Monday, November 22, 2010

Feather Light CheeseCake

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Temp : 14°C

Salam, Kia Ora....

I wondered why I bought a bottle of fresh cream last week??  It's gonna expire on 28th Nov.....before it turns into yoghurt, (will it?? hehehez) I thought I should look up for a recipe that will also use the other half block of cream cheese, left over from making the Devil's Food Cake.  I found this recipe while I was blog walking.  Thank you Wendy for sharing the recipe.  This cake was really delicious, just like eating a Japanese Cotton CheeseCake.....yummy ;p.  Hhhmmzzz, let me see when did I last have that.....almost 8 yrs ago I supposed...hehehez

Just wondering why is this cake a shortie?  Is it supposed to rise??  Is it because my pan was too pan was 8.2 inches and it is recommended to use an 8 inches pan.  Is it because I substituted milk to fresh cream or is it bcos I over mixed the egg whites mixture?? Hmmmmzzz 'too long', 'too long' help, help.....need advise from baking gurus out there :D thank you.....

This cake tastes more yummier when it's chilled :p

Feather Light Cheesecake Recipe

250gm milk (I used 230gm fresh cream)
20gm butter
125gm cream cheese (room temperature)
50gm flour
3 egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 egg whites
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
80gm sugar

Pinch of salt
½ Tbsp cocoa powder
1 Tbsp boiling water

1. Line the base of a 8 inch square pan and preheat the oven at 150/160C.
2. In a medium sized bowl, cream cream cheese until smooth.
3. Bring milk and butter to a boil and pour ¼ of it into cream cheese and gently stir until incorporated. Pour in another ¼ the milk and stir again. Lastly pour in all the milk and stir until smooth. (At this point, prepare some boiling water)
4. Let the cheese mixture cool down and put in flour. Mix until smooth. Then put in egg yolks and vanilla. Mix until smooth.
5. In another clean bowl, beat egg whites until frothy. Put in salt and cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks. Put in sugar gradually and beat until stiff.
6. Put 1/3 of egg whites into cheese mixture and fold gently but quickly.
7. Pour the cheese mixture into the egg whites and fold until well incorporated.
8. Mix cocoa powder with boiling water until smooth. Put in a few tablespoons of the cheese batter and mix until a smooth chocolatey batter is formed.
9. Pour main cheese batter into prepared pan. Drizzle chocolate batter over main cheese batter.
10. Use a knife and cut through the batter to create a marbling effect.
11. Put pan into slightly bigger but shallower pan. Fill the bigger pan with boiling water until halfway up and bake for 50-60 minutes.
12. When cake is baked, remove from oven and release the sides of the cake from the pan immediately by running a knife between the sides of the cake and the pan. Leave it to cool down totally and chill until cold before cutting.

Please note that this cake is very fragile and must be handled very gently with much care.

Hope no one suffers Monday Blues today....

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. cheese cake.....mas suka tau..baru buat jer buat masa raya...nakk sikittt..

  2. Mari sini dtg, Mas....boleh makan many, many hehehez ;)

  3. Weiiii...bukan Mas sorang yg pong suker arrr...and lebih2 sukerr if ada orang wat kan...tu yg palinggg Afdhol..mueheheh

  4. Anie
    I'm no expert in cake making.. but I try to give my point of view as to why you cake is shallow.

    I tengok kek Wendy doubled your cake size; perhaps it has something to do with the mould you were using...

    Tapi ok juga tu cos yours look more like 'bars', senang nak ngap..

  5. Hahahahaz....I totally agree with u babe. Lagi best biler dah abis mkn lepas tu tak payah kemas dan cuci pinggan.... the best of the best tu :D

  6. Somuffins,

    Tenkiu kerana sudi beri pandangan yg sgt berharga :) I pun rasa cam tu lah, pan a little too big. Si Wendy plak increase the recipe by 25%. Agaknya pasal tu I punya kek kemetot jer...hehehez

    U dah tak merajuk ngan I lagi eh :) yeay yeay happppyyyy :D Maklumlah I baru smalam paham what's the difference between blog list dgn blog u follow. Ingatkan kena follow baru keluar dkt blog list...rupanya tak payah. Baarrruuu makcik paham....hehehez ;)

  7. pun baru2 start blog pun ada rabun & blur ayam ingat lagi ai berkenalan ngan Cik Som yg vougue itew at Rima's..masa ai tgh beramas mesra ngan Rima, sudi gak Cik Som said hi to me..abeh trus dah melekat plak kat umah Cik Som pun...sebab Cik Som spesel..espeseli pat story mory dia ngan sepit baju..muehehehe... nyer word verification for this comment is 'conli' yg wat aku gelak nih..wahkahkah..

  8. Yat,

    Sekali lagi I'm agreeing with u :) Pasal Cik Som yg baik hati tu mmg adalah kisah benar...dia lah jugak yg kasi salam kat I dulu masa dia terserampak I dkt rumah Rima...
    I dah mmg lama baca story morey dia, tapi aiiissshhh shy shy cat nak ckp hello dan lagi pun blum ada blog time tu ;).

    Hahahahaz....word verification 'conli' u betul tak salah spelling....:D

  9. Anie n Yat
    Hati nih bermunger2 baca komen dari hati kejantung u'olls. I mana boleh majuk lelama. I wont let the wrinkles and watnots to bertahta lelama kat kulit muka dimana kolagennya kian merundum. Nasib baik BBBBertangkup closed for renovations, mueheheh.

    Memang betul jodoh pertemuan, rezeki n ajal maut ditentukan Allah (cewah, ustajah dipagi Selasa). Cuba you bayangkan.. dlm ramai2 bloggers, whylah kita bertemu dan dpt bergurau senda; sedangkan beribu2 lagi para blogger diluar sana, kan?

    Niway, nice knowing both of you (sambil srett2 lap idong) TAPI YAT ... mestikah dikau menyebut pasal sepit baju itew? Kahkahkah ... (I forgot whether I did write about it in my blog. Did I, Yat??)

  10. Somuffins,

    U happy, I also many2 happy....mmg happy bagi I blogger baru dpt berkenalan dgn u alls :) sgt2 terharu & happpyyyy....weeeiiiiii braper byk punya happy dah!! hahahaz.

    Cik Som, I pun tgh srett2 idong...tapi bukan kerana sedih, sebab hay fever dah...ishhh kacau arh ni hay fever.

  11. Cik Som

    I oso kenot remember if u did blog abt that ubiquitous sepit baju...cuma yg terpahat di ingatan adalah..u bilang sepit baju pong bule landed dalam yr fridge...muehehehe...apa lah dia buat dalam exbok u tu cik som..wahkahkah...

  12. Anie (tumpang lalu jap, tq)

    Yat, sepit baju dlm esbok bermakna terover kreatiplah tu kot? har3
