Friday, December 10, 2010

Strawberry Jello With Ice Cream

Weather for Te Awamutu today,
Season :
Forecast :
Temp : 26C | 15C
Current :
Partly Cloudy With Very High UV(10) Warning
Temp : 22°C

Salam, Kia Ora...

I supposed my next few entries will have strawberries included in them since I've an abundance of strawberries in my fridge right now ....hehehez.

I bought 6 more punnets of strawberries last Wednesday.  I just couldn't resist them, only $1 per punnet.  Total number of punnets in my fridge is 8.  We really, really are having an overdose on strawberries, they are so yummy when u dip them in chocolate.  Anyway, got to go bcos I've to run some errands now......till we meet again ;) And gonna buy more strawberries of course...yikkkesss.

Ingredients :
  • 1 packet strawberry flavoured jello
  • 6 strawberries cut into cubes (u can add more)
  • Toppings - Ice cream & strawberry
Method :
  • Prepare jello according to instructions on package.
  • Pour into jelly mould and add cubed strawberries.
  • Chill until firm.
  • Serve jello topped with your favourite ice cream and more strawberries.
TGIF......for those whom are working. It doesn't matter what day of the week it is for me bcos they are all the same to me :D hehehez.

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)



  1. Anie

    that a great dessert babe..ku tak taw ko dah congkong sebegitu byk strawberries arr...hoarding betul nampak..heheh..

    anyway, u have a great weekend ahead..nyampahhh...arr, tak taw bila leh jadi tai-tai so tak yah kisah TGIF ke tak... :)

  2. strawberries sold here is soooo sour & expensive. fast food milkshakes are fake-flavored, dyed pink, worse than bad.

    ^_^ jello with ice-cream looks like a delicious dessert to make during valentine day, beautiful presentation Anie


  3. Yat,

    Wahhhh I tgh fluttering ni sbb dapat pujian drpd queen of jlo...hehehez. Malu konon, menyampahhh....muahahhaz XD

    I baru beli lagi 4 punnets strawberries = 1kg. Agak2 bole buat masak lemak tak?? hahahaz.

    Hope u have an enjoyable w/end with ur dude and dudans, babe.

  4. Thank u SiJie ^_^ u shud make this jello to impress ur gf for nxt yr's valentine...ehem ehem *winks*.

    I wonder why strawberries are really cheap this yr. They werent this cheap last yr. The cheapest was 3 punnets for $5. Anyway, strawberries with chocolate dip is not a healty choice either...LOL!!

  5. Kalo jadilah tu strawberry masak lemak, ku tak leh imagine rasa dia..wahkahkah..aikkk beli lagik???meh buat amal jariah kasi pong baru beli sepunnet jer..sedang2 size..10 ketul...mahal gilosss korea mari..verangat nak wat macam kat bawah sinun..jadi ker??? tgk la k.. :)

  6. Yat,

    I cant imagine lah stroberi masak lemak...wahahahaz cfm tak sedap punya :D

    Hari ni nak buat project strawberry lain plak pasal tu beli lagi. I dah simpan some kat dlm freezer utk project time winter...hehehez ;)

    Dkt sg tak jual yg frozen ke babe?? Kalau utk baking, beli yg frozen ajer lah pasal its much more cheaper.

  7. Babe

    ku tak taw ada frozen punya...kuno kan ai..hahaha..i wonder if yg fresh punya kalo difrozenkan for later use, tak taw, rasa dia cam mana..tapikan tadi TERpakai tu strawberri pi wat jello..meraban arrr..kata nak wat tu bread...haizz...takper bread tu pakai sikit jer, so kalo dapat rasa celah gigi pun orite la..

    ps sorry arrr..ku bebual ngan ko kat sini, tu chatbox line pendek nyer merapu selalu 3 ke 4 line ai congkong kat sana..hehhe..

  8. Ehhh takper lah babe, bebual dkt sini pon ok per...I like hehehez.

    Frozen berries ni kalau dah thaw dia akan, its only best kalau buat baking atau jem atau topping jer. Kalau nak makan gitu, kena mkn while its still frozen...sodap jugak. Dip strawberries dgn white chocolate lepas tu u freeze. Dah frozen fuuuyyooohhh sedap giler....hahahahz

    Alah Yat, since jello dkt rumah u laku, buat jer lah jello. Roti tu kalau tak nak tarok strawberry pon boleh. Buat jer chocolate chippy, banana-iey bread :D hehehez
