Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Steamed Eggs

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Partly Cloudy
Temp : 27°C | 11°C
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Dry & Partly Cloudy
Temp : 16.3°C

Salam, Kia Ora........

I was given a set of ramekins by one of the expat Singaporean auntie for my house warming almost 2 yrs ago.  And within that 2 yrs, we have moved twice, same city but different suburb.  We have to make the move bcos this current house is nearer to hb's work place.  It only takes him 10 mins to reach his work place now compared to almost an hr last time and we also saved some money on fuel cost.

Finally, today, I officially opened the sealed box.  I didn't even open the box before to have a look at the ramekins....hahahaz what a terrible person I am.  Actually, I didn't want to open up the box and look at them bcos I hate putting them back into the box.  I like to keep my things back into boxes.  Whatever platters or warmers that I bought that comes in boxes will be kept in the boxes again after use.  It takes up a little bit more room in our small sized kitchen cupboards, but I like it this way bcos my cupboards are more organised.  It's not that I've many anyway......

Last night, I've already planned what I was gonna do with the balance of the egg whites, this is what I come up with.  My own 'gasak buta' (meaning my own way, my own style...hahahaz correct me if I'm wrong) recipe.  Steamed eggs are better known as Chawan Mushi in Japanese restaurant.  This is almost like Chawan Mushi but without the Japanese ingredients like dashi, mirin, sake, etc, etc....It has my malay touch.  I fusioned the recipe hehehez ;)  I think too much egg whites makes the dish not look custardy thou.....mmmmzzz

You can always changed the numbers of eggs and water/stock.  The ratio of egg to water/stock is 1:3.  That means 1 part of egg to 3 parts of water/stock.

Ingredients  (Yield : 4 ramekins)
  • 1 Cup Eggs (I used 1 egg plus slightly less than 3/4 cups of egg whites)
  • 3 Cups Stock or you can use an Ikan Bilis or Chicken cube stock dissolve it in a little hot water and add 3 cups of water. 
  • 1 Tsp Light Soy Sauce
  • A Dash Of Pepper
  • Salt If Required

It's really up to you what u want to fill in this egg or you just make a plain one.  It can be......
  • - Diced Chicken
  • - Prawns
  • - Crab Sticks
  • - Mushrooms
  • - Carrots for garnishing (To be blanched in hot water)
  • - Fish Fillets.....and many more. 
Just marinate them with a dash of light soy sauce and pepper.  For this recipe, I've used prawns, crabsticks and carrots.
  • Place fillings in a heat resistant ramekins or coffee cups until about half filled
  • In a bowl, beat eggs lightly, add in stock, soy sauce, pepper and salt if required.  Mix well.
  • Strain the seasoned mixture.
  • Divide the mixture into 4 ramekins/cups
  • Cover each ramekin/cup with plastic wrap or foil and set in a hot steamer. Cover steamer and steam over medium heat for 20 minutes, or place foil-covered cups in a bain-marie and cook in a preheated 425° F/ 220° C oven for 30 minutes.
  • The egg is done when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. The custard should be set but still jiggle freely.
  • Garnish with carrots or spring onions or whatever you fancy......
  • I like to have mine with extra soy sauce when they are done, that's why I didn't add any salt.
Like the way I shaped my carrots.....hahahaz cutie, cutie aye??   Righty-ho, sweet dreams everyone.....ZZZZzzzzz
Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. Anie

    Yes, I like that cutie carrots... For sure that's to entice your daughter to eat, isnt it? hehe..

    Steamed eggs tu you makan gitu aje kan? Kenyang tahan lama tak?

  2. Somuffins,

    My daughter mmg hantu carrot...tak yah shape gitu-gitu pun dia makan hehehez. Ni saja2 jer nak buat presentation. Steam eggs tu I makan gitu jer with extra kicap....tapi ada lah main dish kalau mkn telur gitu ajer tak cukup pasal mangkuk tu sizenya kecik ;)

  3. salam, steamed egg..ooh something new to me. thanks for the idea..cam u jgk lah Anie bought ramekins but never make good use of it.
