Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Devil's Food Cake

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Salam, Kia Ora......

Woke up yesterday morning, turned my lappy on and......siggghhhh there was a blue screen indicating system has shut down :( Tried to restart a million times and nothing happened.  I am a pc idiot and know nothing abt rebooting or restarting the system.  I waited patiently for hubby to wake up yesterday and as soon as he opened the bedroom door, I said to him "The lappy died!!!" showing him my pitiful face.  Without any hesitation, he said "Go get u a new one."  Yiiipppiiiieee I was so happy when he said that...making sure that he was fully awake and not groggy, I repeated the answer....hehehez :D

So, yesterday, hubby bought me a new netbook.  I chose the cheapest one...how humble am I *coughs* *coughs*.  It's an Emachine brand and only cost NZD $398 with $39 cash back.  Hubby did asked me if I wanted to get the Acer one that almost cost $600.  I told him that I'm unwilling to pay more than $500 for a netbook (even thou its not me who's paying...hehehz) bcos I can get a notebook for that price.  Anyway, I'm happy with this little beauty, tks hubby ;)  My fat fingers just need some time to adjust to the small keyboard....hahahaz  It took me almost 5 times just to key in my password to log in to my blog....LOL!!!  So many typo errors @_@ and I need to get use editing photos too.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all Muslims all around the world.  I baked this cake today, to thank hubby for his kind gesture as well as a paying my debt of owing him a cake....hehehez :D  Furthermore, I've already prepared the ganache last Saturday.  Doesn't want the ganache to turn mouldy in the fridge :).  Actually, I planned to make the triple choco caramel cake but as the recipe calls for 10 eggs, I changed my mind.  Whoooaaa I still haven't shake off the excess cholesterol from the last layer cake....hahahaz.  How ironic is it to bake a devil's food cake when tomorrow is Eidul Adha....^_^ 

Haiizz....poor lighting & no where near a cake that was decorated professionally....hehehz.  I tried to touch up a few spots on the ganache which Jannah has stuck her paws on. :D

Source : Ayu S'pore   Tks Ayu for sharing this recipe ;)

Ingredients:- I doubled the recipe for the cake.
1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
3/4 tsp bicarbonate soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup granulated sugar- I used 3/4 cup for the whole cake.
1/2 brown sugar- I used 3/4 cup for the whole cake.
65g butter
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract - I took the bottle out, placed tsp beside it and forget to add it in the end *slaps forehead* haiiizzzz
1/4 cup buttermilk- (homemade 1 cup milk added with 1 tbsp distilled vinegar leave to rest for about 20 minutes, but use 1/4 cup only ya for this recipe) - I used lemon juice instead of vinegar.
1/2 cup warm water

Set your oven at 170C
Prepare your cake tins.
Sieve flour, cocoa powder, bicarbonate soda, salt, and set aside.
Beat butter with sugars until light and fluffy, add eggs.
When all well incorporated add the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa powder etc) and alternate with liquid ingredients (buttermilk + warm water) in three portions, last incorporate the vanilla extract.
Bake for about 30 minutes or until just cooked. I baked mine for 45mins.

Cream Cheese Frosting-(I made 1/2 the amount)
250g Philadelphia cheese
125 butter
1 cup icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
juice of a squeezed slice of lemon (I did not add)
Beat the cheese and butter, just until creamy, add the icing sugar, vanilla and lemon juice.Chocolate Ganache-(make 1/2 the amount next time)
200ml double cream with at least 30% fat content-I used fresh cream
250g dark chocolate, chopped finely
a pinch of salt
In a double boiler, warm the cream until just at boiling point, add the chocolate & salt and stir. When all the chocolate has melted, remove for heat and continue stirring until all well mixed.
Let the cake cool completely, spread the cream cheese frosting and pour the ganache on top
Sources:-From cupcakeschek.blogspot.com

Enjoy the celebrations tomorrow people....take care ;)

Me Te Aroha...With Love,
Anie ;)


  1. Nevermind abt the devil dear..nanti lepas mangrib dia kena sembelih..err actually kambing yg kena kan tmr??haha..

    thats a fabulous cake, me like even tho baru jer makan kemarin..baru jer nampak yr steamed zebra pandan cake..let me skodeng first, aite..

  2. Babe,

    U mmg slalu buat I ketawa golek2 arh...hehehz.

    DFC ni my hb's kinda cake. I makan tapi ok2 jer lah....but that zebra pandan cake yuummzz my favourite u. Hb plak tak hingin cake cam gitu :) I syorkan u try, cfm tak nyesal...hehehez, cuma kurangkan gula lagi sikit...a tad too sweet for me.
