Sunday, February 19, 2012

Coconut Macaroon

Salam to all,

Made this coconut macaroon today in an attempt to finish off the egg whites from making the prune layer cake.  This is the last of the egg whites that were left.  I have used the rest for cooking.....used it to coat the beef snitchel that I made for dinner 2 nights ago.

This recipe doesn't call for many ingredients and I only got 23 pieces of macaroons.  I hope it will be finished in 1 sitting so that I can bake again once they are gone hehehez ;)  The coconut aroma wafting from the oven makes me want to munch on kuih bangkit right now yummzzzz.  The macaroon is a little crunchy on the outside yet chewy in the inside.

I left the macaroons plain, without the glaced green cherries for the topping bcos hb and Jannah doesn't like glaced cherries.

Adapted from : The AWW Macaroons & Biscuits

Ingredients :
2 egg whites
1/2 cup (110g) caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup (35g) plain flour
1 1/2 cups (120g) desiccated coconut
6 glace cherries, quartered

Method :
Preheat oven to 150 deg C / 300 deg F.  Grease oven trays, line with baking paper.
Beat egg whites in small bowl with electric mixer until soft peaks form.  Gradually add sugar, beating until dissolved between additions. 
Stir in extract, sifted flour and coconut in two batches.
Drop level tblsps of the mixture onto trays, abt 5cm (2 inches) apart.
Place cherry quarter on top of each macaroon.
Bake abt 30 mins.  Cool on trays.

What an irony...last night, I dreamt that I got a tooth pulled out and yet since 4pm today I am suffering from a toothache.  Have taken Nurofen Zavance but the pain hasn't subside....oooouuuwww I'm in pain *sob* *sob* :'(


  1. Anie

    I've not been baking all my fav cakes & such..huwaaaaa...I got a full blown sinus attack..with nose doing a marathon of drips and both my cheekbones in pain..aduhaiii fever reach 38.5 this am..and I gotta drag dude to sent me to the gp..he's not well too! agaknya I terexcited pasal that yabedabedooo punya envelope sampai terencat sakit! ni lagi nak makan ubat..2 hari MC..I hope by Tuesday dah baik, so I can bake while on MC muahahha...skrg kenot type put pening2 lalat..tekak sakit..badan sakit..the kids at my mom's as I takmo dia orang jangkit ke hapa since both of the parents are down...sian I babe...

  2. Anie
    Sian you..sakit gigi adalah sakit yg tidak best, kankankan?

    Cantik rupa biskut tu. I used to bake coconut cookies during my hay days. I added a small drop of esen ijau n merah (separately) into the dessi. coconut then baru I drop the adunan, so in the end I'd get 2 biskut rona ijau n merah, hehe.. I remember your HB tak sker colorful desserts kan??

  3. Oh my.. lain tak per.. jangan sakit gigi.. masih ku teringat waktu gigi ku sakit tahun lepas.. dah tu bila gi dentist... kocek ku pulak sakit cos terkopak dekat 2k .. ouchhhh! - hope ur sakit gigi will go away.. boleh mendatangkan marah part part sakit gigi ni :op

    Macaroon my hubs tak fav.. anything yg ade kelapa memang lah dia tak reti makan..

  4. Kak Kasih,

    Mcm coconut candy yg kalerful tu eh ;)

  5. Yat,

    Siannya u babe, I hope u and dude dah feel better hari ni, insyaAllah. I pun kalau dah kena fever dgn hidung yg mencurah2 dgn hingus mmg tak larat nak buat apa2. Apakan lagi nak baking.

    Kena tinggalkan Jannah dgn hb's care and asyik risau apa yg hb kasi dia makan ahaakkksss :D Nasib u ada mummy yg bole tgk2kan anak2.

    Take care babe, rajin2 makan ubat and drink lots of water. Tak mo hanky panky dgn dude muahahahaz while the kids are not around ok :ppp nanti bentan lah plak ^_^ ROFL!!!!

  6. Cik Som,

    Smalam sakit gigi ter intense sgt2 mcm nak tumbuk dinding pun ada. Tapi I sabar sbb kalau dinding dah berlubang nanti adakan nak kena repair dah lagi satu hal lah plak hehehez.

    Mmg idea yg bagus tu add colouring to the coconut. Kalau buat utk raya mesti best...tapi tak tau lah this cookies can last long ke tak. I luv the coconut mcm kuih bangkit. Tapi nak kena kurangkan gula lah.....adeeehhh sakit gigi :ppp

  7. Rima,

    Alhamdullilah hari ni I feel better, masih ada lingering pain :( mmg nak kena cabut lah ni wisdom tooth. Dah tua2 simpan pun buat sakit jer nak buat apa haiiizz. Smalam sakitnya tak boleh tahan whoaaaa mcm nak nangis puna ada huahuahua. I've booked a dental appointment....hopefully it wont cost 2k like u....uwaaaaa giler tu mana nak korek hehehehez. Boleh buat gigi emas!!!

    My hb is the opposite plak...he luvs biskut2/roti2 yg ada coconut but not the kuih2 melayu. He no like......

  8. ROLMFAO!!! ishhhh mana la terlarat cik Anie oiii..muahahahaha..hanky panky konon..pass the hanky adalah kihkihkih..alhamdulillah..subuh tadi I least kepala tak berat..soksek still have arr but fever dah turun 37.8..shukran..

    Why la u keep the wisdom tooth yg sakit? pi la lekas2 more lingering fun arr sakit gigino konyel2 mac pun takbule..

  9. Yat,

    Muahahahaz....saja2 jer buat lawak antarabangsa utk melegakan sakit kita ni semua. LMFAO....mcm si dua ekor yg rambut afro, nyayi lagu party rock anthem lah plak. Tu Jannah punya fav song hehehez.

    I masa pegi last dental check up bilakah itew?? Entah lah eons ago kot hahahaz. The dentist kata tak payah cabut. Dia suruh simpan buat mati kot. Tapi ni dah sakit2, mungkin dah rot :( nak kena cabut lah ni haiiizz. Sakit lingering ok gak boleh tahan part yg berdenyut2 tu adddeehhh tak boleh tahan whoaaa. Hampir2 nak jadi violent aiii :pp

    Alhamdullilah, gd to know that u r feeling better today. Besok2 nanti dah boleh la start engine baking ;)

  10. Muahahaha baca itew hanky panky buat ku ahaks sorang sorang kat Starbucks .. Eh can what cik yat.. Tinggal dua orang dalam rumah boleh rasa shahdu muahahahaha

    I think lain Kali .. Touch wood lah.. I nak ikut style my mom.. Cabut suahh.. Ni my hubs kepo suruh I simpan.. Tu yg dentist ku repair.. Ni belum complete.. Nak kena gi lagi.. Another 2k.. I told my hubs I don't want lahh.. Beli lens lagi bagus!

    Gigi Emas.. Teringat my dad waktu 70s hahaha

  11. Rima,

    Alaaa ciannya u Rima tgh tak sihat pun weekdays routine still goes on.

    Tu arh I also will cabut sua....a lot of my friends, some younger than me dah cabut pun their wisdom tooth. I pun tak nak simpan lah at this age, lagi2 bila dgr part nak repair cost almost 2k. Jom lah kita beli lens yg baik punya lagi bagos ahakkksss :D

  12. salam ziarah, namapk sedap macaron tu... k.gee masuk list yer...

  13. K.Gee,

    Tenkiu sbb sudi singgah my blog and dipersilakan masuk list mac ni kak ;)
