Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kuih Keria (Sweet Potato Donut)

Weather for Te Awamutu today
Season :
Forecast :
Temp : 23°C | 20°C
Current :
Raining With High UV(7) Warning
Temp : 21°C

Did anyone miss the sheeps :D ??

Salam, Kia Ora...

How's everyone?  Enjoying the weekend?  I'm back again *grins* sorry that its been quiet from my end.  No Korean drama marathon this time but we went for a short trip as hb was on 1.5 weeks annual leave.  We planned to go to Kawhia beach for fishing yesterday but the weather finally packed up and decided to rain the whole day yesterday 

Back to reality today, back to slaving in front of the stove to cook dinner ahakkss :D  No more eating out, no more takeaways...booohooo.  Hmmzz but not complaining at this moment, the temperature is much cooler.  Just hope that we will not be affected by flood as its been raining non-stop the whole day with strong gust, insyaAllah.  Some parts of North Island are affected by floods  :(

Anyway, I had a few gold kumaras~~sweet potato stashed in the potatoes & onions basket for almost 2 weeks now.  When I took them out just now, a few roots were already growing...hehehez.  Before they turned into something else, I thought I should make some kuih keria.  There's 3 types of kumaras here : red, orange & gold.  I used the orange kumara before and they were not good :( I had to add tonnes of flour before I could shaped them.  They also turned out hard, ugly and irregular.  These gold kumaras are the best ;) the kuih keria turned out soft, well shaped and still taste sweet potato-y hehehez.

Source : Nasi Lemak Lover.  Thank u for sharing this recipe ;)

Ingredients (Makes 18 pcs)
250g sweet potato, cooked and mashed (I used 400g)
50g all purpose flour (I used 80g)
15g glutinous rice flour (I used 30g)
A pinch of salt
1tbsp water or adjust accordingly ( it depend on the type of sweet potato you use) (I did not add)

1. Combine all ingredients and knead till smooth dough.
2. Weight dough 30g each and shape it into small ball.
3. Flatten the ball, made a hole in the middle of the dough, and shape it like a donut shape (don’t need to use donut cutter).
4. Heat oil in a wok, deep fry sweet potato ring over medium flame till golden brown. Dish out and drain.

To coat Kuih Keria:-
1. In another clean pot, cook 1/3 cup sugar and 2tbsp water until syrupy and thick. Add fried sweet potato ring and coat well.
2. Serve warm with a cup of tea or coffee

Note: The above flour and water ingredients are just for your reference only, this is because different type of sweet potato have different texture of dough, you need to adjust the flour and water accordingly. Sometime I don’t need to add water but have to add more flour instead, personally I prefer the gold kumara aka sweet potato.

Thank you peeps, for dropping by my humble blog while I was away.  I will return the visits tonight after dinner, we are having homemade fresh fish and chips cooked by my personal naked chef...yummzz yummzz :D

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. sedappnya cucur keria...cantik la keria tu berposing...nmpk biri2 kt belakng tu...he..he,

  2. Tenkiu Mas ;) Si biri2 tu semua dah lama dah tunggu nak masuk frame hehehez.....

  3. wow! donut melayu makan menghadap greenery...heaven

    haven't had these for years

  4. Anie dear ,meh meh kita makan kuih keria dua orang meh heheheh kite pun keledek duk tergolek kat dlm esbok,kita pulak yg malas

  5. haaaaaaaaa.... sememangnyer aku rindu ngan kamben2 mu itew! kali nih ko bg keria tak??? muekekekee...

    `hana suker keria, klu boley hari2 hana mkn keria... hahahahaaa...poyo!~

  6. Noir,

    Thank u for visiting my blog ;)

    Alhamdullilah its heaven today bcos the weather isnt schorching hot. So, layan donut melayu lah sbb ada sweet potato yg dah tergolek2 :D

  7. Chik Mimi,

    I ada lagi 2 ketol keledek dok tergolek2....hmmmzz nak buat apa pun belom fikir lagi ni. Buat sweet potato soup pon sodap eh....hehehez

  8. Hana,

    Kamu nak mkn kuih keria hari2....ishhh muntah kang nanti sbb jelak. Aku tak mo lah mkn hari2 takot nanti sebulat2 kuih keria itewww ahhaakkkz :D

    Kuih keria ni enak banget deh...tak hingin ku nak share dgn si kamben2 itew semua. Dah habis dah dikerjakan ngan laki aku dgn si dak Jannah ni skali.....

  9. macamana drama tak? berapa kotak tisu habis..hihi

    wauu..bestnya makan keria di saksikan biri2...opps silap..
    bestnya makan keria sambil menyaksikan biri2.

  10. cantik betul kuih keria tu , bulat je. Kalau akak yg buat confirm senget benget

  11. Anie,
    Its my all time favorite brekkie in the opis! I would buy 2 pieces and munch while replying to emails.
    Bab nak sira tu i slalu fail..hehhee

  12. Kak Kasih,

    Best arh kak, sampai terlupa rumah tangga semua ahakkkss :D Setengah kotak tissue jer abis tu mata sampai bengkak2...menangis & tak cukup tido. Burukkan perangai....

    Keria dah abis tanpa disaksikan saper2 hehehez. Dorang dua beranak mkn sambil tutup mata lah kak.

  13. Kak Aidah,

    Tenkiu kak ;) kembang idung I...I bulat2kan dorang jadi bola dulu lepas tu penyekkan dorang sbb tu lah agaknya dia bulat2...hehehz

  14. Maya,

    I punya feveret is jemput2 pisang. But I like yg padat, bulat not the lembik2 ones...hehehz sbb tu lah I pon bulat mcm jemput2 pisang.

    I 1st time sira gula also fail, this time alhamdullilah menjadi plak...happpiiieee :)

  15. Anie
    Kita nih penggemar jemput2 pisang bersiri kekdahnya, heheh.

    Mcm Maya, I pun fail bab menyira tapi pernah sira guna gula melaka, yummy still. My son refers to kueh keria as donat Melayu rona coklat. Suka ati dia aje kasi nama baru.

    P/S: Yesss I miss those sheeps *sambil lompat2 angkat tangan*

  16. yiiihaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! anie is back!! with kuih keria somemore!! pos mai sini skett boleh? both my hubby & me sgt suka itu keria :) we like it more than donuts.. btw, suka betul pemandangan mengadap kambing2 putih gebu tu & the green background.. rasanya power spec ni boleh reduce manyak kalau dok lelama kat situ :p

  17. Somuffins,

    Bersiri as in serial as in serial killer ahakkzz :D Walaupun I penggemar setia itew JJ pisang, dah lama I tak buat....takut tak laku, nanti kena mkn sowang2 and gemuk also sowang2 hehehez.

    This time, I menyira dgn jayanya..alhamdullilah. Last time pun fail jugak boohooo tapi I tak pernah try dgn gula gak idea tu.

    Nanti I suruh si sheeps tu semua say hi to u ok Cik Som ;)

  18. Plain-June,

    Hehehehez...tu arh bulan Jan ni asik missing in action ajer eh.

    Kalau u dkt dgn I jgn ckp post I campak ajer dah sampai. By the time I post dah ada extra ingredients like mould and whats not ahakkksss iewwww tak selera kan? :ppp

    I dunno abt boleh reduce specs power I rasa I mcm makin buta gitu. Nak kena increase my degrees arh...hehehez

  19. Babe

    alamak..tertinggal keretapi lah....ada myk buzy weekend semalam..
    i nak mintak donut keria ni dah abis ker??kalo ada yg frozen pong orite gak kan, leh ai tambah khazanah dalam my magic freezer tu ;)

  20. babe..

    rindu seyh.. lama tak jenguk.. ingat u dok tegheyak sakan lagi.. mujoq dah habis.. hahha

    by this time, i'm sure keria tu semua dah habis.. tak pe.. since i mai ujung2 nih.. u tapaw kat i lima ekoq kambing.. buleh? nak buat koban, nak buat akikah, nak masak.. nak bela dua ekoq.. aci? :)))

  21. Yat,

    BZ shopping menyoping tak for ur cheerer-upper during the w/end hehehez ;)

    Anyway babe, sedikit left over pun tak tinggal dah. Semua kita orang dah cekik semalam. Takde sebijik pun I simpan dlm freezer I yg tak berapa nak magic itew ahakkkss

  22. Hann,

    Windu sewindu windunya dkt u babe. U pun sonyap jor :) bz sakan ke?? Tegheyak tu aper ke benda arh...hahahaz

    Dah abis dah si keria tu kita semua kerjakan smalam. Boleh2 ekoq kambing ajakan yg u nak...hehehez nanti I usahakan eh :D
