Saturday, January 29, 2011


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Salam, Kia Ora...

I intended to post this entry last night but was a little sleepy while I was composing halfway ZZZZzz.  I am so glad that my favourite series, The Vampire Diaries aired again last Thursday after taking a break for almost 1.5 months....wwweeeiii.  Also, I just finished 'marathoning' a 20 episodes Korean drama, Secret Garden for 2 days :D

I was drooling when Yat posted the satay entry at her blog, so I decided to make some.  One thing abt satay, the preparation is very tedious but its really worth all the trouble.  Since I only make satay once in a while, I will usually make heaps to last us for 2 nights dinner...hehehez.  I thought of freezing them but hb said that he doesn't mind having satay for 2 nights.  While eating last night, Jannah had a big burp and when I asked her if she was full she said "Jannah lapar lah nak satay dgn nasi ketupat lagi"  She simply luvs them....hehehez.

I didn't measure the ingredients as I am so used to pouring and sprinkling all the spices into the meat.  This recipe that I got from mamafami is sort of similar to my satay marinade.  Also, I was kinda hoping that I have enough bamboo skewers as I couldn't be bothered to drive to the supermarket to get more ahakkksss.  Lucky me I had enough...weee hooo.  After skewering them I counted : 42 sticks beef, 35 sticks chicken & 12 sticks beef liver.  Hb doesn't eat liver, he said its gross but I luvvvv them...yummo :ppp

Source : Mamafami.

Ingredients :

1 kg chicken/beef fillet ~ cut into 2.5cm x 2.5cm pieces
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons cooking oil
satay sticks

extra oil and lemon grass for basting

To blend :

3 shallots
2 candlenuts (buah keras)
2 cloves of garlic
3 cm fresh turmeric or 2 teaspoons turmeric powder
4 cm ginger
2 lemon grass
4 cm galangal (lengkuas)
1 tablespoons coriander seed }
1 teaspoon fennel seed (jintan manis) } fry without oil over low heat till fragrant
1 teaspoon cumin seed (jintan putih) }

(I used powdered coriander, fennel & cumin cos too lazy to fry without oil :D)

Method :

1. Mix sugar, honey, cooking oil and salt into the blended ingredients to form a paste.
2. Rub paste mixture into the diced chicken or beef and leave it to marinate for 3 hours.
3. Thread seasoned meat on to satay sticks.
4. Grill over char- coal fire or under hot grill . Baste with oil and water mixture to keep meat moist.
5. Serve with peanut sauce, cucumbers and onion cut into wedges and nasi impit (rice cake).

Only left with 2 pieces of instant ketupat (rice cake) last night.  I am really hoping someone will send me a care package as my supplies are depleting.  Mummmmmmyyy!!!!!..........

Photo source : Drama Wiki
Drama Title : Secret Garden
Episodes : 20.

My review : This drama is funny with a few sad scenes.  I became bored from episode 15 onwards.  Usually, I don't want dramas to end quickly but couldn't wait for this one to end and I was fast forwarding 'flash backs' as there were too many of them......borrrinnggg.  Yawwnnss!!!

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. sangat sedap tengok satayy..adusss mau cari satay jugak lah..ter bau bau keharuman satay daging 'siapa ' yang jadi korban ni?yang makan kek red velvet tu ke?hahaha

  2. Anie
    I thot I was the only one yg gerrrram tengok satay kat dapur Yat hari tu. Dalam diam2 a day after that I pun menziarah kekedai satay belakang rumah.

    Salute you menyatay from scratch.

  3. nak satay ...nak satay....satay ayam 10cucuk ye mummy jannah...kuah lebih tau..!! ekekekke

  4. Izah,

    Kat Mesia tak susah carik, order ajer dkt abg satay ahakkksss :D

    Ni dgn seangkatan dgn yg mkn lembu dgn ayam...hehehz

  5. Somuffins,

    Tu arh tergoda aiii dgn satay dkt umah Yat :( Dah blakang rumah I takde kedai satay, terpaksalah I buat from scratch nak mkn punya pasal...huhuhu. Takut nanti kempunan, lagi satu hal plak sbb mana nak cari BBBB?? hehehez

  6. Hani,

    Satay dgn kuah ajer tau...nasi impit tak boleh sbb tak cukup...hehehz

  7. sangat teruja tengok your satay, dahlah siap grill macam tu lagi..i kan kalau buat satay, suma i sumbat je dlm oven tau! i malas nk kipas n the other half laaagi malas.
    well, baru skali je pun buat satay, asyik makan satay kat kedai je hikhik

  8. rahjinnya anieee!!!! i salute you! alaa.. secret garden tu tak best sgt ke?? malas la nk stat tgk camni.. baru je nak g copy frm opismate..

  9. Zarin,

    Time winter I kalau teringin nak mkn satay mmg I sumbat jer dlm over ahakkks. My hb, satay punya pasal dia sanggup arh bakar satay using charcoals. Smalam angin kencang jugak, so tak payah lah dia mengipas...

    Issshhh dulu dkt SG pun I tak kuasa buat satay, order ajer dgn abg satay ada siap delivery service lagi...hehehez

  10. Plain-June,

    Isshhh nak mkn terpaksa lah I merajinkan diri...hahahaz. Kalau malas nanti kempunan, terpaksa carik BBBB :D

    Btw, Secret Gardens ni mmg best the first 14 episodes. Klakar lah...Dah masok episode 15-16 ok lagi, 17 onwards, jln citer dah merapu marang sekeper...hahahaz. Oklah kalau u nak tgk, cuma towards the end ada sikit boringzzZZzzz.

  11. wah! ada satay disini...nk 10 cucuk!...kuah kasi lebih yer...ekekeke ni yg buat terliur ni....mana nk cari satay ni nk buat malas pulak...tunggu blk msia la..hehe tak abis lagi ceter korea tu?..hehe kalau saya tgk lagila dapur terus tak berasap.

  12. tuan rumah..

    apa habaq..? sihat ka?
    lama sungguh i ak melilau di alam fantasi ni.. nampak u ngan sheep and jugak roti yang sungguh menggoda jiwa.
    tetib hari ni menjelma la pulak satay.. awat yang rajin sangat ni..?
    hahhaha.. makcik ni yang tak mai mood rajin lagi.. bila rajin sikit, hak dibuat tak beghapa nak jadi.. stress betoi..

    i nak sikit liver satay tu.. bungkus lima! hahahha

  13. anie..mas sangat suka satay tau....apa lagi kalau kuah kacang tu sedapp..lagi banyak mas makan...
    nak sikittt..terliur tengok satay anie tu...

  14. akak beli je anie kat kajang tu. Kekadang anak2 teringin nak bakar sendiri...akak beli yg mentah, so kita bakar le sendiri...
    tapi kalau kat nz, sure le kena buat sendiri kan kalau teringin nak makan :)

  15. really envy u yg rajin buat satay...
    nasib baik kat sini ada satay kajang, x le kempunan!

  16. Anieee nak satay simpankan utk ai dak nakkk,jannah jom kita makan ngan nasi impit lagi temankan auntie..

  17. Tak pernah akak buat satay sebab remeh nak menyediakannya. Selalunya beli je, hehehe. Wah dah mula meminati drama Korea ke? Akak tak pernah tengok cerita Korea even the famous Winter Sonata, tak tau lah nape. Maybe akak jenis tak suka drama yg slow2 ni kot.

  18. Nieza,

    Kempunan lah tunggu balik Msia baru nak mkn satay ahakkksss. Boleh sumbat jer dlm oven atau kalau mls nak cucuk boleh buat satay goreng. Senang jer... ;)

    Boleh tgk citer Korea, tapi jgn marathon lah...kalau tgk marathon cfm dapur tak berasap hehehez.

  19. Hann,

    Alhamdullilah kita makin sihat sejahtera dkt sini ahakkss :) How abt u babe? Busy ke this CNY's weekend?

    Alah babe, I terasa nak mkn satay terpaksalah merajinkan diri kan huhuhu. Kadang2 I pun senasib dgn u, buat benda tak jadi...stress!! Makin beruban kang rambut asik stress ajer...:pppp

  20. Mas,

    Rasanya satay ni mmg menjadi pujaan hati ramai. I kalau mkn satay pun suka kuah kacang byk2. ;) Meh sini kalau nak rasa....

  21. Kak Kasih,

    Betulx3 tu kak, dkt sini nak mkn apa semuanya kena usaha sendiri. Kalau malas mkn bake beans ajer lah jawabnya ahakksss ;)

  22. Kak Rose,

    I rasa kalau akak tinggal dkt sini pun akak akan rajin sbb nak mkn punya pasal...hehehez ;)

    Satay kajang mmg popular kan dkt Msia, tapi I blum berkesempatan nak try lagi.....

  23. Chik Mi,

    Jom dtg sini temankan si Jannah mkn satay. Dia tak hingat donia biler mkn satay, dah burp sekuat2 dunia pun dia kata dia lapar...ish ish ish hehehez

  24. Kak Aidah,

    Mmg kak, dkt Spore I beli jer, order mcm pizza hut and deliver pun slalu jugak...dkt sini hmmzzz takde chance lah nak order huhuhu.

    I dah lama jugak tgk citer Korea ni, tak lah kemarok samapi nak tgk semua. Winter Sonata I tak pernah tgk lagi. Dgr2 sedih giler...tak nak arh tgk citer yg mcm gitu...hehheez

  25. weeyyy sateyyyy.... bau harum sampai jepongggggg..... klu bg satey kamben, kamben2 ko tuh gheti makan tak?? ker tak sampai ati makan kawan sendrik? kekekekekeke... aduhhhh nak menyate jugak aku dbuatnyer! huH!

  26. anie,
    aduh, menusuk kalbunyer tengok satay itu...esok jugak i singgah satay hj samuri for the pot luck.
