Thursday, December 16, 2010

Speedy Chocolate Muffins

Weather for Te Awamutu today,
Season :
Forecast :
Chance Of Rain
Temp : 22°C | 17°C
Current :
Temp : 20°C

Salam, Kia Ora....

Drove to the servo station with quarter of a tank gas in the car yesterday and was shocked to see the petrol prices!!! Unleaded 91 - $1.96 & Unleaded 95 - $2.03 :( yikeesss petrol prices have hit over $2. I pumped $40 worth of petrol and the fuel needle didn't even touch the 3/4 mark. All food prices have gone up, even GST has risen to 15% a few months back. Haiizzz....the only thing that hasn't gone up is hb's pay.

Anyway, this is the other type of muffins that I brought to Auntie Eton's house last Tuesday.  The name of the muffins really suits the last minute invitation...hahahaz. It's so easy to prepare and only requires 1 bowl, a fork and a spoon. I should also call this muffins, 1 bowl wonder muffins. Of course u gonna need a sift, measuring spoons and muffins mould. Otherwise, don't have lots to wash after baking.....I like :p

Source : Good To Know Recipes
Ingredients :
 - 250g self-raising flour - I used standard flour and added 2 tsp double action baking powder & 1/2 tsp salt and sift them together before adding to mixture.
- 25g cocoa powder
- 2tsp baking powder - I did not add this since I've already added to the flour.
- 175g caster sugar (or 125g caster sugar and 50g muscovado sugar) - I only added 125g caster sugar.
- 175ml milk
- 2 large eggs, beaten
- 100ml sunflower oil - I used melted butter
- 75g plain chocolate chunks - I used chocolate chips
- 1-2tsp vanilla extract

Method :
Preheat the oven to 170ºC (375ºF, gas mark 5).
Line a 12-hole deep muffin tray with paper muffin cases.
Sift together the flour, cocoa and baking powder; stir in the sugar. Add the remaining ingredients and mix lightly together.
Spoon the mixture into the prepared cases. Bake for approximately 20 mins or until golden and springy to the touch. Cool for 10 mins; transfer to a wire rack and leave until cold. (I baked mine at 150ºC for 25 mins)

Note : I sprinkled some chocolate chips on the muffins before baking them :)

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. perhhh Anie....cantik betul muffin tu yer....geramm mas tengok..lama dah mas tak memufin ni...mas ambik 4 ketoi bolehh..he..he..

  2. Mas,

    Cuba buat muffins ni mmg senang betul...hehehez. Kalau nak amik 4 ketol, sila, sila jgn malu2 hehehez

  3. wah! santeknye yr muffins! hmm.. mana satu nak buat ptg ni? coffee walnut ke speedy gonzales nih? which one do you suggest?

  4. Tenkiu plain-june ;)

    Personally I prefer coffee muffins ni sbb I jenuh mkn chocolate...hehehez. Adunan pun tak byk, cukup utk rumah yg tak ramai askar (6 ketul ajer). Tapi kalau u takut tak kena dgn selera anak2, boleh buat half of the speedy gonzales, dpt lah lagi 6 ketul ;) hehehez

  5. babe

    minggu muffin resepi ai reserve, also whe the makcik ketot tido umah ai..dia suker baking2 bila datang my place..takkan ai nak suh dia rolong masa ai wat kek lapis kan...habis kang penyek bengot kek lapis tu ai reserve eh babe... :)

  6. Minggu muffin sedunia lah babe :D hahahaz.

    No problem if u wanna reserve this resipe. Your makcik ketot must be pampered by u lah tu sebab tu dia suka godeh2 ur dapur and baking. My makcik ketot cuma boleh tolong lick the bowls for now. Tak lama lagi boleh tolong cuci bowls....hahahaz

    Easy, peasy recipe to be made by a makcik ketot, i'm sure she's gonna enjoy lah babe ;)
