Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Weather for Te Awamutu today,
Season :
Forecast :
Chance Of Rain
Temp : 18°C | 14°C
Current :
Temp : 10°C

Salam, Kia Ora....

I've never eaten or heard of Shabsuka....tks to 'pest' book....hahahaz.  Got a few friends that were promoting and showing photos of this mouth watering yet unusual dish to me and I was tempted by it ;p.  This is the 2nd time that I made this dish.  Hb really liked it and gave his thumbs up when I first made it and he did say that he will look forward to having this dish again.

Today, hb invited one of his work mate, Pat, over to our home for dinner & watch cricket (yeah that boring sport).  I wonder how ppl can watch a cricket test and not get bored of it.  At first, I couldn't understand how they can score 500+ points for a game.  I know now that some test takes 2 days to finish.  I don't mind watching a 20/20 game....but not a 50/50 or a test....bbbbbboooooorrrrinnnnggg *yawnzz* hehehez

Decided to make shabsuka for dinner tonight...didnt make it too spicy as I don't want Pat to be on fire.  It was a 4 thumbs up dish, 2 frm Pat and 2 frm hb.  I suka...u suka, shabsuka!!!  hooorrreeey.....

Source :  Kak Fida, myresipi.com thank u Kak Fida for sharing this recipe.


Ingredients :
  • 500gm beef mince (clean and drained)
  • 4 tbsp chilli paste (add more if u like it spicier)
  • 2 tbsp ginger paste
  • 3 tbsp garlic paste
  • 3 tbsp tomato puree
  • 4  tbsp tomato sauce
  • 2 tbsp chilli sauce
  • 2 tbsp cumin powder
  • 1 tsp black pepper powder
  • 4 onions - sliced and fry till soft
  • 2 tomatoes - diced
  • 1/2 cup fried shallots*
  • coriander leaves* chopped (or substitute with chinese celery and spring onion)
  • 1 red & green chilli each (I did not add)
  • salt & sugar to taste
  • 3 -4 eggs (I used 5 ;p)
  • Enough canola oil or ghee for sauteing
Directions :
  • Heat oil in a wok and saute the chilli, ginger and garlic paste till fragrant.
  • Add beef mince and stir until mince has changed in colour.
  • Add all the sauces, onions, cumin and black pepper powder.
  • Stir until well incorporated then add salt & sugar to taste.
  • Add in half of the ingredients that are marked (*) & diced tomatoes.
  • Turn fire off once mince is fully cooked.  Dish should not be too dry, add some water if its dry.
  • Preheat oven to 180 deg C.
  • Place the cooked beef mince in a heat proof container.
  • Garnish with the rest of the ingredients that are marked (*)  and chillies.
  • Dig 'holes' in the cooked mince for the eggs.  Making sure that they are not too closed together.
  • Bake for 15 mins or until eggs are cooked.
  • Serve with pita breads or any bread that u fancy or rice.....
My thoughts and prayers are with all the family members of the 29 miners that are still trapped after the Pike River Mine, Greymouth-NZ, explosion almost 5 days ago.  There is still no contact as it is unsafe to launch a rescue mission.  A robot was deployed but it malfunctioned half way while digging a tunnel today.  As time passes by, the chances of survival is very, very slim. 

To all the miners, families, friends and rescue workers : Kia kaha, kia tau te rangimarie... Stay strong, may peace prevail.  It is a very, very sad event....my tears were rolling when I watched the news & live updates. (strett, strett....so sad)

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie :'(


  1. Sweet!!!..kita pong sama arrrr!!! well whadyaknow!!!kahkahkah..tapi mine cooked version...nih dari magic freezer..kemarin masak ada extra dalam freezer..daku thaw & panaskan sajer...kata sakit kan...baking bule..masak..tak la..one fine day, I'll try this baked version aite? nampak sesangat lah sedap... :)

  2. i love shabsuka..our feveret jugak ni but i main tipu coz i didn't eat the egg yolk tu :D

  3. sedapppnya....mas nak sepinggan boleh anie..he..he...

  4. Yat...sehati sejiwa, seiya sekata..dan yg sewaktu dgnnya hahhaz....boleh masak yg sama seh kita hari ni :D

    Ni pun kena masak dulu, lepas tu bakar the eggs sampai masak. U punya version masak mcm maner?? Masak the eggs dlm kuali gitu eh??

  5. Zarin,

    U boleh share telur dgn my daughter...sbb dia tak suka putih telur, cuma mkn yolk ajer..hehehez

  6. Mas,

    Jom kita exchange dgn mee racun yg sungguh menggiurkan tu :pppp

  7. Hi Anie,
    Salam perkenalan. Came across ur blog @ cik som. bila singgah, rupanyer, kengkawan i pun ada few kat sini. the more the merrier - so, i pun nak menyibukkan diri kan sini jugak la yea.
    btw, the beriani tat u cooked for aidiladha tu, looked so yummylicious. nnti weekend i pulak nak try.

  8. Maya, salam perkenalanan to u too :)

    Welcome, welcome...hehehez Mmg the more the merrier. I suka uuuuu....

    Selamat mencuba the beriani and hope u'll like it. Nanti jap lagi I pulak nk menyibukkan diri I dkt rumah u. :D

  9. Auww.. cik Maya dah tiba NZ.. Gud3 :-)

    If I were to cook Shabsuka, I will not put the eggs like that, maybe I have it fried. I sukalah makan telur cenggitu, cumanya my hubby ada sket fobia dgn telur lembut/lembik tak masak betul. 1st time I tengok Shabsuka kat dapur YatMaria.

    Condolence to the miners. Sad :-(

  10. Somuffins,

    I'm like ur hb lah, tak suka telur yg gitu2...hehehez. I kalau goreng telur mata korbau, garing cam keropok....hehehez. My hb yg suka mkn telur gitu2...terbalik plak kita eh...:D

    I think the miners dah takde chance of survival lah....baru tadi ada 2nd explosion. News journalist yg sampaikan berita pun nangis....maner lah I tak nangis...booohoooo

  11. Sad indeed! condolence to the miners family...
