sbb nak makan apam yg ada inti coklat.

  13. somelnya apam tu! kalau jannah taknak posto ke kl. my son, muaz sgt2 suka anything apam :D
