Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Coffee Walnut Muffins

Weather for Te Awamutu today,
Season :
Forecast :
Chance Of Rain
Temp : 26C | 18C
Current :
Partly Cloudy With Extreme UV(11) Warning
Temp : 33°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

Oh me, oh my today the weather forecast stated 26 degrees C as its high today but right now the temperature has hit 33 degrees C.  Can't believe all this forecasters aye? hehehez.  Aiyayyay, its so freaking hot right now.  Even though I have the fan turned on, it feels like the fan is circulating hot air.

I managed to have my afternoon nap, maybe for an hour or so.  I could hear Jannah shouting, screaming and dancing copying the antics of the child presenter on telly.  She didn't bother me and I continued to sleep every time I got woken up by her ZZZzzzz....hehehez.  Finally, I woke up because the afternoon heat is making me uncomfortable to continue with my beauty sleep.  Thank you for letting mama sleep, Jannah buggy ;)

Anyway, enough of my complains, I baked 2 types of muffins yesterday.  Only made 1 batch of these coffee walnut muffins and got 7 pieces.  I didn't want to make too many of these as I wasn't sure if the kids were gonna like the coffee flavoured muffins.  The other type of muffin that I baked was chocolate chip muffins, I will share the recipe in my next entry......hehehez ;)

Source : Recipe adapted from Lydia Teh's My Kitchen Blog.  I made a few changes to the ingredients.  Thank u Lydia for sharing this recipe ;)

Ingredients (makes 6 regular muffins):
  • 60ml fresh milk
  • 2 tbsp hazelnut flavour instant coffee (I used normal instant coffee)
  • 60g butter, soften
  • 50g fine granulated sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 150g cake flour, sift together with baking powder (I used standard flour)
  • 1½ tsp baking powder
  • Almond slices (I used walnut pieces)

  1. Heat up milk lightly and dissolve instant coffee in milk. Set aside and allow to cool.
  2. Preheat oven at 180ºC.
  3. Whisk butter until creamy, add in sugar and continue to whisk until light and fluffy.
  4. Add in egg and whisk until well combine.
  5. Fold in sifted flour in batches, alternate with coffee milk.
  6. Transfer batter into muffin cases and sprinkle almond slices (walnut pieces) over the surfaces.
  7. Turn oven down to 175ºC and bake for 20-25 minutes. Cool on rack. (I baked mine at 160ºC for 20 mins)
Still haven't got a clue on what to cook for tonight's dinner.  Might just cook a simple fried rice dish as its way too hot to be slaving in front of the hot stove.

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. coffee muffins?? akanku buat jugak nih..dunno since when pulak i dah addicted to anything yg ada coffee nih..lg satu, recipe ni sikti je kan! sungguh sesuai utk i mencuba :D

  2. Zarin,

    I am not really addicted to coffee tapi I enjoy jugak lah coffee...hehehez. Resepi ni mmg sesuai dgn kita yg tak ramai tentera....elak pembaziran :D

  3. anie, mas datang nak ngendeng coffe muffin tu, nampak sedapp sangat...

  4. Silakan Mas, tapi cuma ada belen seketul jer ni khas buat Mas :) hehehez

  5. salam, jarang indulged in this muffin making..tengok muffin2 yg u buat uhh ternyata tergoda, beb.
