Thursday, January 27, 2011

Strawberry Cream Cheese Bun

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Salam, Kia Ora...

I was accompanying Jannah in her room during her bedtime earlier to make sure she goes to sleep and at the same time, I was cropping these photos.  Saw her still playing around with her blankie and pillows and tossing around not going to sleep, after half an hour.  So, I turned off the laptop and pretended to sleep with her.  While pretending, I went off to sleep for real ZZzzzzzz ahakkkssss....

Woke up at exactly midnight just now and packed hb's lunch.  I wanted to pack earlier but the chicken was still warmish and thought that I can do that after Jannah went to sleep. Instead, it was me and I didn't even know when did Jannah went off to sleep.  

Anyway, I was clearing the fridge and found some cream cheese, left over from making the butter cheese cake.  Oh me oh my, how long ago was that :ppp hehehez.  It was still good, no moulds and shouldn't be wasted.  I thought of attempting this bun's recipe.  Verdict : I should have used CMG's sweet bun dough recipe instead, as this bun recipe is a little dry and salty but soft enough with yummy strawberry cream cheese filling.  Oh well, trial & error ;)

Source : Hidehide's Home Cooking Recipe.

Ingredients (for 1)
18cm (7 inch) ring pan
Bun Dough
bread flour
instant dried yeast
warm water
3g (0.5 tsp)
4g (1.3 tsp)
100g (Abt 30 degrees C)
20g (Bring to room temperature)

strawberry (puree)
cream cheese
cake flour

almond slices

Note : I added 1/2 tsp of bread improver into the bun dough and also added a few drops of pink food colouring to the cream cheese filling.

Method :

I used the breadmaker for the dough.  Just dump everything into the breadmaker and choose 'dough only' setting and let the breadmaker do the hard work ;)
  1. Sprinkle the yeast over the warm water. Stir to dissolve the yeast. Leave for 15 minutes.
  2. [Kneading]
    Put the flour, salt, sugar, butter in a large bowl. Pour the foamed yeast and egg.
  3. Bring the ingredients together to form a sticky mass.
  4. Transfer to a kitchen table and knead the dough for abt 10 mins until the dough is smooth, thin & elastic.
  5. Shape the dough into a smooth ball.
  6. Put the dough in a lightly oiled bowl.  Leave to rise in a draught-free place for 50-60 minutes, or until 2.5-3 times in size.
  7. Press a finger into the dough. If indentation remains, the dough has properly risen.
  8. [Knocking back]
    Knock back the dough by punching it gently. Turn out the dough.
  9. Fold the dough into thirds and divide the dough into 8 equal portions.
  10. [Shaping]
    Flatten the dough.  Put the filling 15g in the center.  Gather the dough up around the filling.
  11. Put the dough in the lightly greased pan and leave to rise for 40-50 minutes, or until 2 times in size.
  12. Brush the surface with beaten egg. Sprinkle with the almond slices.
  13. Bake at 180 degrees C (356 degrees F) for 25 minutes or until golden.

Going back to sleep, nitez nitez everyone.....

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;) 


  1. ahakkss...kalau pretend sleep tu kan, i pun biasa buat..
    pun sama sama tertidur..dah bukan pretend dah..real punya
    tak bangun2 sampai subuh..haha...
    yang bestnya kita dulu tertidur daari bebudak tu..
    well, ur bread tang i suke tu, tang inti tu.waduhh waduhhhh..
    mana nak dapat strawberi yang murah2 disni?huhu

  2. hasya kata wahhh!!! pink bread mommy...i want can or not...aiyyyo dia tau tak yg mommy dia malas nak wat bun bun, kalau i knead the dough tu agak2 agak boleh kurus tak my lengan nih ? adoiii nak kurus tapi malas nak lari larian kan!

  3. Izah,

    Tu arh, nasib baik tersadar tadi. Kalau tak besok hb tak bwk bekal lah pegi keje...hehehez alasan org yg malas kan kan kan. Mmg tak sedar pun biler si Jannah tu tido...ahakkss

    I tadi ingat nak guna stroberi jem aja and tak nak letak gula for the filling punya resepi. Tapi sbb ada stock frozen stroberi, I guna ajalah. Tu pun cuma guna 4 ketol ajer dah dpt 50g ;)

  4. Zarin,

    Mummy buat lah, buat lah mummy hehehez :D I tak tau lah boleh kurus ke tak eh lengan...hehehez. Lepas bersemangat I uli dough karipap hari tu, masih gemoks ajer lengan ni...apa tak, dah lepas uli2 makan mcm mana nak kurus arh?? :ppp Jom arh Zarin, kita pegi berlari2 anak (mak aiii biar betol...tido dulu arh ZZZzzz)

  5. Anie,
    the 'fink' kaler is so enticing...err, u post ajer la kat i..:P

  6. Maya,

    Takot lah pulak cream cheese tu turned mouldy plak on the way there :D hehehz. Kalau ada teleporting machine kan best....

  7. Hahaha biasalah tu , mak suruh anak tidur at last anak tak tidur mak yg tidur. Huhuhu jeles nya tengok U buat bun yg gebu tu, akak ni tak pernah lagi buat bun sebab memang tak pandai dan tak berani nak cuba. Rasanya nak gi belajar dulu kot.

  8. strawberry cream cheese tu sungguh menawan...colournya tu...fuhh sure sedap dimakan dngan bun yang super gebu itu..


  9. Anie, terguda lak i nengok bun ngan stroberi u ni...sedapnya...letak jem pun boleh yer...nanti nk tryla..:D

  10. Eh i dah lama tak buat kerja tu.. when i put her to bed.. its all abt.. putting her into her bed.. kiss her.. she will say goodnight.. sweet dreams mama.. i gv her susu and i terus cabuttttt hhahha.. i think if i baring sebelah dia sure tertidur one.. hehe

    My BM dah lama terperap.. kat pantry ade 2 boxes of instant yeast.. akan ku check bila expiry date nye hehe

  11. Love your bread recipe! What a surprise in your photo with the pink inside, I have to try this. Thanks so much for the recipe and the post. I always fall asleep when I end up lying down with the kids, have even woke up and they are still awake, little bums. It is a bad habit but just love curling up with them.

  12. Kak Aidah,

    Tu arh kak, kadang2 susah btol nak suruh budak ni tido. 1 jam pon mata masih tercelik...kalau kita dah tido berdengkur arh...hehehez.

    Cubalah kak, insyaAllah jadi. Ramai kwn2 blogger buat jadi, guna resepi CMG...cfm lembut dan gebu ;)

  13. Kak Kasih,

    Bun ni mmg kena dgn cream cheese tu kak, cuma ada sikit kering :)

  14. Nieza,

    Gantikan gula & strawberry puree dgn strawberry jem, I rasa boleh jugak ;) lagi senang....

  15. Rima,

    Kadang2 dia boleh tido sendiri. Tapi kadang2 dlm senyap2 tu dia main toys. Tu pasal nak kena jadi JAGA...hehehez. Tu arh byk punya nak pretend2 tido, last2 I yg ngorok ZZZzzzz.

    Apa lagi pi lah check yeast dah expire ke tak? Alamak abis u bz sampai after CNY, camner nak meroti ni....

  16. Medifast Coupons,

    Thank u for dropping by my blog ;) No problem, its my pleasure to share recipe the recipe.

    Tell me abt it...its hard for Jannah to have afternoon naps. I will usually lie down with her for her naps but I end up falling asleep and woke up and found out she's still awake. In the end she doesnt have afternoon nap at all.

    I curl as much as I can with her...dont want to miss the chance esp when she's growing up too fast :( she might kick me away soon ahakkksss

  17. Anie
    Ada at one time masa my son was still a baby, konon nak kasi dia mood tidor, I pun tidor sama. Nasib baik tersedar if not all his botol susu sure cair one (masa tu I was boiling all his milk bottles nak matikan kuman). Well.. one botol terherot sket ..

    Syabas rajin meROTI :-)

  18. merata2 roti....geram tengok roti2 yang gebu ni.....
    nak sikit anie...

  19. wah! menggoda kalbu sungguh bun berinti pink itu! mmm.. dah lama x buat kerja ngorok skali dgn anak nih.. really miss the moment when they r small!! :'(

  20. Somuffins,

    Alhamdullilah, nasib baik tak apa2. Scary kan, I skarang pulak takut Jannah suka panjat2 and pegang stove. Dia tahu benda tu panas tapi kadang2 adventurous jugak budak ni.

    Adengan biasa kita lihat....budah tak tido mak yg tido...ahakkkss :D

  21. Mas pun tak kurang hebatnya meroti ahakksss....meh amik yg last seketul ni :D

  22. Plain-June,

    I kadang2 menyelit jugak dgn si Jannah ni. Dia kadang2 tak kasi baring sebelah and slalu ckp tak cukup tempat...hahahaz. Pat tu lah I lagi suka menyakat.

    Btol lah they grow up too fast :( haiiizzz nak tambah lagi satu ke tak eh?? Beli jer dkt supermarket boleh tak....wekekekez

  23. Salam Anie, thanks sudi singgah dan join my blog. Rajin meroti, gebu betul roti ni, nanti boleh kak cuba...

  24. T&T

    Salam pleasure ;)

    Dah cuba buat roti, feedback eh sedap ke tidak...hehehz
