Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wordless Wednesday : Still cleaning......until

Lucky that I do watch a few McGyver series.....nyehahahaz


  1. hahahhahah
    berguna juga cerita tu

  2. Kak Kasih,

    Kalau McGyver yg repair, confirm bole terbang vacuum tu....hehehez.

  3. Muahahahaaaa.. hidup McGyver.. ooops, I mean hidup Anie!!!! You rock!

  4. Somuffins,

    Tenkiu Cik Som....Rock Never Dies \w/ pfffttt!!! :ppp

  5. Pastikan rumah sentiasa ada scotch tape, selo tape, black tape & white tape..gerenti ada jer keperluan dia.. kalo dude or dudan banyak ngomel pun at least ai ada option utk gunakan any tape yg disebutkan di atas..muahhahah

    Yo go Annie!

  6. Yat,

    Betul...betul..betul ;) My hb ckp I menjahanamkan harta benda dlm rumah ni jer. Eleh bukannya tak bole replace vacuum head tu...bukan brg antique pon. Patut kah I tape up mulut dia juga nyehahahaz :ppp

  7. Hi anie, i just found your blog..cit. Nice space you've here.. ;)

  8. Ribbon Clown,

    Hi to u too dear :) Thank u for dropping by and thank u for the kind words too....

  9. hi sis, u got interesting blog ... gelak i tgk u mr.vacuum..coz i pun pernah buat mcm tue...:))

  10. Hi to u too sis Asmah ;) Thank u for dropping by my blog....

    Tu arh dah satu keje skarang ni nak kena pegi cari spare parts for the vacuum....hehehez

  11. Hello Anie, you really made me laugh. Love your humour! That's real classic.....!
    Looks like a new one might be in order....
    You have a nice day, and keep a song in your heart...
    pssst, you keep a Swiss army knife in your Oscar de la Renta handbag? Ha ha.

  12. Uncle Lee,

    I have been looking around for the new tool coz I am not gonna replace the whole vacuum. To expensive lah to replace cost $199 :( haiizz....have to continue searching.

    Hehehehez...I havent heard of that handbag brand cos I only carry a plastic bag with me :ppp

    Thank u for ur kind wished uncle....Happy Easter ;)
