Sunday, December 12, 2010

Grilled Trevally With Soy Sauce Sambal

Weather for Te Awamutu today,
Season :
Forecast :
Partly Cloudy
Temp : 30C | 15C
Current :
Mostly Cloudy
Temp : 18°C

Salam, Kia Ora....

I can't help it but laugh having to crack my head on how to translate some of the Malay dishes to English.  Maybe I should just leave the name of the dishes as it is.  For example rendang, its also known as spicy coconut curry or nasi lemak also known as rice cooked in coconut cream .  But what is lauk lemak in English?  Fatty dish or rich dish?? Wahahahahaz wiki's translation of lemak = rich. 

Anyway, we haven't had any rice and its accompanying dishes for more than a week now.  The weather has been too hot and its killing our appetite, too much drinking water and eating ice cream I supposed...hehehez.  The past few days, we have been having simple dinner like sausages and bread, spaghetti bolognaise, grilled fish and chips, toasted sandwiches and everything simple :D.  Jannah has been asking me for rice for more than 4 days now...hehehez.  She prefers rice than burgers and pizzas but dont mind fish and chips.

I thought of making fish asam but couldn't be bothered to stand in front of the stove to saute the blended chillies is just too hot :( I decided to grill the fish instead and have it with the soy sauce sambal, steaming hot rice and 'lauk lemak' strawberry ehhh no....'lauk lemak' cabbage, carrots & prawns.  Lauk lemak is a coconut cream dish & its yellowy in colour, bcos of the tumeric.  Hmmmzz....why didn't I take a photo of it :D hahahaz.  Next time perhaps ;) for now, just feast on this yummy grilled fish ok.....

Hb said I killed his banana plant for my blog bcos I chopped off that 1 pathetic leaf.  He was saying that the plant is still too young and needed the support of that branch and leaf....hmmmzz what ever, dunno if its true....hahahaz :D

Ingredients :

  • 1 whole fish (I used trevally aka ikan sagai)
  • 1 clove garlic finely chopped or pounded
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • salt & pepper
  • 1 lemon sliced
  • 2 inches ginger sliced
  • 2 knobs butter

Method :
  • Clean fish and make a few slits on the belly.
  • Rub fish with garlic, turmeric powder, salt & pepper
  • Place a few slices of lemons, gingers and 1 knob of butter on baking tray before placing fish on it.
  • Place the rest of the lemons, ginger and butter on top of the fish.
  • Grill fish in 180 deg C oven, until cook.
Soy Sauce Sambal
  • 10 - 15 Green Chillies
  • 5 Cloves Garlic
  • Juice of 2 Lemons
  • Enough Sweet Soy Sauce
  • Salt & Sugar to taste
Just put all the ingredients above in a blender and blend until fine.

OMG its Monday again tomorrow....time really flies *sob* *sob*

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. salam anie...sedapnya ikan bakar....cicah ngan sambal kicap lak tu...

  2. babe

    ko sedih tmr monday, but u tai-tai, so ok yang sobbing like crazy takut dihinggapi senin biru arrr!!!siap daun solo telah dirobeks oleh cik anie, tapi takper ikan tu suker arr dialas daun pisang sunti..macam dapat anak dara sunti gitew la gamaknya..

    sini ikan2 dia orang manyak cerewet, ikan tu tak suker la ikan ni tak nak lah, balik2 ikan pari, kerisi, pompret (ejaan kalo salah harap maap, malas nak check) itulah sebabnya ketiadaan byk lauk ikan kat rumah ai...

  3. love this...makan ngan nasi panas seadp sgt ;-)
    eh, jannah suka rice eh? aiyyo my hasya tu kan if tk mkn rice for one month pun dia tk kisah tau...she prefers pasta n bread je...mak pak dia yg asyik nk mkn rice hihi

  4. Salam Mas ;)

    Wah dah balik makan kenduri, yummzz yuummzz kenyang....hehehez. Ikan bakar dah abis kena baham dgn 3 ekor org tadi...ganas kan kita semua :D

  5. Babe,

    I sedih arh...walaupun tai tai, tetap kena buat kerja rumah tau. Pat weather tgh panas melocot ni nak kena gosok baju keje org itewww..hehehz ku malas gitu :D Furthermore, I January baby...tak mau tua many2, faster2 hahahaz.

    Ohhh I pari and pomfret favourite giler...dkt sini no have :( Ikan kita pun jarang2 makan. Kalau tak in season mahal giler. Trevally can cost up to $11/kg. Kalau snapper jgn ckp, boleh kayap beli when its not in season. Ni tgh murah $5/kg pasal tu I beli.

    Tak payah lah nak sori mori kalau ada typo ke aper ke....i very cool baybeh, anything goes...hahahaz

  6. Zarin,

    I tadi mkn dgn nasi panas2 lepas tu mulut melocot, kepanasan dan kepedasan....hahahaz. Nyaman dpt mkn ikan sekali sekala sbb dkt sini ikan kalau tak in season, mahal.

    Jannah suka makan roti jugak, tapi kalau burger ke english muffin dia tak heran. Asik nak mkn nasi ajer...hehehez

  7. Dah lama seh tak makan grill fish.. macam tak kuasa gitew nak pi grill ikan if member tak fav.. if grill chicken.. satu ekor pong dia boleh habis kan.. gelojoh!

    Sonia if makan rice lawannye cuma fishball soup.. lauk lain dia tak fav.. if i goreng telur mata lembu makan dgn kicap dia pandai makan pulak.. lauk lemak udang ke.. ape ape lain lauk.. pandang pong tak nak budak sonia ni!

  8. Tu arh Rima, kalau setakat nak masak mkn sorang2 mmg takde kick. I ni dah lama nak mkn mee soto tapi hb plak tak feveret. Dia tak suka mkn ayam yg di rebus atau di masak. Kalau ayam goreng or grill chicken....mmg gelojoh, boleh abiskan sekor...hehehez.

    Jannah mmg not a fussy eater, aper pun dia mkn....hehehez cuma dia tak suka raw veggies. Burger or pizza mkn lah tapi sikit jer. Soup fishball is her no.1 feveret jugak.

  9. Anie
    Kesian kat pokok pisang tu. Tak sempat dia nak berbuah.

    Apa nama ikan tu in Malay?? Ikan kembong ke??

    Mmm.. nak tanya sket. Apa makna 'me te ahora' and 'kia ora'? Mekasih :-)

  10. Somuffins,

    I rasa pokok pisang ni tak akan berbuah...tapi mungkin boleh, tak tau lah tu...hehehez. It's called banana palm tree. Pokoknya pun miniature ajer, tak akan grow besar mcm pokok pisang biasa.

    Itu ikan sagai....u pernah dengar tak nama ikan tu??

    Kia Ora ni boleh digunakan dlm byk context eg...hello, hi, cheers, gd luck, best wishes, pokoknya anything gd lah. Atau bila someone says thank u, u can reply kia ora also. Most commonly used when u are opening a sentence mcm 'salam sejahtera' gitu....hehehez

    Me te aroha means....with love ;)

  11. Anie
    Ohh gitu, thanks for the explanation.
    Ikan Sagai? Mmg tak pernah dengar :-)

  12. Somuffins,

    No pleasure. Everything I do, I do it for u :D hehehez.

    Ikan Sagai quite popular jugak dkt s'pore. Mungkin ikan tu tak swin di perairan M'sia....pasal tu u tak pernah dgr...hehehez

  13. Anie,
    the fish look so tempting la kannnn.
    since ikan tu tak swim in mesia nie, apa kata u courier kat kita orang - me & cik som. betul tak cik som?
    p/s- cik som, quick, iyea kan ajerrr

  14. Maya,

    hahahaz...ikan ni kalau I courier dkt u & Cik Som, sampai cfm berulat yikeess :D I courier ikan kering jer lah.

    Alamak that tag contest...I carik my victims tak sampai 5 org lah :( lain kali biler I dah ada beribu2 kwn blogger baru I join lah contest2 cam gitu....;)

  15. Anie,
    ooohhh, ikan kering kiwi tueee..
    cant wait! :P
    p/s: tak tag pun takper. janji u tepek a very cun smiley photo..hehe
    cepat carik gambar jannah tersenyum lebar....

  16. yeaaayyyy tak yah tag ;) best I like, nanti I akan usahakan eh. Nak kena cari gambar jannah yg beribu2 dlm folder...adoooiii cfm jenuh :D hahahaz.

    Gd luck for the contest Maya ;)
