Friday, January 20, 2012

Really Perfect Shortbread

Salam everyone,

Jannah broke her toy pot handle a few weeks back and asked me to fix it and I finally fixed it yesterday hehehehez.  It's not that I didn't have the super glue supply at home, I do.  It's just that everytime I wanted to do it I got distracted LOLzz....another excuse.  Why is there a need for me to blog abt this??  Just bcos I am going to share a tip here on how to remove super glue if you got it stuck to any part of your skin. 

The story goes, while I was trying to glue the pot handle to the pot.  I must have squeezed the super glue tube extra hard thus excess glue must have flowed off the tube without me realising it.  The next second, my finger was stuck to the glue tube.  I tried as I might to peel it off but if i tried any harder the skin might just peeled off.  Suddenly, an idea bulb popped in my head *ting*!!  I was thinking, if I were to use nail polish remover on my finger, I might be able to remove my finger from the tube.  It works.....alhamdullilah.  I had to keep on pouring the solution on my stuck finger and remove the skin bit by bit.  Not even the glue residue was left on my finger after that.  Nope the nail polish doesn't belong to me at all. Belongs to.....the princess wanabe girl of course hehehez.

Anyway, hb been bugging me for awhile now for shortbread cos he's been craving for them.  This is my 2nd batch that I made this week.  The first batch was gone in 60 seconds.  These shorties must have really satisfied hb's craving lolzzzz......poor hb :D  Jannah luvs them too and keeps on asking for more and at the same time asked if I had photoed them.  They were gone before I can save them for photos hehehez.  This time round, I doubled the recipe.  Really love the recipe, not only it only requires 4 ingredients (5 for me bcos I added vanilla essence) definitely taste like the Walker's brand shortbread just like how Amber described it on her blog.


  1. Anie

    thanks for that great tip babe! U know, kat sini kadang2 I yg jadi mcgyver, dulu masa I fix that old oven knob yg fingers memang ada stuck to the glue tube taw babe..berfeluh2 ai nak cabut my fingers from the tube, baik tak sopak my kulit..suma masa tertanggal tu dah tak halus mulus my kulit jari...ahaksss! so next time ai know.. akan ku gunakan that nail polish remover!

    and nice SB! the funny thing is bila ai harus proof dough roti abt an hour, ai teruja nak buat, but when this kinda dough calls for 15 or 20 mins to be in the fridge..selalu terbantut I nak buat..apsal I cam ni eh babe?

  2. Yat,

    Tu arh babe, I feel ya seh. I panic jugak seh sbb bila I trarik my skin sakit giler. Nasib baik lah ada idea bernas ahaakkkkss :D

    SB ni mmg sedap babe, mkn tak henti2 hahahaz. Very buttery and not too sweet. I masukkan the dough dlm fridge lepas tu sempat tumis lauk and kopek kentang. Bt the time dah abis keje2 tu semua. Tinggal gelek2 SB and bakar jer. U pun mesti boleh lah...hehehez

  3. Babe, I jawab comment u pat blog ai kat sini eh..sebab ai cam ada terasa ada member opis jb yg ter-found out my blog! sheet kan..abes ai tak bule tulis sebaranagan menghaput depa2 kat opis..cisss..buat spoil jawab kat sini pasal apa hari ai half bilang urgent leave..walhal ai nak pi start those baking orders cepat2..if I dont do that confirm ai tak tido sampai besok pagi..

    ni lagi rebus ketupat aka lontong while waiting for that kek to bake..and then that kukusan pun jalan terus..buat apam..muahahhaha..bukan main lagi cik yat..sesekali amik order..berdebus2..hahah..tapi tak lah byk mana..malam ai wat kek lapis prune, besok pagi2 buta buat macs, jap lagi after the cake is done, I nak start pandan chiffon plak..abeh tu kalo dah buat 1, takkan ai nak biarkan dudans tangkap bau jer kan..harus ku pakaliao buat utk dia orang jugak..tu yg ai kelang kajut sket arr..

    mampoihhh kalo opis punya plang tgk apa ku tulis ni..tadi nak mintak hap day berdrama muka mintak kesian ..alaaa cam muka seposen gitu..bila dah dapat, ku terus cabut arr..tapi sempat hr kenen..tny ai, ai nak prepare for CNY ke? kahkahkah...akceli betul pun..nak prepare for CNY orders..hehe..nasib u tak dapat tgk drama mintak kesian tadi..ada ala2 neng yatimah bertemu azean irdawati..ohhhh...lihatla check cake jap..kang itam uuuu!

  4. Yat,

    Alamak babe...dia guna spy james bond ke sampai dpt tau ur blog. Sibuk ajalah org2 ni. Tu arh skarang dah tak boleh baca citer2 u ttg org2 yg tak baik tu semua ahaakkkss.

    Nasib u dpt seh half day. Kalau tak bukan cfm aja tak tido cfm terkangkang kat depan oven hehehez. Mmg byk woit babe order, esp kek lapis and macs.

    Whether dorang happy ke tak yg ur half day leave approved and u did ur baking....ianya dah pun terjadi. Mmg betul2 urgent apa ;) Anyway, babe....pi lah u enjoy ur bakes sana hehehez. Alhamdullilah rezeki masuk....budak2 dkt umah pun kenyang perut dpt mkn chiffon. Aiii pun dah lama tak buat chiffon. My chiffon ni kadang2 angin arh. Kadang naik, kadang2 dia merajuk.....menciiiii

    Gong Xi Fa Cai babe muahahhahaz :pppp

  5. waduh.. air lior dah meleleh... pos mai kl sket bleh? :D

  6. Plain-June,

    Alamak dah lap air lior ke tak ni hehehez?? Betol ke nak post to kl?? Meh cepat kasi address sementara stock masih ada ni ;)

  7. Anie
    semenjak ku kat sini dah bermacam macam recipe ku kumpul.. i will bookmark this ok and will gv this a try when i get back home.. sedap kan?? sure my kids suka one

    tks for the tip.. jari ku dah biasa melekat and dah biasa tersiat .. ouch!! akan ku guna kan nail polish remover si dak sonia lain kali

  8. Rima,

    Waahhhh u tgh holiday pun tak boleh nak lupakan oven, butter, sugar & eggs eh hehehez ;) This recipe I dah buat 3 hb dgn Jannah luvs it. I cannot mkn byk2 lah nanti semakin gems :ppp

    Enjoy ur Paris trip Rima....tak lama lagi dah nak balik sg. Nanti rindu2an ngan Europe weather & shopping.....
